Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 756 There is trouble at home

Wang Ye naturally didn't know what happened in the palace.

Gebrev would not talk to him about such a thing, because it did not involve the royal family.

Although Kovchenko and Wang Ye are uncles and nephews, from the perspective of the Kremlin, this uncle-nephew relationship is not important and not reliable.

If it was a year ago, Wang Ye might not have been considered at all. If he really wanted to deal with Kovchenko, Wang Ye would be "handled" by the way.

But now, Wang Ye's weight is obviously much "heavier" than Hovchenko!

The Kremlin unknowingly treated Kovchenko and Wang Ye separately. As long as Wang Ye doesn't get confused and stands on the opposite side of the Kremlin, there will basically be no trouble for him.

In any case, Wang Ye is now a prominent and influential figure.

Putting aside his various positions, the things he did were still highly appreciated by the Kremlin.

Puding once said, "This young man Misha is the hope of the future of Russian politics"!

This kind of evaluation can be described as a huge compliment...


Wang Ye, the "hope for the future," has been busy dealing with family matters these days.

It is said that it is difficult for an upright official to interrupt household affairs, and Wang Ye is certainly no exception.

What's more, none of the family members knew Wang Ye's true situation. They always thought that he was just doing business in Moscow, but his business was doing well and quite profitable.

The "big boss" with a net worth of tens of millions!

Dad also received Wang Ye’s help and “support” to acquire the flour improver factory in the county, and suddenly transformed from a frustrated little civil servant to the boss of the largest company in the county!

It can be said that the spring breeze is proud of the horse's hoof disease.

It's a small place, and with such a "capable" family, there will naturally be some trouble.

For example, old family members, various relatives and friends "play the autumn breeze".

A few days ago, several people from my hometown village came to my home.

Speaking of which, Wang Ye’s father was also the first college student to graduate from the village!

Oh, strictly speaking, I am just a junior college student, not a real undergraduate.

But in that era, college students were quite impressive. Don’t forget, this was the 1980s.

So Wang Ye's father also got a job in the public service after graduation. Although he didn't become a big official, he still had a part-time official position. He lived a pretty good life in a small place.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to send Wang Ye to study abroad.

Over the years, Wang Ye's father has actually helped his family with some things. For example, if the children of his seventh aunt and eighth aunt's family had high school diplomas, he would try his best to find jobs.

Of course, given Wang Ye's father's position and energy, the jobs arranged were not considered good ones. They were all grassroots or county company employees, and many of them didn't even have that kind of establishment.

But this is quite remarkable. Every time I go back to my hometown, I am very welcome.

Even if I only go back to my hometown once or twice a year, it still has prestige.

In the past, when relatives from my hometown came over, they usually went to Wang Ye's father to do things, and rarely borrowed money, because everyone knew that a man like Wang Ye's father, who was neither greedy nor greedy, would not have much money on his salary alone. many.

So usually everyone is too embarrassed to ask for a loan, unless there is a really urgent situation, such as an elderly person in the family being sick or a child going to school, then Wang Ye's father will help more or less.

Moreover, everyone knows that the money lent will basically never be repaid...


During the Chinese New Year last year, Wang Ye did not return to China, but his father and mother did go back to their hometown.

People feel good when happy events happen, and they also bought a new car, so when they returned home, everyone in the village knew that Lao Wang’s family had become rich!

He drives a big Audi worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and is said to be the boss of a big company...

In addition, Wang Ye’s father also has a generous character. During the Chinese New Year in his hometown last year, he gave lucky money to the juniors in the village, and the total amount was one thousand yuan!

This made everyone understand that Lao Wang's family was indeed rich, which was different.

People are afraid of being famous just as pigs are afraid of being strong. Since the Chinese New Year, many people from my hometown have come to visit relatives one after another.

The purpose of coming is basically the same, that is to borrow money...

The reasons vary. Some of them are that their families want to build a new house and they don’t have enough money. After thinking about it, Wang Ye’s father has money, so he should come over and borrow some.

Some families are getting married and cannot come up with the bride price. This is a major event in life, so you should help no matter what.

And some want to do business and have no capital...

Anyway, there were all kinds of weird reasons. At first, Wang Ye's father was quite patient. After listening to his family's complaints, although he didn't respond to requests, he was close enough to help.

Ten thousand, twenty thousand, twenty thousand or thirty thousand were given directly without asking for an IOU. We didn’t have that habit in my hometown.

But as a result, more and more people came. At first, they were still a little related to each other, and Wang Ye’s father couldn’t help but keep the reputation.

But later, many people from the same village who were not related to each other and had never interacted with each other before came to borrow money.

And as soon as they opened their mouths, they were asking for one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand, and each one had a bigger appetite than the last.

Then Wang Ye's father couldn't hold on anymore. No matter how rich he was, he couldn't bear such "waste".

Besides, Wang Ye invested in his company. After all, the money belongs to his son, not even his own.

If I corrupt the company, how will I face my son in the future?

So, he called Wang Ye, told him about the matter, and asked for Wang Ye's opinion.


After listening to this, Wang Ye felt that one was as big as the other.

In fact, he really wanted to say, just borrow it, how much money can you use!

But Wang Ye also understands that people's desires are endless, and now perhaps tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands can send people away.

But if they are still not satisfied, in the future, when it comes to asking for millions or more, their father will still wonder whether he will borrow it.

If I still borrow it, no amount of money can support such a squandering.

If you don't borrow it, your benefactor will become your enemy.

It's not like he doesn't understand the principle of favor and hatred.

"Hey, it's all my fault. I should have gritted my teeth from the beginning and didn't borrow any money. It's easy to find excuses. Just say that the company is not mine, it's a foreign investment, and they just asked me to be the general manager. Unfortunately, I didn't think so at the time. So soft, I just borrowed a few, and then the situation completely got out of control..." Dad was also full of chagrin and regretful.

Wang Ye cannot ignore his own family affairs, no matter how small they are.

Therefore, his head, which is always thinking about national affairs and billions of dollars of business, has to turn around.

Think about what to do to solve the troubles at home once and for all...

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