Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 389 Preparing for a Rainy Day (Part 1)

If you really hope to be fed by a snake, then you can't think about it.

She couldn't even reduce her fever, so if she continued to live in the wild with her, she would either die of a high fever, or die of food poisoning or dysentery.

After the high fever subsided a little bit, Park Piaole eagerly wanted to know where she was now.

The entire coast of East Asia is a densely populated area, so you don't have to worry about entering some desolate and uninhabited area. You can find a place where human life gathers with a little search.

As expected, there was a town not far from the coast.

"You wait in the woods, don't go to other places, I will come back when I go."

Before leaving the woods, Pu Piaole repeatedly warned: "If you meet other humans, hide quickly, and you can't release your body if it's not very urgent, understand?"

She Ji turned into a dragon and was drifting without direction for a while. It was purely a dream to ask her what this place was.

It's not that She Ji doesn't want to talk about it, but she doesn't know where this is.

Everything depends on his sick number to inquire in Huizhong Township.


Watching Pu Piaole go away, Snake Ji carefully hid behind the big tree, and put away her tail vigilantly.

Less than 20 meters away from the town, Pu Piaole breathed a sigh of relief.

I can already see the words on the billboard. It is Hangeul, the common language used by North and South Zaoyang. It is very good. If it is Hangeul, it means that we are still in China. Although the poor brothers in the north also use Hangeul, the modernization of the town The level will not be so high.

Is their town connected to the Internet?

Except for the wrinkled clothes and some embarrassment, Pu Piaole behaved fairly normally, and no one looked at him strangely when walking in the town.

It's just a listless, wretched young bastard that you can see everywhere.

I don't know how many there are in the whole country.


Walking into a pharmacy, Park Piaole first glanced at the hanging calendar.

Two days, only two days had passed since she was taken away by Snake Fairy, it was not the degree of coma for several days and nights that I imagined.

"Give me some fever-reducing medicine, cold medicine."

Park Piaole sat on the chair and sniffled.

"Runny nose? Headache?"

"A little bit."


The old doctor in the pharmacy nodded, he had counted.

Although doctors in such a small place are helpless when encountering some surgical operations or slightly more complicated diseases, they can often make accurate diagnoses and prescribe extremely accurate medicines for minor colds and ailments.

After all, after decades of practicing medicine, I was responsible for minor ailments and pains, and I have already explored a set of my own experience.

"The not from Tamna Island."

Although the population of Nanzaoyang is only 50 million, the country is mountainous, and there are some dialects with large or small accents.

The closed Tamna dialect is in a family of its own, and the subtle differences with other dialects can be heard at a glance.

"What did you say?" the old doctor asked in confusion.

"Nothing, how much?"

There are a few large denomination banknotes in the pockets of Pu Piaole's clothes. They are all sold and stuffed into the pockets after making money. The unintentional move has come in handy now.

At any rate, it was not shredded in the rainstorm, only the surface was a little wrinkled, and it could be used after being flattened.

"Okay, here's your change."

After buying the medicine, there is still a lot of money left, and the whole body is dead, and only money is left.

Park Piaole's eyes accidentally caught a glimpse of the small warehouse of the drugstore. Although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, there are also recovery tools from the dealer in the small warehouse.

A few crutches, a wheelchair, these things are enough for a small town.

"Tsk." Pu Piaole pinched the change, and Pu Piaole's heart bleed a little.

A wheelchair is not cheap, he, Pu Piaole, has never bought such an expensive means of transportation for himself.

But after thinking about it, as long as Snake Girl is still by his side, a little fishing in the bottom of the sea will be piles of gold and silver treasures, and a wheelchair is nothing at all.

"I want that wheelchair."

The old doctor pushed his eyes, glanced up and down to see Pu Piaole, who was looking like a bastard: "Prepare for a rainy day..."

Pushing the brand new wheelchair, Pu Piaole trotted all the way to the woods.

"Snake Princess, Snake Princess?"

With the wheelchair, the range of activities for him and Snake expanded.

What about Snake?

There is nothing in the agreed place, and the sound of cicadas can be heard in the open space.

Didn't he tell her to wait for him here? Why can't he see any snake shadow? This stupid dragon can't understand human words.

"Snake, Snake, where are you?"

Pu Piaole braked the wheelchair, curled her hands into trumpets and put them on her mouth.


The branches and leaves above the head suddenly rattled, and hundreds of green leaves flew down, drenching half of Pu Piaole's body.

Pushing aside the leaves covering her face, Pu Piaole raised her head and looked up.

"I'm here."

Wrapping her snake tail around a strong tree branch, Snake Girl jumped out while hanging upside down.

She just hid in a tree.

The two looked at each other upside down, and the atmosphere instantly became awkward.

At least Park Piaole felt embarrassed, Snake Girl's appearance was so frightening that she almost peed out.

"It's not that you are not allowed to move around, what if I can't find you."

"Someone passed by just now, and I hung it up."

Avoiding humans is also an order that Park Piaole gave to Snake Girl, Snake Girl just obeyed it earnestly, and Park Piaole couldn't say anything.

"Cough cough."

After coughing, Park Piaole patted the brand new wheelchair, "This is something I bought for you."

"What did you buy?" She fell to the ground and looked at the wheelchair.

In her impression, all the things that can be bought are food, and this wheelchair does not look like it can be eaten.

"You sit up."


"Take off your tail, or the wheelchair won't be able to bear your weight... Hey, you really don't have legs after you're born, so you bought the right wheelchair."

"Put this blanket on, good, good, so it looks almost human."

Taking a few steps back, Park Piaole was very satisfied with the combined props he bought.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Snake explained what is called quiet beauty. The blanket covered the "lower body". A sensible person can tell by the shriveledness of the blanket that it is a disabled person without legs.

Two white hands are resting on the lower abdomen, the mouth is tightly closed on the delicate face, the hair is dark, and it is melancholy and quiet.

As long as you don't talk, it's perfect.

This kind of human attire saves Park Piaole the trouble.

"Let's go to town."

After getting around the wheelchair, Pu Piaole slowly pushed forward.


She Ji, who had never experienced the experience of sitting in a wheelchair, couldn't help shaking her body, and after shaking, the wheelchair moved forward steadily.

Four wheels are stable.

"You must not show up in the town, even if you suddenly put a snake tail on yourself with magic."

"I don't want to live in the natural world with you. You have long been used to the brutal environment, but the bodies of ordinary people can't bear that kind of torture."

Pu Piaole babbled like an old lady.

She Ji nodded half-knowingly, the closer she was to the town, the more obvious the curiosity in her eyes became.

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