Shooting is coming to an end.

While the final scene is a shot where Ian is sure the actors can perform perfectly

, "People used to say to me, 'You're too selfish to be a great artist.'" I used to protect you. But they're right!" Ian said, looking at Mark.

"Your best performances are behind you, and you're back in shape. Mark replied to Ian in the same tone.

"You set me on fire. You're a fucking bad guy!" Ian replied to Mark again.

"You want to make yourself a victim because it's a good legal strategy, it's good. But you and I both know that you have chosen this life. You want it until you don't want it!" Mark replied.

The conversation between the two deepened, and Lei Lin, who was holding the camera in his hand, couldn't help but laugh, looking at the expressions of the two of them that were both funny and serious.

Ian's facial expression is rigid, and he is playing the role of Nick.

Mark has settled into his role, and he hasn't removed an inch of muscle from Charlie's role.

"There's no fun in life with you!" Mark said.

"So you have to somebody? how can you?" said Ian, with a hint of anger in his tone.

Nick, who had been holding back, suddenly laughed.

"Now it's the best part, Nick. Unless you hold on a little longer," Ian said, rolling his eyes.

"Damn... It's so real!" Nick laughed even harder. "Please, please continue. Scarlett, take notes," he said, laughing even harder.

"Well... Action!" Nicol said, a smile still on his lips.

"You shouldn't be sad that I fucked her, you should be sad that I laughed with her!" Mark said, looking into Ian's eyes.

"Do you love her?"

"No! but she doesn't hate me. You hate me!"

"You hate me, you the people we work with!"

"You stopped having sex with me last year, and I never lied to you.

"That's lying to me!"

"But there was so much I could have done. I'm a 20-something-something, self-made director who suddenly got on the cover of a fucking New York Times..."

Luckily, Reelin recorded both Ian's expression and Mark's seriousness on camera.

Ian has mentioned that such tidbits tend to be higher when they are put into a movie's credits.

"Scarlett, you know what I really mean about this character, right? expressions, postures, and... Can you do it?" Ian asked, looking at Scarlett.

A pair of big beautiful eyes were looking up at him and nodded. "Yes, I see!" she responded.

Nick cleared his throat, visibly feeling the tension between the two. Railyn glanced at Niko quickly, then focused her attention on the camera in her hand.

In between the short breaks they got, after Ian's performance, everyone was amused and they focused on one thing or another.

Some people hold lightning protection equipment and focus on taking good pictures for their cameras. Some have coordinated on the technical side.

"Let's take five shots!" Ian said, the crowd nodding and cheering.

One thing that has not been lacking in this series since day one is passion. From every actor to every person in charge, they are all full of enthusiasm for filming.

This made things so much easier for Ian.


“...... Also, action!"

"Well, he's playing basketball here at 12 or 11 o'clock on Saturdays, sorry, so we'll go there." Charlie swallowed and continued, "Then, maybe we'll find a place to have lunch, and then if there's a movie to watch..."

His coach, well, Rick said he's a good dribbler and I've seen that...", Charlie replied.

Played by Mark Chacha, Ian has gotten the perfect shot of the character he had in mind.

The way the young actor portrays the character of a not-so-young man is truly something to be admired.


" "Ron. I'm sorry. His coach's name is Ron. Rick is his dentist in New York," Charlie said as the assessor scribbled something in her book.

"Well, you know our home is... In New York. That's where we live, and—" Charlie muttered to himself.

"New York is a long way from here...",

the whole scene played out so brilliantly before Ian's eyes.

After looking at the surveillance screen for a while, he always felt that something was wrong.

A slight confusion rose in the back of his head, and he shouted, "Catch, oh, shoot, camera won't turn, Raylin?" he asked.

"What the hell is going on here?

!" "Oh shit

!" "Aha

!" "Then another one!" Everyone says one thing or another.

"It's a good shot, though! If you can create a character while maintaining the same mood, that's great... Just like you did before!" Ian shouted through the microphone in his hand.

"I think people are going to like these damn tidbits more than the movie!" Niko said from behind as he called.

Everyone was amused by Nick's words! Filming the tidbits from day one, they were really funny!

like they didn't expect to happen at night.


It's already past seven o'clock, and it's been a very busy day for the entire cast.

From four o'clock in the morning, people start focusing on one character or another. Many people have their own goals to achieve, but some just need to follow Ian's lead.

However, it is very stressful and tiring for all of them.

"I can't believe we were able to make all the sets as Ian wanted them to be. In my opinion, this is a remarkable achievement," one employee talks to another.

"Well, it's simple and it's important. "

Basic modification plans and planning sets are often found everywhere.

