After a tiring day on set, Ian woke up.

The day before, he had been trying to make the filming perfect among the crew members of Home Alone.

Most of the time, things didn't go his way, which he believes was due to his mental exhaustion after the trial.

Valerine knocked on Ian's bedroom door.

Ian walked to the door and quickly opened it.

"Good morning, Valerine. "

Good morning, host. But there's a girl waiting for you downstairs. Valerin said with a smile.

Valerine knew who the girl was, and she had been worried about Ian for the past few days.

Every day before going to bed, she watches the news and learns about the outside world.

Finally, the media claimed that Ian was not Sarah's father.

Not to mention, Sarah's face is all over the media.

"A girl?" Ian looked confused. "What girl?" he asked again.

Valerine cleared her throat before replying, "Sarah... That girl on TV," replied.

Ian's confusion grew. He was visibly worried about what was coming out of Valerine's mouth.

If he goes downstairs without knowing Sarah - the girl who blames Ian for his daughter, she will be confused by Ian's naked upper body.

Ian hurriedly got dressed and went to greet the waiting lady.


"Good morning, Sarah," Ian walked down the stairs and greeted the waiting lady.

Sarah looked up at the stairs with wide eyes and smiled at the sight of Ian coming downstairs.

"I-I'm Sarah," Sarah said quickly, hurrying in to shake his hand.

Ian shook hands as a gesture of politeness.

"I know," he muttered as he withdrew his hand.

"Uh, I need your help, sir.

Sarah's words made Ian raise an eyebrow.

Yesterday Ian spent the day carelessly while continuing to shoot perfect footage on set, and today the lady who thought he was the father of the child and humiliated him in front of the worldwide media came to her door to ask for help.

What are the odds of waking up tomorrow to find aliens ruling the world?"

"Please be seated," Ian said, sitting on the couch in front of her.

For some reason, she looked confused.

In Ian's impression, she was a fairly strong woman, at least pretending to be strong with lies in front of the court, but in front of Ian, she appeared vulnerable.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for everything you have to go through, but I really need your help," she said.

Her eyes were fixed on the ground, and her face showed sadness and disappointment.

Her stuttering makes Ian wonder what she's talking about.

"What do you mean? Why should I help you, Sarah? You tried to ruin my reputation, you almost ruined everything for me. You can go to any website that promotes my latest film, Marriage Story, and you'll see how many hate comments there are.

Sarah nodded, frustrated by Ian's words.

Of course, she didn't expect Ian to accept her request all at once, but when she realized how serious the consequences of her actions were—it reminded her of the words of her original lawyer.

"I, Ian, I mean, Mr. Reina, I understand your situation, and I understand your feelings. I'm really sorry and I apologize for everything I've done.

Ian sighed and shrugged.

Ian still doesn't understand why the lady who turned his world upside down needs help.

"I say it again, Sarah. Give me a good reason why I should help you?" Ian asked.

"I just wanted to do what I could for my daughter, I couldn't help it, you're the one I had in mind, we could-

" "Why don't you contact the child's biological father?" if there is, DNA proves that I have nothing to do with your daughter, then why not contact Lillian's biological father?" Ian asked as he sat down on the couch.

He placed one leg on top of the other and one hand under his chin.

"He's gone," Sarah said, taking a deep breath.

"I didn't know where to look for him, and as soon as I told him I had a child — I had his child, he left. He never came back to contact me, and I couldn't find him. "

I want to raise my own Lilian, but it's too hard," Sarah said, as her gaze met Ian's.

"Sarah, I honestly think you're just trying to use Lillian to manipulate me. If you are, she's a cute little kid and shouldn't have been put through this," Ian said with a sigh.

"I- that's true, but I didn't try to manipulate you, not now, never will," Sarah said and continued. "At first I had a lawyer, but then two top lawyers came in... Honestly, very influential attorneys who provided pro bono services to my previous trials. Uh-" Sarah said, and Ian frowned at her words.

"What is it?" he asked rhetorically.

"Well, but now they want a lot of money after I got the summons, and I can't make that much money even if I work for a whole year," she said with an apologetic laugh.

Now that they were comfortable, her tone was more familiar and friendly than the one she had come in – not afraid.

"I'll help you. Ian

knew the lawyers' stories were true, and he wanted to dig further into who was behind him, but he knew it wasn't the time.

"What? will?" asked Sarah, her eyes lit up in disbelief.

"Yes, for Lillian's sake. As I said, she deserves more. You're not an idiot, so I want you to know that what you did before is not something I can easily forgive, and I'll drop the defamation charge. "

Well, then, I'll let Valerin do the work for you. But there is one condition," Ian said, leaning forward in his chair.

"What is it?" she asked rhetorically.

