Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 207: Two years, fleeting

The sudden sound scared the spy to a cardiac arrest and almost threw the phone in his hand.

However, the spy who reacted immediately raised his elbow and hit the head of the person behind him.

"Well, well, I won't do anything to you." The light girl's voice came from behind again, and the spy's hand was already out of reach.

The girl's small palm held an adult male's arm so tightly that it could not move.

The sweat of the spy had been left from his head, and he tried to fight back again, but was clamped all over by the girl behind him.

The spy who knew that he was not an opponent suddenly gave up all the useless struggling moves, ready to bite the poison hidden in his teeth.

The girl saw through the intention of the person in front of her, slapped her mouth uncomfortably, and slapped her face.

Let the spy vomit out the poison in his mouth mixed with blood.

"Listen to others, okay~"

As the girl said, she straightened the spy's head and looked at herself.

Then, his head controlling the spy nodded.

"Huh huh." The satisfied girl let go of the spy, and continued to smile with exaggerated gestures: "You will tell me everything, right?"

Seeing the spy just shook her head and didn't speak, the girl pinched the spy's face with both hands and squeezed towards the middle. It looked like a joke, but it was not so comfortable under the girl's strength from ordinary people.

The spy who couldn't stand it finally squeezed a word from the corner of his mouth.

"Do not."

"Ha, this is a lie!" The girl who heard this jumped up very happily and pointed to the spy.

"Next, it's the interrogation moment! Say, who sent you here!"

"Long live the Hydra!" The spy said without any hesitation what he could not have said in death.

"Very good, come, tell me what Hydra is."

The girl looked at the spy who was surprised by her behavior, and continued to pat the spy on the head like a kid who wanted candy.

At the same time, this understatement prevented the poor spy from attempting to commit suicide.

Then, under the girl's detailed inquiries, the spy said everything he knew.

Fortunately for the girl, this spy's status in Hydra's San Diego spy network is not low, at least a full member.

Thanks to this, the girl knew exactly what kind of organization Hydra is.

"Hee hee, it's really interesting! I think you can give it a try." The girl lowered her head and thought for a while, then decided where she would go afterwards.

"Bye, I won't kill you anymore."

The movement caused by the girl here still did not attract anyone's attention, and she left the cemetery extremely smoothly.

But the spy who was left in place by her could not end well.

Having lost the influence of the girl field, he was quickly discovered by other agents, and the communication on the mobile phone that fell under his feet became an ironclad evidence of exposure.

Funny to say, the girl wanted to join Hydra for a try. The first gift turned out to be for UIU to strengthen the cleaning of internal Hydra spies.

On the foundation side,

Then began to act in accordance with the brand new strategic plan,

Everything has been decided, the accumulation is sufficient, and it is only the day when it is harvested.

————— Two-year time boundary———————

And time flies, it is two years.

The world has spent two years peacefully in peace, except for the seemingly increased number of supernatural sightings and the newly released Hongguo 12, nothing has changed, at least on the surface.

Below the satellites above the nine sky,

Nandongzhou, a village with local characteristics outside the tropical rainforest,

A heavily armed team is gathering here, and the logo on their shoulders is Artisan Security.

However, this team does not actually belong to Artison, but a brand new mobile task force, codename: fixed-point clearance.

This task force was set up under the order of Hei himself, composed of the most elite fighters and field researchers, and was responsible for the containment of those extremely important and dangerous objects already in the database.

The targeted clearing came to this village, or the observation point of this foundation,

It is responsible for the extremely important containment task, and the confidentiality level has reached the fourth level.

The staff at the observation point pretending to be villagers provided logistical support to the task force in the open space outside.

In the middle house, the opponent leader of the designated removal team and each group leader finally confirmed the action plan this time and went outside.

Several bulletproof SUVs parked not far away.

The fully armed containment team members were already on standby and set off at any time.

"The action code for this mission: Immortality,

According to the data, the contents themselves are not dangerous, but you still have to be careful and set off! "


The team members arranged their weapons, quickly got into the car, and the black bulletproof SUV started.

The convoy headed all the way south, towards the primeval forest.

The road opened by hand was extremely difficult to walk. The convoy was bumped for several hours, and the designated removal team finally arrived. The predetermined location was a completely unmanned forest area.

In front of everyone, there is a virgin forest with no end in sight, which is prohibitive.

The convoy stopped in front of this virgin forest, and the task force members on the lead car in the front jumped out of the car, and the following vehicles also jumped out one after another.

The captain of the designated removal team, code name: Andrew, gathered his team members.

"Captain, we have arrived at the scheduled unmanned forest area."

"Got it."

Then, Andrew gave an order to the regrouped team members: "Each group will report on the situation."

"A group of all members are in good condition!"

"All members of the second group are in good condition!"

The two team leaders of the first group and the second group in charge of the battle step forward to report.

"Three groups received." The voices of the three groups were strangely dressed cultural people who looked at it at first, with bulletproof vests on the inside and white coats on the outside.

That's right, the main force of the three groups is composed of researchers, supplemented by a certain amount of armed protection, and responsible for judging the characteristics of the contents on the spot. Led by Dr. Merlin, there is no doubt that Merlin is another pseudonym.

Although named as a researcher, these academies must not be underestimated. In order to match the pace of action of the combat team, these people are by no means ordinary people, especially Merlin.

"All staff abandon the car and rush to the destination on foot!"


As soon as the order was delivered, the team members of each group quickly returned to the car, divided their work, took off the prepared equipment from the car, and after the assembly was completed, the whole team began to march into the jungle.

The group of forwards chopped the vegetation that blocked the road all the way, and at the same time dealt with the animals that did not know where they appeared, and opened the way for the designated clearing team behind.

Marching into the night, during the camp, Andrew spread out the map and walked less than half, it is estimated that it will take at least two days.

Don’t worry about animals attacking this kind of jungle, mainly insects and snakes. The deadly mosquito bites here are enough to kill ordinary people by mistake.

However, this is not a problem at all for the targeted elimination team, as they are completely immune to mosquitoes.

The immunization method is also very simple, as long as you are stinged enough, there is no problem. To be precise, you must be stung with high intensity continuously for at least one month.

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