Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 743 Awe-inspiring

"...Waiting for the largest shareholder or chairman of the group company."

At the end of the sentence, Katya emphasized.

In fact, she also missed some companies, mainly because Wang Ye currently owns too many industries.

Even people like Katya sometimes accidentally miss a few companies that are not that big.

David Dein was dumbfounded, even though he had never heard of some companies.

But there are some companies that he is familiar with, and there are some companies that he has never heard of, but just by hearing some of the company names, he can feel that they are definitely not small companies.

Among them, Yukos Group should be the one he is most familiar with.

It’s not that he has any dealings with Yukos Group or has any business dealings.

But Yukos Group is one of the largest energy companies in the world. Anyone who has paid a little attention to the energy market or financial business will have heard the name of this company!

In addition, names such as "Russian Automobile Group", "United Airlines", "Siberian Gold", etc., either start with the name of a country or place, or are in heavy investment industries such as the aviation industry, so they are definitely not some leather goods companies.

What's even more outrageous is that this young man who looks to be in his early twenties is actually the major shareholder or even the chairman of these large companies!

Let’s not mention other companies for now, let’s just talk about Yukos Group, the major shareholder of this company, how much is it worth...

No wonder Mr. Abu said at the time that this investor’s net worth was not inferior to his!

Before David Dein could come to his senses, Katya added, "Oh, our boss actually doesn't care much about business matters anymore. He mainly focuses on the Duma. After all, he still serves as Deputy Speaker of the Duma and Chairman of the Economic Committee.”

David Dein was completely dumbfounded.

He knows what kind of institution the State Duma is. In Britain, it is the Parliament!

The British Parliament has almost unlimited power, and even the Prime Minister has to give in most of the time if there is any conflict with Parliament.

As for the "Director of the Economic Committee", it can be imagined that it is equivalent to a special department in the British Parliament and has great real power.

Does the young man in front of me, who looks like he is in his early twenties, already hold such a prominent position?

The world has changed too much, am I falling behind...

David Dane did not suspect that Katya was deceiving him. After all, it was impossible to deceive others about such things. It was easy to go back and verify it himself.

The reason why he didn't do any homework before coming here was because Abu didn't tell himself who was investing.

Otherwise, I would not show my cowardice at this time.


He swallowed and said in awe, "I am rude, your Excellency Speaker Mikhail!"

Wang Ye smiled and waved his hand, "Just be casual. Now I am here to talk to you as an investor who loves football. It has nothing to do with my official status."

Hearing what Wang Ye said, David Dane breathed a sigh of relief.

Indeed, Wang Ye’s series of titles are so bluffing!

As for Wang Ye's strength, he no longer needs to ask. There is no doubt that if the young man in front of him buys a stake in Arsenal, it will basically mean that Arsenal owns the richest football club in the world. Boss, no one else!

Just being the chairman of Yukos Group is enough to prove his financial strength!

Thinking of this, David Dein became excited. It seemed that he had come to the right place this time. Arsenal Club would usher in a historic turn of events.

He secretly decided that as long as Wang Ye was willing to invest in Arsenal and continue to invest in building a wealthy club in the future, instead of thinking about making money from the club, then he would accept it even if the share transfer price was lower.

"Then, let me first introduce the situation of Arsenal to Mr. Mikhail, including the composition of shareholders. These should be helpful to your acquisition of Arsenal." David Dein said sincerely.

Wang Ye nodded and motioned for him to speak directly.

David Dein sorted out his thoughts and began to preach to Wang Ye: "To be honest, although Arsenal Club looks good at the moment, it is actually full of hidden dangers. This is why I want to transfer my shares and want to introduce a player with the capabilities Large shareholders with strong financial resources.

Because of Arsenal’s current situation, only by adding a large amount of funds can we quickly solve the problem and get this great club back on track..."

Wang Ye nodded slightly while listening. It seemed that David Dane was still very sincere, and some of the situations he mentioned were not accessible to outsiders.

Moreover, these things will not only not increase Arsenal's transfer price, but will also give people reasons to lower the acquisition price...

This David Dein really only thinks about the future of the club and doesn't care about his own interests.

At the end, David Dein looked at Wang Ye expectantly and said:

“It is not difficult to acquire the entire club’s shares, because as far as I know, most shareholders are not optimistic about the club’s future and intend to transfer their shares.

If the acquisition capital has a budget of 1.5 billion pounds, at least 90% of the club's shares can be obtained, and then the club can be privatized.

However, the club still owes a bank loan of 50 million pounds to build a new stadium, which needs to be repaid.

In addition, this season is about to end. If you want to strengthen the team next season, you will need to carry out certain signings, which will also require some funds.

However, the overall strength of the club's lineup is still good, and there is no need for a large number of signings, so the transfer funds do not need to be too much. One or two million pounds is enough.

So, overall, if you want to take over the entire club, resolve the club's loans, and strengthen the team, the total budget will be about 220 million pounds! "

Two hundred and twenty million pounds can solve all the club's problems!

As for the club's daily revenue, the money is enough to pay the salaries of the club's players and staff, as well as the daily maintenance costs of the stadium.


After listening, Wang Ye was a little surprised, because if the acquisition of club shares is not included, Arsenal Club's so-called financial problem is actually not big. The stadium loan and transfer funds add up to only 70 to 80 million pounds.

Could it be that the current club shareholders can’t come up with such a small amount of money?

According to David Dein, Arsenal currently has a lot of shareholders, a dozen or so, including some wealthy British people.

Do you have a hidden agenda...

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