Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 402: Speech (Part 1)

the next day,

The studio, which is large enough to accommodate two hundred people, is already overcrowded. Many people have to stand without seats. Their clothes are divided into two sides, one blue and the other red.

Outside the TV station, the demonstrators were even more surrounded and chaotic. A large number of police forces were deployed here to avoid bloodshed.

"Dear viewers in front of the TV, welcome you to watch. Ten minutes later, the United States of Great Eagle, Vice President Nathan Lien's TV speech is ready to begin. Let us wait patiently for that moment to come. Now, Let us first enter a short film, looking back at the suffering we have suffered in recent months."

When the host's voice fell, the screen everyone saw also changed.

The beginning of the video is a city full of flames, Los Angeles. At the same time, a heavy narration sounded.

"Our country has suffered an unimaginable blow in the past few months. Here, it was originally the Los Angeles City Hall, here, the Los Angeles Building, here, the Green Park, here..."

The camera keeps changing, and these are all turned into ruins. What's even more ironic is that there are demonstrators standing on the ruins of the Los Angeles city government, protesting the government's incompetence.

Subsequently, the camera quickly pointed to the group of demonstrators, but it was expected that when the camera was about to approach, the group of violent demonstrators smashed the drone that was filmed.

The final shot was frozen, with a hideous face, an arrogant smile, and a pair of black feet.

"Our great country has indeed encountered this, but the chaos comes not only from the outside, but also from the inside." The video hasn't finished yet, but the voice of the narration has changed.

The screen of the TV switched accordingly, allowing people to see Nathan sitting in a high chair.

He said just now.

"Citizens, wherever you are, you who are watching this speech, please remember that my name is Nathan Lane, the vice president of our great country."

Nathan got up from his chair, took two steps forward, and then continued: "First of all, I want to answer a question that everyone is very concerned about. Mr. President, I resigned for sin yesterday, so in accordance with the regulations, now I Will perform the duties of acting president."

Nathan's words caused an uproar in the audience, but they did not cause much doubt. Someone has long analyzed this most likely situation, which should be a decision made by the Republican Party in order to dump the pot to the president.

When the scene recovered calm, Nathan paused with a determined expression and continued: "My citizens, I apologize most sincerely for the situation our country is facing now."

Nathan bowed ninety degrees for ten seconds, and then straightened up and said: "But I promise to restore the normal operation of social order within one month, otherwise, the Republican Party will no longer participate in the next presidential election!"

Nathan's second sentence was like a bomb hitting the calm water, which instantly aroused a thousand waves.

I am afraid that this person is not crazy. No one in the history of Eagle Country has dared to make such a promise!

To be honest, the usual TV speeches, the president or some other politicians, the introduction part before them is basically garbage time, false promises, false greetings, and if there are no nutrition scenes, it can be delayed for half an hour. .

But Nathan's appearance broke this law, perhaps because of the special situation he is currently in. Nathan only said two sentences, which aroused a great reaction.

People sneered at Nathan's first half of the apology, but felt weird about the promise after that.

Even if this televised speech ends here, it is enough to go down in history.

This reaction was of course expected by Nathan. After the scene was calm again, Nathan continued: "My promise will be witnessed and monitored by all citizens. Please wait and see."

"Next, I would like to ask you all with regret. In the short film, Los Angeles, a city that has been hit by war, does her appearance touch your heart. If there are your relatives there, if this is the city where you live , If everything you look at becomes like this..."

It is uncertain how effective Nathan's empathic speech can be. The only certainty is that Nathan's emotions and attitudes are absolutely positive.

In ten minutes, Nathan used his superb speech skills to make his speech perfect.

But this is not the highlight of this televised speech.

After nearly a minute of applause, the host continued: "Thank you Mr. Nathan for your sincere conversation. Next. This is the most critical part of this televised speech. Representatives selected from all walks of life, you can enjoy Any questions you want to ask Mr. Vice President!"

"Citizens in front of TV, you can also call us and ask your questions, or show your attitudes and opinions, let's get started!"

Is it finally here? Countless people in front of the TV are looking forward to it.

As soon as the host's voice fell, almost two-thirds of the people present raised their hands.

"This lady."

Nathan sat down on the high chair again, and pointed a middle-aged woman in the front.

The selected lady did not appear to be flustered. She stood up decently and asked respectfully: "Mr. Nathan, what measures will you take to deal with the turmoil that Eagle Country is currently experiencing."

After the question was asked, it was a bit cold.

To be honest, this issue is not at the center of the contradiction. The people above no one care about how it will get better, and it will get better sooner or later.

They only care about how their "enemy" will be dealt with.

Such as terrorists, low-level people taking advantage of the fire, elites, presidents, and hostile parties.

However, Nathan did not directly answer the lady's question, and even said contrary to public opinion:

"Although I am sorry, I cannot lie. I have to say that it is what all of us are doing that is exacerbating the chaos in our country."

After hearing Nathan's answer, the lady stood up again impatiently: "Mr. Nathan, do you mean that we have caused our country to become like this!"

This is what most people hear.

Suddenly, many people looked at Nathan with doubts and unkindness in their eyes.

"Of course not. We are all moving forward in a trap. What is holding us is a quagmire. Although this quagmire is filthy, it is not the real reason when we face such a situation."

"Then Mr. Nathan, what is it?" the other person yelled.

"Our incompetent leader."

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