Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 523, Inspecting the Owned Territory

I spent a summer vacation in this vegetable market and did some legendary things, so the vendors selling vegetables here all recognized me and came to say hello to me one by one. In their eyes, I was a magical guy who could "subdue the old Liu Zhi, the marketing manager, and be a brother-in-law with the gangster Liu Yongqiang." So the news spread, and Liu Yongqiang led his brothers to come. As soon as he came, he said with a smile: "Well, Wang Hao, you haven't come to us for so long!"

That night, I naturally had a lot of wine and meat, and got drunk with this good man. After getting drunk, I lost consciousness. Woke up in the middle of the night and found himself lying on Bai Qing's bed. Of course, there was no Bai Qing on the bed, only me. I exhaled, lying on this big bed, thinking about the past between Bai Qing and me, and unconsciously a sweet smile appeared on the corner of my mouth. I sat up and the room was dark. I got out of bed, put on my slippers, and came to the living room. Bai Qing was lying on the sofa, sleeping soundly. The bright moonlight spread over the window sill and fell on her clean face. There was a ripple in my heart, and I walked over gently and held her gently in my arms. Cute girl, I really want time to stay at this moment.

However, although I never feel that I am a gentleman, I do not want to take advantage of a girl when she is sleeping. So I picked her up and walked lightly to the bedroom, preparing to put her on the big bed like I had done sometimes in the past, and then I went to sleep on the sofa. The room was quiet except for my soft and slow footsteps.

When I came to the bedroom, I gently put Bai Qing down. At this moment, she opened her eyes.

"Sister, are you awake?" I looked at her with a smile: "Sorry, I disturbed you."

"Wang Hao." Bai Qing said softly, then hooked his arms around my neck and gave me a lazy smile.

"Go to sleep." I said.

"I miss you so much," she said.

Then, she kissed me gently on the cheek, then tilted her head to the side, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I was a little surprised, touched my cheek gently, and showed an interesting smile.

This girl probably thought she was dreaming, right? This gentle and intoxicating night is like a dream.

In addition to playing around, I also sneaked to Chenggao to attend evening self-study. If you want to study hard, it's best to be with Tao Zi. Taozi is definitely the kind of good girl who "keeps her ears to the outside world and only reads the books of sages." When I rushed into their classroom, the entire class was shocked, but she remained calm and unfazed. Looking at me, there was only a faint smile on his face. Seeing me was no different from seeing other students. I sat next to her and said with a smile: "Are you welcome to go to self-study with you?" Taozi said: "Of course you are welcome." Then I said with a grimace: "I don't think you are particularly happy." Taozi faintly said He said: "You can't see the happiness in my heart."

Tao Zi likes to read books, and I also like to read books. When we are together, it is inevitable to talk about books. Because I read a lot of books from Yuan Xiaoyi some time ago, I am now very capable of showing off. Taozi said in surprise: "I thought you only focused on fighting in the vocational college, but you still have time to read so many books?" I said happily: "Of course, you can learn from fighting at the same time!" The night passed very well. It was a pleasure, as if I had gone back to the past when discussing Shakespeare.

After evening self-study, I was going to send Taozi back to the dormitory. Just as he was about to go out, he ran into a brick. Brick was still dressed the same way, with a scarf around his neck and a satchel on his shoulder. When he saw me, he was shocked for a while, and then said: "You... have you come back?" I said with a smile: "No, I sneaked back today to accompany Taozi to evening self-study." Brick rubbed his hands and said : "Okay, you take my sister back to the dormitory, and I'll go home first." Normally, Brick would take Taozi back to the dormitory, and then he would run all the way back to his rental house next to the pier. In fact, Brick and Taozi's scholarships are enough for their living expenses, but Brick just can't take any time off. He likes to carry sandbags at the dock after studying. He also said that this way he can make money and exercise.

After Brick left, I sent Taozi to the dormitory. It’s been a long time since I walked on Chenggao’s campus at night, and the cool autumn breeze was really evocative. Along the way, there are new students and old students. Most of the freshmen didn't know me, so they just glanced at me and passed me by. All the old students didn't recognize me. They all showed shocked faces first, and then looked at me carefully to see if I had recognized the wrong person. Those who had some friendship came over to say hello: "Brother Hao, are you back?" I said: "No, come back and go to the door." And they also very wisely called me Brother Hao and then Sister-in-law Taozi. The shy Taozi waved her hands repeatedly: "I'm not your sister-in-law."

