Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 377 Can't Solve Trouble (Fourth Change)

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts!!!"

With his face twisted, the reckless man bent over in pain, sweat dripping from his forehead.

The bystanders didn't expect such a thing to happen. It was really two reckless people colliding.

Moreover, the man in armor looked like he had a bad temper and was quite capable, so he knew the situation was wrong, but no one dared to fight.

To be hit on the head by this real guy is either a cerebral hemorrhage or a concussion.

Shilong Dadou's grasp is not light. The power of puppet art has nothing to do with the physical strength of the controller, but only with the proficiency of chakra.

Even if the first-level puppet art is only at the level of a ninja, the ninja is already a terrifying superman who can fly over the eaves, walk on the wall, float on the water, and make balls with his hands.

The power that can be exerted by only concentrating on controlling a puppet is explosive!


The sleeves of the man's clothes were all twisted inwards due to the huge grip, and there was a creaking sound between the muscles and bones.

As long as you use a little more effort, breaking the bones of ordinary people is a breeze!

"I was wrong, I was wrong, let it go, let it go."

The reckless man didn't expect to regret that he went out recklessly today, and he didn't bring a few helpers by his side, otherwise the situation wouldn't be so passive. He only knew that if he didn't beg for mercy quickly, his arm would be disabled immediately!

It was really going to be over, and it was cut off from the middle abruptly.


Shilong Dadou let go of his hand abruptly, and the reckless man slumped back on the ground with a thud.

Even if you let go of your hand, the place that was pinched just now is obviously sunken downward, as if the cloth of the clothes has been rubbed into the skin.


Letting go of his hand, Shilong Dadou still did not relax his vigilance, holding the handle of the knife with one hand, as if he was about to draw the knife to fight.


Sitting on the ground, covering the hand that was grabbed just now, the reckless man met Shi Long Dadou's 'eyes' just as he was about to raise his head and curse.

With just such a glance, the reckless man felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his heart trembling uncontrollably.

There are no eyes, where there should be pupils, there are only black holes, so deep that they seem to be able to suck people in.

There is no body under this armor.

No, it's impossible.

But, but what happened to the lack of eyes, not only the eyes, but also the gap under the skirt armor that can be seen from the bottom, where there is still no body!

what on earth is it! ? !

Hell in broad daylight.

After thinking about it, the man didn't even dare to breathe out. He clutched his arms and sucked in the pain.

The man in armor probably really wanted to break his arm just now, it was not a joke.

Hurry up, he just wants the armored man in front of him to go away quickly.

"It's okay!"

"Give way!"

"Is anyone hurt?"

The security guards in the venue rushed over through the crowd, and when they saw the kneeling man or the standing armored man, they could tell at a glance who was more threatening.

A few security guards immediately stepped forward to subdue the men in uniforms. They were all men who had been forced to serve in the military, and they still had a bit of posture in their hands.

"No need to do this, we are just a little friction, no need to do this." The reckless man who was half kneeling on the ground hurriedly stood up to stop several security guards, "It was my fault first, so there is no need to go to war."

Arrogant, but that doesn't mean you're brainless.

Bin Jinghao's arrogance is based on his much higher family background than ordinary people, but when he really meets a man like this evil ghost in front of him, protecting himself is the first priority.

It's too weird, how can there be no body under the armor.

More than anyone else, he wanted to turn this matter into a major event.


Security didn't know Bin Jinghao's identity, but he didn't want anything special to happen at the exhibition, and they would write a report if something went wrong.

If the person concerned is unwilling to pursue the matter, and there seems to be no problem, then forget it.

But which company's employee is this? It's too unruly, so I must warn you.

When he came back to his senses, the gloomy armored man had already disappeared in the crowd.

"Huh? Running away so quickly? Damn it."

The reckless man stood up with his arms folded, first confirmed that the man in armor really walked away, and then spat viciously.

Fortunately, my acquaintances didn't see my performance just now, otherwise I would be ashamed, but...

You can't go wrong.

"He has no eyes."

Bin Jinghao swallowed, his legs were shaking.


Now he didn't even have any interest in the specially prepared entertainment after the exhibition, and Bin Jinghao, who survived the catastrophe, ran to the parking lot sweating profusely.

It's so weird.

Bin Jinghao is very clear about what happened to the neighbors who are separated by a strip of water. As a young man with money and leisure, he is also very curious about the supernatural situation in the island country. up.

Although it is not possible to go to the island country for contact, it is still possible to hold some religious ceremonies in the local area. Bin Jinghao and others have performed a ceremony that is said to awaken superpowers. They spent a lot of money and found a Shinto onmyoji from the island country. The angel feathers collected through hard work are used.

Even if the ritual fails in the end, the knowledge learned during that time has deepened his understanding of supernatural beings, which may be the same as ordinary people, or may be incomprehensible shapes and appearances.

The guy I met at the show today might be supernatural.

"Finally, finally, did our Nanzaoyang also appear supernatural..."

Fear, first fear, then ecstasy after fear.

No matter how the times change, people like them who have already stood at the top of the tower are still standing at the top of the tower. The turmoil of the times is the pain of ordinary people, but it is a ladder for them to go further.

Regardless of whether it is a peaceful era or a troubled one, it is always the bottom group of people who die the most.

Being able to get in touch with the supernatural earlier than other people is at the forefront of the trend.

Skillfully drove into Jiangnan District, and then parked the car in the garage smoothly.

Bin Jinghao opened the car door and took a deep breath. Only when he got home would he feel at ease.

Without further ado, he immediately told his father about it, and mobilized his contacts to find the man who appeared at the exhibition.

The relationship is extraordinary, and even the most inconspicuous little things must be taken seriously.


Just as Bin Jinghao got out of the car, a different voice suddenly sounded in the garage.

The car made a creaking sound, and the body of the car bounced upward like a spring, as if something had been removed.

The shadow of a group of humanoid armor emerged from under the car.

"No, it's not."

Bin Jinghao's mind was spinning quickly, but at this moment, the slower his mind was spinning, the better, so that he would not be able to guess what was going to happen next.


In the darkness, a wooden long knife wiped Bin Jinghao's neck.

An extremely precise knife.

Only the artery was cut, and no other excessive wounds were caused.

"Beep, beep."

Dudu's mobile phone is very criminal, looking at the Zaoyang text on it, Shilong Dadou can't tell which button is the option to turn off, but the methods to solve the noise are the same.


Insert the tip of the wooden knife into the phone.

If you can't solve the trouble, then get rid of the person who caused the trouble.

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