"Not here, Leah. Ian has a specific set of ideas in his head, which also makes things difficult and easy. But for this scenario, it's easy because he knows exactly what he wants. The employee who opened his mouth said with a serious face.

Ian got his initial inspiration from something specific.

One thing Ian knows is how the theme of the theater was reflected in the film's production design and architecture in the original film.

Charlie and Nick have a stage arch in their apartment. In Nick's mother's house, the characters go in and out of rooms, which are connected to the kitchen, as if from backstage to the main stage. In Nick's monologue, she goes in and out of the room, and similarly, Nick and Charlie move between rooms during fight scenes, moments that echo the actors' movements in the play.

Another thing he knows is that Charlie's apartment in Los Angeles is a real apartment, not a man-made scene.

The crew rented it as a filming location, along with the upstairs apartment, which they used for accommodation. While filming the brawl scene, I had to ask the next-door neighbor to leave.

Since each step is not practical and theoretical in Ian's opinion, he accomplishes the goals of the sets in his own way.

"Look at that!" the employee said in a low voice, gesturing to the couch.

"Oh my sky!oh, my sky!hahaha!" another employee laughed as well.

"Shhhh Guys, don't wake him up, we have an hour's rest. Ian, who was walking behind the two ladies, said with a smile as he looked at the sofa.

"Where's Ray? This should be bragging!Man, honestly, I can't wait to see them together," Niko said to Ian in a low voice, and walked off to find Raylen, the important man in the house.

After finding her in the nearest kitchen, she took her camera and walked towards where Ian was.

From afar, she captured Ian watching the boy sleeping on the couch.

"I'm pretty sure this won't make it to the final cut, but thanks," Ian whispered and walked away.

Smiling at herself, Reelin took a picture of Mark Hamill, who was slumbering and sleeping peacefully, with drooling from his mouth, as clear from the way his eyes rested.


After a long day of filming, Ian walked into his mansion and sighed at the corner of his mouth as soon as he stepped into his room.

He closed the door behind him and jumped out of bed.


"Huh?" Ian groaned and stood up.

"Master Ian, this letter came in the afternoon, it seems to be quite important, can you take a look?" Valerin said with an outstretched hand.

In her hand, she was holding a court summons.

"What the fuck is going on?" Ian began, drowsiness completely out of his body and mind.

"What the fuck is going on?" he asked, taking the letter and opening it.

“...... You are hereby requested to appear in court on August 30, 2019. The final statement made him question a lot of things at first.

"Is this a joke?!Is this a joke...?" he asked aloud as he read the same statement.

Over and over again, he thought about how this could be a mistake.

To his disappointment, he could no longer be blinded by his thoughts, which must have been a court letter asking him to appear for a speedy investigation, which could even lead to him facing trial.

Minutes passed, Valerine looked at Ian, and Ian looked at the paper.

Ian couldn't believe what he was holding.

Subpoena – This was his second exposure to this kind of letter, and in the back of his mind, he knew it wasn't good news either.

Flipping through the small piece of paper, his eyes widened in surprise.

Valerine, who was looking at Ian, vaguely understood that whatever she brought with her would not be a positive letter.

"What's wrong?" she questioned, unable to hide her curiosity.

Ian scoffed at the letter after reading it over and over again.

"Obviously I'm going to have a baby," he said, walking into the bedroom.

"What? you-"

"Don't worry, Valerin. Don't worry, if I were the child's father, you would take care of the child," Ian said and sighed.

"Uh, young master?" Valerin asked, uncertain.

"It's a joke, get a good night's sleep," Ian told her.

With a conflicted feeling, she left the room, but she continued to sleep with doubts questioning her at every step.

"I just hope that Lana-sama didn't get into too much trouble this time. She muttered to herself, and fell into a deep sleep.


At night, when everyone is sleeping soundly, relax for the hard work of the day, but Ian is awake.

He had a good life. Good shots. Perfect conversation. Realistic performances. Everything was fine.

On the way home, he even thought about starting to write a script so he could start filming as soon as "Marriage Story" ended.

His main idea was how Marriage Story would be an art film rather than a commercial one.

However, his entire day was ruined by the piece of paper he got.

"Who the hell is Sarah?" he thought as he picked up his phone and searched for the name, Sarah.

[No results found]

time must have been before he was reborn, Ian thought. Because, if he hooks up with any girl, there is a good chance that he will at least remember the name, even if he doesn't remember the looks.

The name Sarah is somewhat unfamiliar to Ian.