Along the way, I gained a lot of Brother Hao and sister-in-law. I was in a good mood, so I kept having fun. Taozi said: "Just have fun, let sister Xia Xue know, and see if she doesn't peel off your skin!" I smiled and said: "No, Xia Xue has always agreed that you can be my girlfriend." Taozi He spat and said nothing. After arriving at the door of the dormitory building, Taozi was about to go back, but I called her back.

"What?" Taozi turned around and looked at me.

This situation makes me nostalgic, and I can't help but recall the scene when I sent Taozi back to the dormitory. Then he thought about it, Zhou Mo had also kissed him, Bai Qing had also kissed him, would it be a waste of this great opportunity if he didn't kiss Tao Zi?

So I said shamelessly: "Can I kiss you?"

Tao Zi said firmly: "No."

Sure enough, it doesn’t work. I was a little disappointed and had a frustrated look on my face.

"Okay." I said, "Then I'm leaving." Then I turned around and pretended to leave.

I thought Taozi would stay, but Taozi said simply: "Goodbye." Then she waved to me, really ready to say goodbye. way. We both turned around, she went back to the girls' dormitory, and I prepared to climb over the wall and join the vocational college. After taking two steps, I felt unwilling to give in. I finally came to Chenggao once. How could I have the nerve to go back without kissing Taozi? Then he turned back and saw that Taozi had already walked out four or five steps. I came up behind her quietly and patted her back gently.

"Huh?" She turned around. At this moment, I moved my mouth to her and kissed her on the face.

"Hey, you..." Taozi blushed and pretended to hit me.

"Haha." I laughed and said, "You said you weren't allowed to kiss, but you didn't say you weren't allowed to kiss secretly." Then I ran away happily.

"Wang Hao..." Taozi's voice became farther and farther away: "What a big gangster..."

In addition to catching up with old friends from the past, I also took the time to return to Dongguan Town. In the farmer's market, the two Malatang shops jointly opened were doing brisk business, and I couldn't even join them wearing an apron. After dinner was over and I had some free time, I listened to the discussions between the mothers on both sides. It turned out that they were planning to open a branch and were recruiting and training new people recently. Although it is a small business, if it becomes bigger, the income will be very objective. Of course, I later learned that under Xiao Zhishan’s secret manipulation, there was no longer any business in Dongguan Town. And his power is growing. Most of the younger generation in Dongguan Town are under his command. His sphere of influence is not limited to the farmer's market, but has expanded to the entire Dongguan Town. .

The night I came back, Xiao Zhishan came to me for a drink and said excitedly: "Brother, I didn't expect that I could have such a glorious day even at my age! Without you, I, Lao Xiao, would not be where I am today. I will never forget that this Dongguan Town belongs to you, I just help you look after the stall."

I just smiled at him and said, "Do it well."

Before leaving, Xiao Zhishan handed me the money he had earned over the past few months. After his sphere of influence expanded to the entire Dongguan Town, his income also skyrocketed, and my dividends also increased a lot. However, Xiao Zhishan has no ambitions and is content with the status quo. He has no intention of invading other counties and towns. At his age, everyone wants a stable life.

Returning to Beiyuan City again, three days have passed. I have had a great time these past three days. I spent the whole day sightseeing, drinking and having fun, and even kissed three beautiful girls. I was in a really good mood.

During evening self-study, Wang Lei came to see me.

He said with a smile: "Brother Hao, I haven't seen you for three days, where have you been enjoying yourself?"

I also smiled and said: "I inspected my own territory. Is there anything going on?"

"It's nothing." Wang Lei said, "Brother Long asked me to ask you. There will be a meeting between the two parties tomorrow. How are you preparing for it? But I think this question is unnecessary. I see Brother Hao is in such a happy mood, so he must be Are you confident?"

I nodded and said cheerfully: "Of course, let's wait and see the show tomorrow."

"With Brother Hao's words, I feel relieved."

At 10:30 in the evening, Zhang Yunfei stood in front of his building. There was silence in this community, and most people had already entered their dreams at this time. He had just finished his evening self-study, took out his key and opened the security door. His voice was very soft, so soft that it didn't even disturb the voice-activated lights. Instead of going upstairs to his home, he quietly entered the basement.

Of course there is no one in the basement. Who would come to the basement at this time? There was no light, it was pitch black, and it was completely blind. Zhang Yunfei walked in the darkness with ease, and finally stopped in front of a certain door. He took out the key and groped in the dark to open the door. One door is opened, another door is opened, another door is opened... When the next door is opened, the previous door is closed. He opened seven doors one after another and closed six doors one after another before reaching a small space at the end.

This basement seems to have been renovated privately by Zhang Yunfei.

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