Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 676 Public Execution

"What do you mean? Why did their Duma bypass the Ministry of Internal Affairs and directly call our city bureau to hold a consultation meeting?"

After receiving the notice from the Duma, the official looked confused.

He had never experienced anything like this before, and he didn't understand whether such a consultation meeting followed the procedures.

The other deputy bureaus don't understand either and can't give any advice at all.

Only Flamir knew that Wang Ye had already started to take action!

When the official called his superiors at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for consultation, he was told directly that the Duma had this power.

In the constitution, it is clearly stipulated that the Duma has the right to supervise all government departments!

It is true that there were not many similar consultation meetings in the past, but that does not mean that the Duma does not have the power to do so.

Haven't you seen the old American Congress calling this department and calling that big company to come over for questioning all day long? In fact, the nature is the same!

When the Duma uses this power, let alone the Moscow City Bureau, even the Ministry of Internal Affairs must obediently accept the "interrogation"!

Of course, a meeting is a meeting. The Duma should not have the power to directly remove municipal bureau leaders from their posts. They can only make suggestions to the government...

After figuring this out, I felt a little relieved.

He and Korokoli, the boss of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, belong to the same faction. Although the relationship between the two is not particularly close, for the sake of the faction, Korokoli should protect himself.

It is estimated that the Duma side just called themselves over to "humiliate" them just to vent their anger, and there would be no real harm.

Hey, whoever offended Mikhail on his side, just bear with this tone.

It’s a face to the Duma!

But Goodlaf didn't know what he would face...


“Because of the rampant behavior of police officers, the willingness of foreign investors to invest has dropped significantly.

After on-the-spot investigation and evidence collection, I collected nearly 500 questionnaires. The survey targets included foreign businessmen, representatives of foreign companies, and international students doing business in Moscow.

More than 90% of them said they were most dissatisfied with the police officers here!

When personal safety cannot be fully guaranteed, and they even face extortion by police officers, they will basically not consider increasing investment here.

International students even said that after they graduate, they will not consider staying and working at all..."

At a consultation meeting held by the Duma on the Moscow Police Department, a member of the Economic Committee stood on the rostrum and said in an exciting tone.

This is a member of the third faction and the councilor closest to Wang Ye.

This time, under Wang Ye's instruction, he acted as the person who "fired" at the Moscow Police Station!

To be honest, all the Duma deputies present are aware of the dirty things going on at the grassroots level of the police system!

It's just that everyone didn't bother to pay attention to it before. Anyway, these bad things don't hinder them, and they can't fall on them.

As we all know, the budget of the police system is very tight, and the salaries of police officers are also very low. In the final analysis, it is all because of poverty!

Therefore, most congressmen even have some understanding of grassroots police officers...

However, when everyone learned that these seemingly inconspicuous things could have such a bad impact, they became a little bit unable to sit still.

They all condemned the police system!

"It's really heartbreaking! The police system obviously exists to protect people's safety and create a safe business environment. How could it be like this now? Foreign businessmen dare not come because they are worried about being blackmailed by police officers. Moscow!"

"It's such outrageous behavior! It's so outrageous! It must be rectified immediately, otherwise, next year's budget for the police system will be cut off, and they don't expect any salary anyway."

"Has someone come from the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Is this situation common across the country, or is it only in Moscow?"

"It must be punished severely! No wonder we have hardly attracted any foreign investment in recent years. This is the original reason..."...


Goodlaf stood in an open space under the rostrum, with only a small podium in front of him, like a prisoner standing in a court for interrogation.

He felt uncomfortable listening to the speeches of the congressmen.

I knew it would be uncomfortable to come here today, but I didn’t expect it to be so uncomfortable!

Several deputy bureau chiefs also came together, but they were not the "protagonists", so they didn't have to stand in the middle of the venue and accept everyone's interrogation like him.

The thick stack of so-called questionnaires that the committee member took out made Gudllov very surprised and also wary.

Because this kind of thing may seem inconspicuous, but in fact it is still very "lethal"!

Especially the Duma side talks a lot about the impact on the economic environment and raises the level of things infinitely higher!

The Russian national economy has not been doing well in recent years. Ultimately, it is because the grassroots police officers in Moscow asked foreigners for hundreds of rubles...

Goodlaf wanted to say that this was the most ridiculous thing in the world!

It is obvious that you, the superior Duma deputies, especially the members of the Economic Committee, are incompetent.

We have no ability to reverse the difficult situation of the country's economy, but now we are looking for our police officers as scapegoats?

But unfortunately, he had no right to speak here, because Deputy Speaker Mikhail, who presided over the meeting, did not give him a chance to speak at all!

By this time, Goodruff was already feeling a little regretful.

I still underestimated the young deputy speaker. If I had known about today's scene, I should have been more cautious in the past two days.

You should come forward in person, apologize to him, and provide a more sincere rectification plan.

Unfortunately, it seems to be too late now.


Wang Ye called Goodluff over, of course not to ask him to explain anything.

Just want to "publicly execute" him!

The questionnaires I asked people to collect are definitely the results of genuine "foreigners".

This may be difficult for others, but for Wang Ye, it is not too easy.

Don’t forget, which place in Moscow has the highest concentration of foreign businessmen?

There is no doubt that it must be several large wholesale markets!

With just one phone call, Wang Ye casually asked people to collect hundreds of questionnaires from foreign businessmen in the market, and some of them were international students working in the market.

The survey sample is very complete.

As for the Moscow police officers, these people have long been filled with resentment.

Although there have been great improvements around the big market, there has been no improvement in other places. These foreign businessmen who usually go shopping are still wary.

Now that I have the opportunity, I will naturally express my anger in the questionnaire...

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