"I don't want to see you again," Ian said, nodding her head immediately.

"I promise you won't see my face again," Sarah said, getting up and walking out of the room.

Ian, who nodded at her, also stood up.

With his phone in hand, he walked to the bedroom without thinking about it, ready to start preparing.

Another day and another round of Ian shooting.

Although this morning was a little weirder than he expected, he thought that at least from today onwards, there would be no drama, and he could continue to create his favorite movies, and fans would love them.


Sarah feels relieved and scared at the same time.

The new life gave her new hope, but her face was everywhere in the media, and she didn't even dare to face anyone on the road, considering that the streets were full of people who adored Hollywood.

Walking outside Ian's mansion, Sarah couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sarah, right?" Valerin asked out of nowhere.

Valerin is usually the type to be courteous to guests entering and exiting the mansion, but now, her opinion of Sarah has completely changed. Ian advises her to help Sarah find a job—one similar to Valerine's, such as a personal butler.

"Yes, ma'am...?"

"Call me Valerine, and I'll let you know when and where to meet." I hope you don't mind working in the house, do you?" asked Valerina.

Valerine glanced at Sarah, her gaze almost backing her.

"Yes, as long as you can make money. "

Uh-huh, little girl, Ian helps you, just have mercy on your child and don't mistake it for anything else. "

You should know that some people have been abused, and they don't get any help. And what you did there is completely unforgivable. Valerine slapped her verbally.

Sarah felt it—harsh and rough.

She sighed, knowing that what was said was true, and that everything that happened was her own fault.

"I know—

" "Sarah, I don't like the media. Because from the time I was in this mansion, I saw it ruin my life. But I'm going to tell you, this time, the media is right.

"There may be real victims, and many women are in a worse situation. And here you are, trying to use their trauma as a weapon. Miss, the media can't save your life, so let's be true to yourself first. Valerina said, smiling sympathetically.

As much as she despises people like Sarah, she can't bear to see a young girl so helpless.

"I know, Valerine. Thank you for your words, I'm grateful," Sarah said, smiling again.

"Can you give me your phone number so I can call you tomorrow?" asked Valerine, and Sarah gave her her phone number.

Ian walked down the stairs to where the actors were putting on their makeup.

He sees Adam, the actor playing Kevin, sitting in front of a mirror surrounded by LED light bulbs – and he lets Adam see himself clearly through the mirror.

"Hey," Ian said, waving his hand in the mirror.

Adam looked back at him and waved his hand.

The makeup artist walked away, leaving Ian and Adam to talk.

"I don't even have time to talk, how are you, little star?" Ian asked, then sat down in the nearest dressing chair.

"I've been fine, how about you?" Adam

turned in the dressing chair and met Ian's face.

"I'm fine," Ian said and sighed. "This time, everything is different. There are already more than fifty people waiting for you to come out and follow them," he said with a smile.

Ian remembered something about it. The airport scene was more difficult to shoot than in the first film. The airport had to remain operational during filming, and Macaulay Culkin's new celebrity status required extra security because of fans and paparazzi. The scene at O'Hare International Airport was filmed in February 1992 and Christmas decorations were reserved for the event.

"Yes, they love me," Adam said with a laugh.

"I'm sure they'll love the movie too," Ian said, patting Adam on the head.


"Okay, so, when Kevin's solo is coming. Buzz..."Ian looked at the actor who played Buzz. "Theo?"

"Ah, yes, got it!" Theodore

was the actor who played Buzz from the first film, and when he first joined the role, he was a D-rated actor.

But now, after Home Alone, he has received a lot of requests to appear in different films, and just two years later, he has starred in three films, one of which became a blockbuster. This means that he has risen to the level of a B-level actor.

"Can I use the bathroom? I'm still in a hurry!" Theo said, shrugging his shoulders and getting Ian's approval.

"Then let's do it!" Ian said, walking back to his chair.

Resting before filming has become a tradition of "Home Alone 2" shooting.

Considering how much the sequel to the first film affected them, Ian didn't complain about knowing that the actors were nervous, as Ian said on day one that the film had to be better done in every way, from the cinematography to the actors' performances.

Currently, they are in a theater, and while Kevin is singing solo in the movie, Buzz teases his brother in front of the audience.

The audience erupted in loud applause, and then the entire orchestra performance ended, and the children singing the song fell over each other, leaving Kevin among the children, standing straight among the others on the ground.


Filming began, and the orchestra was trained by a local school in California, which made things a lot easier for Ian.

“...... Also, let's go!"


Christmas tree lit up like a star

When I saw

my Christmas

tree loved someone far away

Christmas tree, I was sure

that no matter where

I wandered, the lyrics needed to train the kids were provided by Ian, which made a lot of things easier for the trainer.

