Itou Asashi appeared like a ghost in surprise, and almost scared the two old people who were almost 180 years old to death on the spot. Not to mention, Asashi with disheveled hair and loose clothes, he really looked like a ghost.

The tea they took a sip sprayed on the floor.

The two old men gasped for a few breaths before calming down.

Priest Ito trembled: "What are you doing, Asashi! You are so rude! Come here and apologize."

No matter how much he loves his granddaughter, he can't let her act like this in front of important guests. If it scares people to death, who is to blame?

This is the first time in several years that he has raped his good granddaughter.

"Don't be so aggressive, she's just in a hurry..." The priest's guest persuaded Ito, but before he finished speaking, he stared at Ito Mashi with wide eyes, "Mashi-chan, put down the knife."

The child took out a short knife from his cuff, it was sharp and sharp, how could she carry a knife with her.

Could it be that the children and grandchildren in the news killed the elders? Met by myself?

Can't be so unlucky.

It can't be that Ito, who is so old, won't abuse his little granddaughter on weekdays, or do something worse than a beast, so he will incur revenge from his granddaughter.

He is not such a hateful person.

"Mashi." Priest Ito's heart trembled.

My little granddaughter has never let him worry. First, her mother jumped to her death in front of her, which gave her a mental shock. Since she was a child, the unfilial son brought different women home every day, and her emotions were already out of order. After the unfilial son drove away, he entered autism, and after years of psychological treatment, he came out of the shadows. Priest Ito thought that his little granddaughter should be much better after all these years.

But looking at it today, it's not like that at all!

Retaliatory backlash?

"Mashi, if there is anything you can't think about, just tell grandpa, don't take such radical behavior, is someone bullying you at school? Or have you fallen in love?" Priest Ito is still very trendy, he immediately thought of other aspects, "I see, have you been trolled on the Internet? Don't be afraid, grandpa will start a relationship and catch those trolls along the network cable and beat you up."

My granddaughter usually likes to play on the Internet. Although Priest Ito doesn't know much about the Internet, he is very concerned about the news of Internet thugs happening. For the happy growth of his little granddaughter, he has broken his heart. It really wipes his face. He still really can Punish some online trolls.

"No, grandpa." Ito Asashi's eyes shone brightly, "I have awakened magic."

Awakening magic, our family doesn't have that kind of thing.

Before he could explain, Ito Asashi picked up a dagger and cut his arm: "Look, grandpa."

What do I see, do you bleed?

Ito Asashi's pale arm was cut open, and blood gushed out.



Seeing that Ma Shi was really coming, the two priests hesitated to go forward, for fear of provoking Ma Shi and causing her to act even more irrationally.

There is no fear on the granddaughter's face. This is not good, the spirit has already collapsed.

But what surprised the two of them was still to come. Asashi held the wound with one hand.

"I can heal wounds."




Mashi slowly let go of his hand, and then...

There was blood on the arm.

Isn't this not effective at all!

Looking at the expressions of the two, Ma Shi calmly wiped off the blood on his arms, embarrassed, and forgot to wipe the blood.

When the blood was wiped away, the two priests' eyes widened in disbelief.

Ma Shi's arm just cut open by the knife is as smooth as before, and there is no trace of the wound. Modern science and technology can only use suturing techniques when encountering the wound just now, and even the use of beauty needles will inevitably leave some traces.

", the wound is gone."

"This is..." Priest Ito was stunned, "How is it possible."

"Can you perform it again? It's the action of cutting open the wound and then healing it." The priest next to him said shyly.

"Go away." When Priest Ito heard that the old guy asked his precious granddaughter to do dangerous things again, he immediately shouted angrily, without saving any face, "Mashi, what happened."

Asashi Ito hadn't finished her performance yet, and she walked to a potted plant indoors. The potted plant was an ordinary potted plant, which Priest Ito just bought last year.

What is this going to do?

As soon as spring arrived, this potted plant grew vigorously, but the time was short and the blooming was not vigorous.

The two priests suppressed their curious inquiries and continued to watch Ito Aso's performance.

I saw Ito Asashi's hands slowly forming seals, which was a normal deceiving trick of priests and onmyojis, and then gently held the plant with both hands.



Before seeing any amazing aura erupting from Ma Shi's body, the plant made a crackling sound, and then began to grow lushly one by one, one centimeter, two centimeters, three centimeters...

This kind of growth rate is unheard of, even bamboo will not grow so fast.

After a while, the small plant that was originally more than ten centimeters tall grew to half a meter high, its roots broke through the basin, and sand spilled all over the reception room, but no one blamed Ma Shi for his reckless behavior. The two priests stared closely It is still growing on the ground, like a potted plant that has come to life.

Seeing that the potted plant has not stopped growing to a length of several meters, Priest Ito said anxiously: "It's okay, it's okay, Asashi, don't let it grow anymore."

If it grows any longer, this small reception room will be overwhelmed.

Ito Asashi let go of his hand obediently. Miraculously, as Asashi let go of his hand, the plant stopped growing immediately, and it was gradually shrinking.

Looking at the tentacle-like plants on the ground, the two priests were still in shock. Everything that happened just now was too magical. Who can bear it? It's one thing to hear about the supernatural, but it's another thing to actually happen in front of your eyes.

The plants on the ground are no longer the same as the gentle potted plants before. There are barbs growing on its thick body, which looks hideous and terrifying. It looks like something used to kill people.

"Grandpa, do you still need Ma Shi to continue to show magic?"

"No, not now." Priest Ito quickly waved his hand and added, "Now, that's enough."

Another priest is still dizzy: "This, what kind of blindfold is this. Your Ito family has always been hiding the real skills!"

"Asashi, what happened to you?" Priest Ito knew his family affairs well.

A smile finally appeared on Ito Asashi's face: "I, I saw a god."

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