Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 765 Oligarchs invade England (3)

"The oil oligarchs with tens of billions of dollars came to the British Peninsula from cold Moscow.

They waved the checks in their hands and acquired Arsenal and Chelsea, two clubs that the British people are proud of.

Huge transfer fees will also be spent to bring in one world-class superstar after another!

So, is this a blessing or a misfortune?

Now, I am afraid it is difficult for us to make a conclusion.

Perhaps this is a good thing for fans of the two clubs. After all, their beloved clubs have strong financial backing, and they can also see more superstars performing wonderful games for them one after another.

But what about other clubs in the Premier League?

I'm afraid they won't be happy anymore!

In a year or two, we may be surprised to find that the original Premier League structure has already been changed.

Arsenal and Chelsea compete for the championship and runner-up, while other teams can only compete for third place!

Even the entire world of professional football will be profoundly affected. From then on, professional football has entered the Jinyuan era..."

This was roughly the content of Helen's front-page headline in The Times.

As a professional habit, she gave the news a gimmicky title, but the content was still relatively objective and true.

Even some of the predictions in it are very accurate.

Perhaps at this time, many people in the football circle are still confused about Wang Ye and Abramovich's reaction to the acquisition of the Premier League club, and have completely failed to realize what kind of impact this will have on them.

But Helen has been keenly aware of it and made a bold judgment, that is, world football will enter the "Golden Yuan Era"!

From now on, emerging giants like Arsenal and Chelsea will rely on the almost "infinite" financial resources of their bosses to build a luxurious team with superstars even on the bench.

Sweeping the league...

Sweeping the Champions League...

Other teams can only watch helplessly as these wealthy clubs easily take away championship trophies one after another.

The only thing they can do is to sell the superstar "embryo" they have worked so hard to cultivate at a good price...

And it's really hard to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

For fans, especially Arsenal and Chelsea fans, this is of course a great thing!

Because the club they love will soon become a real giant, and it will still be the kind that wins the championship and gets soft.

Any player on the team is a world-class star.

Isn’t this what every football fan dreams of?


Other major news media also made their own reports.

The sensation caused by this incident has actually exceeded Abu and Wang Ye's expectations.

In just one day, not only the football circle, but also people from all walks of life, the attention was attracted by this acquisition.

Because the heat is too high.

At that time, there was no such thing as "taking advantage of the popularity", but in fact the nature was the same.

Especially in Europe, where football ranks first among all sports, the level of attention is unusually high.

The first people to jump out and comment on this matter were of course the professionals in the British football circle.

The head coaches of various Premier League clubs were surrounded by reporters asking them what they thought of the acquisition.

Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson expressed his views very bluntly.

"What do I think?

In my opinion, this is not a good thing.

Football competition was originally a very pure thing, but after the intervention of oligarch capital, its nature began to change.

These oligarchs rely on their own money to do whatever they want and make professional football a mess!

The originally good competitive atmosphere has been completely destroyed, which is not a good thing for the development of professional football in the long run..."

Apparently, Ferguson had some opinions.

It may also be because of such a wealthy owner, but it's a pity that he is not from Manchester United!

From Ferguson's point of view, there is certainly reason to object.

Because Manchester United has been dominating the Premier League in recent years and is arrogant!

But because the two oligarchs joined hands to enter the Premier League, Manchester United's future may not be so easy.

That's it for Chelsea. Ferguson knew that even if a large amount of money was injected, it would still take a period of time for a mid-to-lower team to become stronger.

At least for two or three years, Chelsea may not have the strength to compete with Manchester United for the championship!

But Arsenal is different.

Arsenal was originally a strong team in the Premier League, and there was a high-level head coach like Wenger, but due to the club's poor financial situation, it always fell short.

Now that we have such a wealthy owner, if we add a few superstars, it will not be difficult at all to surpass Manchester United!

So he felt a little sour in his heart. He was just jealous of Wenger's good luck.


Some people are against it, and some people are in favor of it.

Several Premier League head coaches said in front of reporters that having more capital to enter the Premier League is definitely a good thing.

The Premier League clubs themselves are the product of commercialization, and the Premier League is also a commercial league.

Naturally, it is a business behavior, so of course the more capital comes in, the better.

Because these large capitals can provide players with higher salaries, build better club facilities, continue to expand the influence of the league, and make the Premier League more competitive!

You know, at that time, the Premier League was not the "first league". Serie A and even La Liga were not bad at all compared to the Premier League.

At that time, the Premier League did not have enough football superstars. Even if one or two superstars emerged in the local area, they were quickly poached by the wealthy clubs in Serie A and La Liga.

Like Beckham, Irving, etc.

When coach Wenger was being interviewed by reporters, he was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic. His usually stern face broke out into a smile.

Even more praise for Arsenal's new boss.

It means that Arsenal is still the same Arsenal because this club has not moved away and still belongs to all Arsenal fans.

But at the same time, the current Arsenal is no longer the Arsenal of the past, because it will become better and stronger!

And all this was brought about by the new boss Mikhail.

When reporters asked what big-name players Arsenal would introduce this summer, Wenger mysteriously said that he could not reveal them yet.

But everyone will definitely be satisfied by then!

The more it whets the appetite, the more curious everyone becomes.

Now Chelsea has announced a transfer fee of 100 million pounds, and Arsenal has promised to bring in several superstars.

This means that in the transfer period that is coming soon this summer, world football will usher in one "earthquake" after another!

Rumors spread all over the place, and almost all the superstars in the other leagues were linked to Arsenal and Chelsea. Various tabloid reporters vowed that a certain star would go to London during the transfer period, and the transfer fee would be It’s a record-breaking XXXX million euros…

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