Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 333 Lake Biwa Water Monster (Second Change)

The bottom of the fishing boat was suddenly hit by something, and the people on board swayed as if they had been hit by a magnitude 12 earthquake.

The hull also made a creaking howl.

"Hold on firmly, don't fall down."

The small fishing boats in the lake are far inferior to the offshore fishing boats, and the tonnage is not large and the hull is not strong.

But no matter how small the tonnage is, it has to be calculated in tons. What kind of thing will be below to knock the ship into this appearance.

"Ah! You are bleeding."


While reeling from side to side, several fishermen bumped into the kowtow and bled.

It is safest to stay on the fishing boat when there is nothing underwater.

Many people's sea phobia has this factor. They don't know what is hidden under the vast water surface. If they are attacked by monsters in the water, there is nowhere to hide.

Those who are good at water will drown in the water, the more they know, the more afraid they will be. The fishermen on the boat are no less afraid of being underwater than being caught.

There have never been any monsters in Lake Biwa that could pose a threat to mechanical fishing boats.


The diesel tank in the lower part of the fishing boat was hit and a gap was created, and strange-smelling diesel oil flowed out.

The water surface was instantly covered with dark oil stains, and there was an indescribable smell just by smelling it, but oil seemed to have a special fragrance in some people's sense of smell.


But the water snake doesn't think these diesels are delicious at all!

Viscous diesel oil was poured into its mouth, and its already weak eyes were directly covered with gasoline.

After eating a mouthful of diesel oil, the water snake had mixed flavors.

He had just holed out the nasty bottom of the boat and was about to jump from the bottom onto the hull of the fishing boat.

The cunning terrestrial fish actually has this kind of weapon.

They flicked their tails resentfully and swam away, the smell of diesel oil was too disgusting, so this time they will spare their lives first.

When the water snake left angrily, the people on the fishing boat clearly saw the huge and terrifying body under the water!

"It's the Dragon King! It's the Dragon King!"

"We made the Dragon King angry!"

The broad back is above the water surface, the scales reflect a little light in the sun, and the long tail pats the water surface before diving deeply.

The water splashed everywhere, and the horror rushed straight to his forehead.

If you place it in a tropical rainforest area, you may think it is a giant anaconda in the water, but there are no giant anacondas in Lake Biwa

"Who threw something into the lake, why is it so effective!"

The people on the boat immediately thought of the legendary Dragon King of Lake Biwa. After all, even the giant anaconda had no strength to almost overturn the fishing boat.

A few days ago, a fool lured the Dragon King with a fishing rod, but this time they caught him again with a fishing net.

Why does this dragon king like to drill into other people's guys who eat.

Of course the boat owner also saw the Dragon King, but he was much more rational than other fishermen. This boat was his property, so irrationality would not work.

"Don't be in a daze, hurry up and contact the rescue team, and someone will come and plug the gap together!"

There are other fishing boats fishing on Lake Biwa. Through the radio signals, the fishing boats will contact and help each other. Naturally, there are rescue boats from the Yakusho on the shore, but the fishing boat has already sunk by the time the shore rescue boat comes.

Amid anxiety, the fishing boat that heard the news of the rescue appeared at the edge of the horizon of the 'lake'.

"Here, we are here!"

"What's wrong with you, it's like this."

"The fuel tank is leaking, the fuel tank is leaking."

Faced with the curious inquiries from the rescue fishing boat, several fishermen kept silent, only the owner of the boat hewed and said some words of thanks

Don't dare to say, could it be that they went down with a net and covered the Dragon King's head.

If they really told the matter that they offended the Dragon King, I'm afraid that the fishing boat that heard the distress signal would just leave them where they are.

They are all people who live on the water, and the supernatural appears frequently, and now you have offended the Dragon King.

Bad luck, too bad luck.

As soon as it landed in the afterglow of the setting sun, the shipowner hurriedly contacted the police station in the town.

Seeing the flustered look of the owner and crew, the police officers in the police station grabbed their pistols in fright.

They ran into the Dragon King in Lake Biwa and crashed his boat.

The Dragon King can't lose money, so can your servants compensate me? There is such a dangerous existence in Lake Biwa that the public office did not even issue a ban on fishing.

lose money!

"Lake Biwa Dragon King?"

Supernatural affairs in Shiga Prefecture and even the entire Kinki area are temporarily managed by the Osaka Supernatural Headquarters. The newly established supernatural halls in various places are still empty shells. , Tokyo headquarters itself is not enough.

However, no one in the Ministry of Public Security, which has a certain relationship, is interested in being transferred to the Supernatural Hall. Except for the flat transfer of the fifth class to the local area, no one in the Ministry of Public Security wants to get involved.

The upper echelons of the Japan Metropolitan Police Department are monopolized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Tokyo, while the management of the Ministry of Public Security is basically after the nobles. It is already the limit to squeeze out a few responsible people from the framework of the Ministry of Public Security to go to the fifth class. After the fifth class was absorbed into the Supernatural Hall, and then I wanted to find some people who dared to fight... There were none at all.

The supplementary filling of the Supernatural Hall can only wait for the recent civil service examination, or see if the government can come up with any clever plan to increase the number of staff.

"It shouldn't be."

The Osaka supernatural police bit their pens. He originally belonged to the fifth class. Now that supernatural police are being formed all over the country, elites like him are naturally very sought-after.

After being transferred to Osaka, he was promoted to a higher level, and his subordinates followed a small shrimp from the same department. Although he was far away from the center of the country, he had reached another pinnacle in his life.

The Lake Biwa Dragon King sighting was attributed to him by Takahashi Poor, and the above also agreed with this judgment. There is no reason why these fishermen can still meet after Takahashi Poor hid.

Judging from the confession, what the fishermen encountered was not an ink dragon.

It's useless not to believe it anymore, the photos and data of the damage on the bottom of the fishing boat were placed in front of him, and the damaged fishing boat was also moored on the shore.

Taking a step back, even if the one in Lake Biwa is not the Dragon King, the one that can cause damage to the fishing boat must be some unknown creature.

"Lake Biwa monster..."

"The fishermen's eyewitness reports are all oral explanations. There are no photos. They only mention that the underwater monster has scales and a slender body. From a comprehensive point of view, it still fits the records about dragons in mythology."

The head of the department nodded: "That may be a new supernatural existence. Even if this description is not a dragon, it is still a dragon's cub."

"Contact the top, and then contact the Shiga County Office."

Although Minister Takeo of the Moribe was nowhere to be found, the Osaka Supernatural Headquarters made no difference if he was there or not.

"See if you can stop fishing operations during this time, and it's best to ban fishing on the shore."

It is difficult to prohibit fishing on the shore, but there is no problem in prohibiting fishing in the lake.

No matter how big Lake Biwa is, it is still just a lake. If there is really any supernatural existence in the bottom of the lake—— catch a turtle in a jar!

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