Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 602 The Suzuki Family? (first update)

As soon as the plane landed, the students of Runde Girls' High School checked into the hotel where they were staying under the guidance of their teachers. As a girls' high school, even the instructors of fencing were female. No comparison.

However, this is also the normal state of women's kendo in the island country. Don't look at the men's competitions in full swing. There are often schools that have won several consecutive championships and have been dominant for many years. The powerful school is the dominant one—but who cares about women's kendo?

Most of the female students rely on their natural physiques to suppress them. Whichever school recruits a student with good talent this year will be lucky to win the competition.

Unlike men's competitions, physical fitness alone is not enough. It depends on whether there is guidance, whether you have mastered fencing skills, and it depends on the inheritance of the school's fencing atmosphere and emphasis on skills.

Before Chaofan was born, swordsmanship was already a declining sport. The islanders themselves were not too interested in swordsmanship. Men's swordsmanship was on the decline, let alone women's swordsmanship.

Even now, being able to become an extraordinary swordsmanship seems to be exclusive to men, and the status of women in terms of swordsmanship is unlikely to decline further.

The female swordsmanship instructors of the older generation who do not have much skill are unfamiliar with teaching the newcomers, and the newcomers become the old men to teach the next generation, and this cycle goes on and on, falling into a vicious circle.

In a nice big hotel, the teacher of Runde Women's High School Team is holding a roster and assigning rooms to the students.

"That's it, Mochizuki Misa and Utahara Miyu, in the same room."

Hearing this allocation plan, the little girl hiding in the corner gritted her teeth, Kana Okumura couldn't help but rushed forward and told the teacher loudly that I can!

Even if there are only two beds in the standard room, it’s not a problem for me and Meisha to squeeze into one bed. There is no problem at all. On the contrary, it is very good.

"I can mess with it, I can mess with it." Kana Okumura began to whisper again.

The teacher here is still assigning rooms to all the students, but a black limousine suddenly stopped at the entrance of the hotel lobby. people.

"Da da."

The black leather shoes hit the ground, and they walked forward silently and solemnly, bringing the extreme texture of "The Godfather".

With a few people coming, the feeling of being either rich or expensive immediately rises to more than one level. Luxury cars are common, but they are equipped with bodyguard-like configurations on luxury cars. that's it.

Capitalists, big consortiums, there is only one explanation!

Sure enough, walking in front of the numerous bodyguards was an obvious beauty of mixed race, with soft facial features and sharp aggressive edges and corners, full of heroism, and the person with a big brain had already perfected various plots by himself.

The children of the big chaebols and the mixed descendants of foreigners are really good.

In terms of kneeling and licking foreigners, the island countries also do their part. The licking posture makes people feel ashamed. The police and public security laws are also biased towards Omi tourists. However, most of the kneeling and licking objects only include Caucasians. It has been handed down from time to time, and the rooting of the knees after the war has deepened the ability to kneel and lick.

But what is strange is that the people of the Turkey country and the people in the surrounding area have an inexplicable fondness for the island country. On the contrary, they kneel down and lick the island country. Every year, many locals travel thousands of miles to the island instead of the closer Europa.

This is something that the people of the island country can't even figure out. After all, the island country established diplomatic relations with the Near East very late, and there are not many economic and trade exchanges between the two sides.

"Hello, do you need to handle hotel accommodation business?"

The front desk is also a little confused by the appearance of the mixed-race beauty. Although their hotel is okay, it is a high-end hotel, but it is far from the most high-end hotel for big shots. Big shots should live in Binhai, and they can arrive at her in one night. Deluxe room with monthly salary.

This kind of terrifying aura that makes no one get close at first glance, coming to this hotel is completely condescending.

Kunna ignored the front desk, fully interpreting the arrogance of a big capitalist, she trotted towards Meisha.

Seeing Kunna talking cautiously beside Meisha's ear, the team leader also had a chat with the hotel receptionist.

This is the real master?

I knew before that this female student was said to be in a very good family. Looking at it now, it can be explained that she is obviously not very good. It is not possible that she entered school after secretly changing her surname.

"Could it be that his original surname was Suzuki?"

The granddaughter of the Suzuki Consortium secretly enrolled in Runde Girls High School. In order to experience the life of a commoner, she changed her surname to Mochizuki. Whether this involved family struggles or an assassination by an unknown political enemy is terrifying.

Kunna was nervous, and her heart was pounding after she finished speaking the request from above. If it wasn't for the emergency, she wouldn't have rushed here with the staff from the department in such a hurry.

But who made things so coincidental, Meisha was flying to participate in the competition, and Kyushu Island was suspected to have discovered a monster under the sea, and it was better to catch up early than to be lucky.

"That's probably the case. The military is already launching an investigation."

"Do you want me to go into the water to deal with the dragon girl?"

Nan Zaoyang has tracked the whereabouts of Pu Piaole through the method of monitoring and tracing the source. Although the whereabouts are intermittent, the girl in the wheelchair should not be too conspicuous.

It is true that a monster with high magic power in the myth can be transformed into a human form. This traceability also made Nan Zaoyang's officials stunned.

This is the girl transformed into a dragon, the dragon of Lake Piwa!

Dragon Lady!

"Ah, not at all. Haizi and Amelika are leading the operation this time. You will be on the shore as the line of defense, and you can take action when the situation is critical."

When is this critical moment, Kunna has no idea. Speaking of letting Chaofan, a landlubber like Meisha, deal with Chaofan in the ocean, it is completely nonsense.


As soon as they got out of the airport, Adachi Kazutaka and his group rushed towards the place to stay, but after passing by many big hotels, what appeared in front of everyone was just a small hotel in the style of a small homestay.

The location is still very remote, not on the main road, but in an alley. Fortunately, it is secluded. If it is noisy, everyone should not expect a good resting environment.

Seeing that some people in the team were a bit disappointed, Principal Fu Chuan said earnestly: "The accommodation environment can't determine the level of swordsmanship, and this kind of quaint small hotel can even arouse the understanding of swordsmanship in the heart."

Everything is fake, no money is real, don't look at the flying all the way, but the prices of accommodation hotels in Fukuoka Prefecture have soared three or four times in the past few days.

Practitioners who are waiting to be fed are counting on such days to make money!

It's not a private school, or a century-old public high school. All the members of the plane have already exceeded the standard. If Fuchuan takes the team members to stay in a star-rated hotel, the Education Committee will be the first to come down and hold them accountable.

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