"Ka!" Ian said, walking over to the man who was supposed to act like a musician.

"Michael, I want you to sing along with the lyrics. Like, uh, can we call Mr. Yoshuba over?" Ian asked the crew.

After a while, the musician, who doubled as an orchestra teacher, walked up to the actor and showed him what he was supposed to do.

"Like this... I'm sure it's a Christmas tree! No matter where I am! The musician basically acts as if he's in front of the orchestra. "Or... You can go this way... My Christmas tree... Can the loved one go far!"

The right hand was raised high, and the upper body was bent to the same side. The keyboardist played a few notes, and the man continued to do his thing with his body and sing along.

“...... Do you understand me?" finished the music and performance, and Michael nodded in understanding.

"Perfect, one more time!Theo, can you look at Adam with a smile. An evil smirk while singing, which Raylin catches on camera 2, are we okay?, Ian asked, as everyone was ready to start the hilarious scene.

"It's my personal favorite," Ian said to Mason from a chair.

"We're going to go straight to Kevin! You should all be pushing the Christmas tree at the right time. Oh, please, don't break your backbone!" Ian said, looking at the old female keyboardist.

Ian asks her that they can use supporting roles so that the real actress is not harmed. But she insisted that she fulfill the role herself.

"Let's do it!" Ian said, getting ready with the others.

“.... Begin!


"Kevin's solo is about to be performed. Tell Leslie," Kevin's mom, Kate, sat in the audience and whispered to her husband.

"Kevin's solo is about to take place. Tell Frank," Leslie nodded, leaning to her left, telling the man that Kevin's solo was about to begin.

"Okay," Frank was asleep and snoring when she turned around.

"Frank... Frank!" she shrugged to wake him up.

That's when Kevin sang solo.

On stage, Kevin was just below Bass, and the whole group fell silent.

"Christmas means laughter, sledding in the snow, singing carols together, blushing faces, stockings on the mantelpiece, wreaths on the doors, and one more thing I need for my happiest Christmas"

Kevin began to sing, not singing well. But somehow, he ended up singing as many lyrics as he could.

In the back, Buzz was outstanding.

"Christmas tree, my Christmas tree!" the

other girl began to sing.

Realizing Buzz's prank, Kevin punched him and everyone fell into a heap

of "Ka! oh my god, whoa!" Ian said and stood up.

"Guys, are you all right?" he asked to see the children stacked on top of each other.

"To be honest, the fall on the right side isn't that good, but the one on the left... It's perfect! Shall we remake it?' Ian asked, everyone cheering.

In order to keep the scene alive and energetic, the cheers and each other's performances brought a lot of encouragement to everyone.


Shoot 2. Scene 6.

The whole scene is in front of a reception, and the scene where Kevin talks to the hotel front desk is about to be filmed.

The camera pans to the hotel concierge.

"Yes, at eight-two, Mr. Henry. Wait a minute. I'll call you back. "

No, I want to see the doubt in your eyes. And you need to like, you know... This kid... Right. This kid... Give me that look," Ian said.

“... Let's go!"

"Turn the second camera... Right...... Yes, perfect!"

"Hello. Can I help you?" the hotel front desk turned to Kevin suspiciously.

"Book for McAllister. Kevin said, looking up from his desk.

"Make a reservation for yourself?" asked the hotel receptionist.

The actress Ian chose to play the hotel front desk was special, she was an A-list actress and agreed to play the role because it was short and important.

She reached out to Ian herself to get the role.

Looking up at Adam at the front desk of the hotel, his mood changed.

"Go on," Ian commanded through the microphone.

"My feet barely touched the ground. I could barely see the counter. How do I book a room? Think about it: a child goes to a hotel to make a reservation? I don't think so.

When Kevin said this, the lady at the reception looked confused.

"Please say again, your emotions, can you take a breath and then speak, I'm confused. Also roll your eyes, is this possible?...... Well, cool. One more... The set was quiet!"

"... And, begin!" the

lady behaved this time just as Ian had requested.

"Perfect!" Ian muttered to himself.

"I'm confused. "

I was traveling with my dad. He was on a business trip. He's in a meeting. I hate meetings. You are not allowed to enter, you can only sit in the hall. That's boring. So my dad let me get out of the car. Gave me his credit card and said to check in... Let me into the room so I don't play pranks. Ma'am, sometimes I do play pranks. Everybody does. Merry Christmas. "

It was a perfect shot, and Ian was proud of it for a while.

"Guys, it's natural, it's perfect. Let's take a lunch break! We've got sandwiches for everyone!Enjoy!" Ian said through the microphone, cheering everyone else.

"Thank God, food

!" "Food is life!" Adam concluded.

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