Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 702: He made a fool of himself

Wang Ye did not make a "sneak attack" on the issue of raising taxes. Before coming, he asked Rosiana to make the family angry.

Sure enough, when Wang Ye mentioned this matter, Constantine nodded calmly.

He turned his head and said: "You all go down, Speaker Mikhail and I will have a chat alone."

Everyone, including Rosiana and her parents, retreated, leaving only Wang Ye and Constantine sitting in the huge living room.

Constantine did not speak in a hurry, but stood up and took out a small cigar box, opened the box, took out two thick cigars, handed one to Wang Ye and one to himself.

Obviously, he knew something about Wang Ye. He knew that Wang Ye smoked and occasionally smoked cigars.

Wang Ye was not polite either. The two of them cut their cigars, lit them and started smoking.

After taking a few puffs, Constantine took a long breath and said: "In principle, I agree with this taxation plan. After all, the additional tax is also used to increase the fertility rate, which is of great benefit to the country. "

Wang Ye knew that he would definitely have something to say later, so he didn't rush to reply.

After a pause, Constantine continued: "However, I can't agree to this simply.

Because this will set a very bad precedent. If I agree easily this time, then if the country is short of money in some aspects, will taxes be increased again?

Over and over again, it is easy to increase taxes, but it is difficult to lower them again.

Misha, you are also a business owner and understand how difficult it is for a large group company to maintain good operations.

Maybe the company has made a lot of money in the past few years, but will it still be able to make that much money in a few years?

Moreover, our communications industry is very different from your energy industry.

Everyone knows that in the energy industry, after the initial investment, the rest is like a money printing machine, making money with your eyes closed.

Whether you earn more or less depends only on the trend of national oil prices.

But the communications industry is not so happy. This industry looks very profitable on the surface, but the investment is huge!

It still requires continued investment.

In recent years, communications and networks have developed rapidly, and technology iterations have also been rapid.

As a communications company, we need to frequently upgrade supporting hardware facilities. Every update is a very large investment.

Moreover, these investments are required every few years, especially when there is a major upgrade, which almost requires replacing the entire basic hardware.

All the money I earned was spent on this..."

Constantine talked a lot, and Wang Ye also listened carefully.

It cannot be denied that what Constantine said is true. In terms of the ease of making money, the communications industry is indeed not as good as the energy industry.

But Wang Ye also knew that in fact Constantine had exaggerated. Otherwise, why would the communications industry in every country be a giant company, and very profitable.

In the final analysis, Constantine just wanted to provide some exchange conditions.

He was not willing to spend money in vain. As he said, this precedent cannot be set lightly.

Otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

This time, Wang Ye and the others came up with a plan to promote the fertility rate. They needed money, so they turned to these big companies to "beg for help" and levy a wave of taxes.

Then tomorrow, if other departments or congressmen come up with a new plan, it will be a great thing for the country and the people, but it will be useless. Can we also ask these companies to levy another round of taxes?

Over and over again, no matter how much money I make, I still can’t bear the hassle...

So Constantine had to take the shelf.

Give, but not completely!


At the end, Constantine stared at Wang Ye and said in a serious tone: "The reason why I agreed to impose additional tariffs this time is because of your face. If Gryzlov was the one who initiated this matter, then I would not do it at all." Won't consider it!

However, I support your work, and accordingly, I have to give something in return. "

Wang Ye asked calmly: "Thank you Mr. Constantine for your support of my work. What kind of reward do you want in return? You might as well tell me directly."

Constantine suddenly had a smile on his face, "As far as I know, Gazprom has a plan to expand its shares and raise capital within this year. How about we invest together and buy shares in Gazprom?"

Wang Ye was stunned, he didn't even know about this!

But it's normal to think about it. After all, the Constantine family has direct access to the Kremlin. It's not surprising that he knows about anything that hasn't been announced before he does.

But there's something wrong with this, isn't it? Gazprom is a giant in the natural gas field and very rich!

What's the reason for it to expand its shares and raise funds? It's not short of money.

Perhaps seeing Wang Ye's surprise, Constantine explained: "This matter is still brewing, because Gazprom Group's current shareholding proportion is too much state-owned assets. So some people have raised objections , believes that the proportion of state-owned holdings should be diluted so that our economic liberalization can be reflected and more in line with international standards."

There was a bit of sarcasm in his tone, and he was obviously a bit disdainful of this statement.

But again, he supports it.

Otherwise, how could he have the opportunity to invest in Gazprom!

Everyone knows that as long as you can invest in such a giant energy company, there is no need to consider the rate of return at all!

It’s impossible not to make money!

Not to mention losing money, that doesn’t exist.

The reason why Wang Ye was roped in is that the battle for equity this time should be quite fierce.

Just relying on the Constantine family and their little friendship with the Kremlin is not enough.

But if Wang Ye, a hot new political star, can be roped in, the chances of winning will be much greater.

What he values ​​​​is not Wang Ye's title of deputy speaker, but the director of the Economic Committee!

If Gazprom wants to expand its shares, raise funds or restructure its equity, it must go through the Duma, especially the Economic Committee, which will play a huge role.

It can be said that if the new shareholders are not in line with Wang Ye's interests, then he is fully capable of vetoing the group's share expansion financing plan.


After Wang Ye figured out the link, he had to be convinced that Constantine, an old fox, was really shrewd in his calculations.

First, sell yourself on taxes to save face and do favors.

Then he immediately pulled himself to buy shares in Gazprom Group, using his influence to make sure that he could successfully invest in the shares.

After becoming a shareholder of Gazprom, the annual dividends will be a large amount.

It is estimated that it will not only make up for the additional taxes levied, but also provide some relief...

Here and there, he made a lot of money.

However, this matter is not a bad thing for Wang Ye, and he is also happy to see it work out.

To be honest, Wang Ye would not have participated in Gazprom's share expansion and financing without Constantine taking the lead.

He is afraid of getting into trouble!

It’s almost September, please give me a guaranteed monthly pass.

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