He sighed and continued to think more. Because he wants to figure out what the hell is going on, he wants to talk to Mason, considering that he might help him.

[Uncle, I need your help.] 3.02am]

Ian texted and put his phone next to the bedside table.

- [What's going on? It's three o'clock in the morning]

Mason replied.

Another text message rang out.

- [I'm reading an article, Ian?] [I'll

see you in your office tomorrow morning, I may need a good lawyer.]

- [Tomorrow then]

A short conversation lightens Ian's load.

One of the things he realized was to face all the consequences that were going to happen.

Having a baby at a time when he still has a long way to go doesn't sound like something he wants to do.

But deep down, he knew that whatever he or the body owner did, he would have to pay.

So, yes, he's ready to be a father – even though it does freak the hell out of him.


[at the Reina Studio, California]

"Ian, what's going on?"

Before Ian could speak, Ian had just walked into the office through the door when Mason asked.

"Ah, uncle, please take a seat. It's a serious matter, but I want you to know, and I swear I don't know anything about it. "


Within minutes, Ian explained what had happened and showed Mason the subpoena he had received. Although he begins the story with "Obviously, I have a child", he goes on to explain what exactly he is talking about.

After explaining that Ian had no personal idea of getting any girl pregnant, oops, he even explained how he didn't know or remember a girl named Sarah, and Mason finally nodded understandingly.

"I think I know what you're talking about. "

What do you mean, uncle?"

"I mean, I don't know any girls, kids, or anyone else. But I know you're not the kind of person to impregnate a girl and then walk away as if nothing happened. Also, how do you feel?" asked Mason if it was because of Ian.

When Ian first walked into the office, he was expressionless. Even throughout the explanation, Ian didn't show any emotion. That's why Mason wanted to know how he really felt.

"Well, to be honest, I'm a little nervous. But then again, I'm pretty sure I don't have children, but there's a voice inside me that shouts that even if you had, you wouldn't know. "

Well, I have a friend, a very good lawyer. Normally, we could go to Mr. Jordan White, but on the surface, it's serious. We needed someone more experienced, because this person was a friend and I can say that I trusted her in almost anything. Let's meet her," Mason said, picking up his BlackBerry from the table.

Dial the number, and he kept it in his ear.

Ian remained silent.

"Excuse me," Mason stood up and walked outside, speaking to the lawyer.

Ian, who took the paper back in his hand, re-read the lines that made him think about what would happen if something went wrong.


The law firm is not big, but Ian knew the woman inside when he saw the name.

Jas is known to be a top lawyer in California, and in the cases she handles, she wins 99% of the times.

"Please come in, are you two alright?" she asked as she walked in and sat down where Ian and Mason were.

"We're fine, please call me Mason. "

Call me Ian. "

Well, it's nice to see you in three years, Mason. Everyone thinks that things are going well with you. "

It's all gone, thanks to Ian and the way I handled the studio. But I feel like the reason we're here doesn't quite help us make a name for ourselves in the industry. For that, I'll let you both talk,

" "I'll do what I can to help." Don't worry, I'll see you later, Mason. "

Thank you, lawyer.

Mason stood up and walked out of the office.

In her blue-and-white office, Jas stared at Ian with concern.

"So, Ian. What happened?"

Ian began for the second time recounting what had happened since he came home from the set last night.

At the end of his story, he shows the notice to Jas.

"Well, it's clear now, but I'd like to know more details. For this ... You need to answer some questions, can you?" she asked, looking him straight in the eye.

"Yes, of course,"

"Did you sleep with Sarah?" "

I-I don't remember. I don't seem to have any memories of a girl named Sarah.

If I do, I'll take full responsibility," "If the answer is so, I'll be clear, and that's great, Mr. Reina," she asked, adjusting the glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"I don't remember. "

Okay, do you know who Sarah is?"

"I don't know who she is.

"Did you know you had a child before you noticed?"

"No, notification was the first way I knew about it. The

questions became shorter and clearer, and it made Ian realize something he was struggling with.

"What if it turns out that the child is yours? will you take care of it?" she asked.

"Yes, I will. But it needs to be proved that the child is mine. "

Hmm... Last question, what is your history with girls?"

I will answer this question briefly, I had not had a long-term relationship with any girl before this question arose, mostly one-night stands, and that's it. Ian sighed.

"Well, I'm going to prepare the case. We will have to face the court of first instance, from where we can understand where the case is going. I am glad that you are a brave young man who is willing to take responsibility for your actions. The

woman said with a smile.

After further discussing what might happen in the future, Mason was taken back to the office, and they discussed more about the case hearing that was supposed to take place the day after tomorrow.

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