Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 781 Competition Begins

"I am very dissatisfied with the current economic environment. I personally think it is mainly caused by two aspects. On the one hand, those people are too incompetent and do not do things..."

A familiar voice came from the TV, and Wang Ye recognized it without even turning around. It was Hovchenko's voice!

How come this "uncle" of mine is on a TV show and is still lashing out...

Wang Ye turned his head and looked, and sure enough, it was Hovchenko, who was accepting an exclusive interview.

I looked at the TV station logo and saw that it was a national TV station with a huge influence in the country.

Of course, it is a private media, not inferior to the "official media".

Wang Ye frowned. He knew very well what it meant when such interviews appeared on TV.

In the past, Kovchenko was rarely willing to appear in public and almost never accepted TV interviews. Why would he appear on a TV show now to comment on the economy?

His heart moved, and he whispered to Rosiana: "Didn't you work in a news agency before? You should know many friends in the media circle, right?"

"Of course you are. There is almost no one in the major media, newspapers, television stations, etc. that I don't know." Rosiana said proudly.

"Then you can help me find out this afternoon whether my uncle Kovchenko has any media interview programs scheduled for the next period of time. At the same time, we can make statistics on how many times he and the key members of his new faction have appeared in the news media recently. ?" Wang Ye asked while thinking.

He had some guesses in his mind, as if he understood what Hovchenko wanted to do.

Rosiana nodded, indicating that she had taken note of it.


After returning to the office after lunch, Rosiana went to contact media friends and collect information.

It wasn't until she was about to get off work that she hurried back to the office and reported to Wang Yehui:

"Boss, I have obtained most of the information. Except for some insignificant small media outlets that I have no acquaintances to contact, the larger media outlets have already inquired about it.

Your uncle Kovchenko, or rather his faction, is spending a lot of money in the media circles these days. "

Wang Ye asked in astonishment: "Spending money like water in the media circle? How do you say that?"

"They have reached cooperation with many TV stations, radio stations, newspapers and magazines, and used various methods such as sponsorship, buying out advertising time, customized programs, etc. How can I put it, it is equivalent to spending money to advertise and promote their faction. The exclusive interview I saw at noon today is one of the contents of the cooperation..."

Under Rosiana's narration, Wang Ye finally had a clear outline, which verified his conjecture.

However, he could only helplessly shake his head and smile bitterly.

I can't stop this kind of thing, and I have no reasonable excuse to intervene.

Many media are private capital and they want to make money. As long as someone is willing to pay, as long as it does not break the law, of course the more the merrier.

If you intervene yourself, it will cause a backlash from public opinion...

But if Kovchenko did this, wouldn't it attract the attention of Gorbrev and the others even more?


In Wang Ye's view, this is asking for trouble!

If he could have dissuaded him, Wang Ye would have done it long ago. The problem is that he has tried to dissuade Kovchenko several times, but he didn't listen!

If you try to persuade me again, it will be a bit annoying...


Seeing that Wang Ye looked unhappy, Rosiana mistakenly thought that he was worried that when the Hovchenko faction became bigger, it would squeeze out Wang Ye and his faction's position in next year's election.

That's why Wang Ye was a little worried.

As for the complicated relationship and friendship between Wang Ye and Hovchenko, to be honest, outsiders generally can't understand it.

Of course Rosiana is no exception. After Wang Ye and Gryzlov issued a joint statement a few days ago, she thought Wang Ye and Kovchenko had fallen out.

So he came up with an idea: "How about..., our faction will also enter the campaign state in advance and compete with them! Isn't it just spending money on publicity? We are not afraid of it. Even if we can't prevent this new faction from taking power, we can go Grab the seat of the second faction."

Wang Ye laughed dumbly. He had to say that there was no problem with Rosiana's idea.

The number of seats in the Duma is fixed, but which seats belong to which faction is not fixed!

Feng shui is turning, and it is coming to my house this year.

Now Wang Ye and his faction belong to the third faction in the Duma, but after next year's election, they may not be the third faction.

Maybe slide down and become the fourth faction.

It may also be a step forward and become the second faction!

This is hard to say...

Wang Ye thought her idea was a good one, so he nodded and said:

"It's not impossible. When I was the leader of the faction, I made a promise to the members of the faction that I would spend a sum of money to help them run for the next Duma deputy.

It was originally planned to launch a publicity campaign half a year later, that is, in early 2004.

But since our opponents are now taking action, let’s stop waiting and start taking action!

In this way, I will use the name of Kitty Hawk Group to donate US$200 million to our faction for campaign expenses.

As for what kind of publicity method to choose and how to launch it, I leave it to you to coordinate and manage it.

One thing to pay attention to is to first protect the middle-level backbone of the faction, ensure their appearance rate, and ensure that they can win seats in next year's Duma.

In addition, we also need to recruit some new members to join the faction. Even if we are still the third faction in the next Duma, we will only have many more seats than now! "

This is also one of the countermeasures Wang Ye has thought of.

Since everyone is competing for next year's election, of course he has not considered the top position, but Wang Ye has some ideas about the seats in the Duma.

Who says his faction can only be ranked third!

Can't it move forward next year and become the second faction?

Even if you can't compete with the second faction, can you grab more seats...

Anyway, under his leadership, the factions cannot get worse and worse!

Originally, this was Wang Ye's promise to the faction members when he was the party leader!

He is a man of his word and will not break his word.


With so many group companies under Wang Ye, especially cash cows like Kitty Eagle Group and Siberian Gold Mine, there is absolutely no problem in casually withdrawing several hundred million US dollars as campaign funds.

Of course, the richest company is Yukos Group, but although he serves as chairman, he does not have absolute control after all.

In addition, it was given to him by Hovchenko, and he was embarrassed to withdraw funds from there.

But there is no problem with Kitty Eagle Group. There are only three shareholders. Wang Ye himself cannot object. The other two shareholders also understand that after the money is spent, they will get something back in the future, and they will not Any comments?

Therefore, it is up to Kitty Eagle Group to provide the money.

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