Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 543: There is a traitor

Out of habit, I lit a cigarette.

People on both sides surged at the same time, running towards Qiu Feng's classroom. The previous actions were silent. Nie Yuanlong was afraid of alerting others, so he arranged for people to gather quietly under the teaching building. When it was time to launch a unified attack, everyone ran up the stairs. Although the attack has now been launched, Nie Yuanlong is still cautious, asking everyone to lower their footsteps and run towards them quietly at the same time. Fu Jiaming was no longer at the door of the classroom, and the entire corridor of Junior High School was silent. The people on both sides were like two snakes lurking in the desert, converging silently. The closer he got to Qiu Feng's classroom, the slower his speed slowed down.

In the end, it was almost step by step. I was also very nervous. I wonder how prepared Qiu Feng was. Why was there no movement at all? I sent a text message before, did that guy not hear it?

At this time, Nie Yuanlong and I were able to reach Qiu Feng's classroom after crossing the distance of one classroom. In other words, there are only three classrooms between me and Nie Yuanlong. The classroom in the middle is Qiu Feng's classroom.

Nie Yuanlong made a gesture, so both of us stopped. Nie Yuanlong looked at me, raised his hand and made a "three" gesture. This is a countdown. When "two" and "one" pass, both of us will rush out at the same time, kick Qiu Feng's classroom open, and then rush in to kill him.

Three has become two.

There was still no movement in Qiu Feng's classroom, and there were only students on both sides of us in the corridor. Everyone was waiting with bated breath and gathering momentum. Everyone looked at Nie Yuanlong's raised hand, waiting for the moment when it became "one" and they were about to rush out.

Just when Nie Yuanlong's two fingers were about to turn into one, the doors of the three classrooms between us suddenly opened at the same time! Three students also walked out. From my perspective, they were Xiao Hu, Qiu Feng, and Fu Jiaming. The moment the three of them came out, deafening roars sounded from the three classrooms at the same time, as well as the banging sounds of machetes and steel pipes hitting tables and chairs. Anyone can tell that there are hundreds of students lurking in these three classrooms!

Nie Yuanlong's expression changed immediately. He frowned and stared closely at Qiu Feng in the middle. After Qiu Feng came out, he did not turn around to look at Nie Yuanlong, but spread his arms and stretched out a big stretch. After more than ten seconds, the roaring and banging sounds gradually stopped. Qiu Feng yawned loudly, then slowly turned his head and looked at Nie Yuanlong. Then, he looked very surprised, as if he didn't expect Nie Yuanlong to be here: "Brother Long, why are you here?!" His acting skills were pretty good.

Nie Yuanlong immediately calmed down. Qiu Feng said such words, which meant that he had no plans to start a war. After all, both of them knew what the consequences would be if a war started, and the foundation they had worked so hard to build might be destroyed. If they weren't 100% sure, neither of them would be willing to take the risk. Nie Yuanlong said: "I have been feeling tired lately, so I took my brothers out for a walk."

"Okay!" Qiu Feng looked at the people on both sides of the corridor and said, "When I go out for a walk, I bring guys with me. If I don't know, I think you are going to hit me!" Nie Yuanlong said quickly: "How could that be? If I hit you , I will definitely inform you in advance." Upon hearing this, Qiu Feng laughed and said: "That's right, I believe Brother Long is an aboveboard person and will not use dark tricks such as sneak attacks."

Nie Yuanlong smiled faintly and said: "Brother Feng, I heard that you are very troubled by the incident between Qin Bo and Mei Xiaoliang. I don't know how to deal with it?" He was also changing the subject. Qiu Feng said: "Brother Long, please worry, it's just a misunderstanding. How can brothers work together without some bumps and bruises? We'll have a meal and drink together afterwards and we'll make up!"

"Haha, that's good. Don't get into internal strife, or I'll take advantage of you." Nie Yuanlong said jokingly.

But everyone knows that he is no joke.

"Okay, you must remember Brother Long's teachings." Qiu Feng said: "So Brother Long, can you continue walking? I hope I didn't disturb you?" With a smile on his face and a proud tone.

"Goodbye." Nie Yuanlong no longer looked at him, but walked straight forward, passing Fu Jiaming, Qiu Feng, and Xiao Hu, and finally came to my side. "Let's go, Brother Hao." Nie Yuanlong said, "Let's continue walking." Then he hooked my shoulder.

I vaguely felt that his grip on my shoulders was a bit strong, as if he was worried that I would run away. Thinking of this, my heart naturally tightened. Couldn't it be... that he discovered it? Black Spider, Da Lao Er and others moved out of the way, and Nie Yuanlong and I passed through the crowd, followed by Wang Lei and Zhao Peng. The two students have merged together, and everyone retreated from the west corridor under our leadership. After returning in vain, everyone looked a little disappointed.

"Go back." Nie Yuanlong said lightly, but the hand on my shoulder did not let go, obviously not letting me go.

The further down you go, the fewer people there are. Everyone returned to their respective classes under Nie Yuanlong's instructions. At the end, only Nie Yuanlong and I, as well as Wang Lei and Zhao Peng were left. The four of us went down to the teaching building and sat beside the flower bed. Nie Yuanlong took out a cigarette, and Wang Lei immediately lit it for him with a lighter. He blew out a long puff of smoke and said, "There is a traitor among us."

I looked at him calmly, even though my heart was in turmoil. Wang Lei and Zhao Peng immediately rushed to say: "Brother Long, it's not me!" It's not fun to be recognized as a traitor by Nie Yuanlong. After all, we have all seen how he treated Xiong Fei. Nie Yuanlong glared at them: "You two, please be quiet! Can't you imitate Wang Hao?" They both looked at me. I smiled, but it was actually a bitter smile. My calmness was also deliberately pretending. Nie Yuanlong looked at me again and asked, "Brother Hao, what do you think?"

I didn't know what Nie Yuanlong meant, so I had to answer conservatively: "Brother Long is right." Nie Yuanlong nodded: "It took less than ten minutes from the time we organized the manpower to the sneak attack on Qiu Feng. Within ten minutes, Qiu Feng Feng also organized his people and hid them in three classrooms. There is no other solution except a traitor." Zhao Peng and Wang Lei nodded, and I had no choice but to nod along.

"The traitor must be among us." Nie Yuanlong smoked a cigarette, lowered his head, obviously deep in thought. Wang Lei and Zhao Peng looked at each other nervously, but I still pretended to be calm and looked at Nie Yuanlong, and I was ready to run away at any time. After all, the cabin is not on the beach, so the probability of escaping is still very high, and it won't be as miserable as Xiong Fei. The key thing is that Nie Yuanlong didn't bring anyone with him, so he wouldn't do much harm to me with his bare hands.

"Who could it be?" Nie Yuanlong lowered his head, looking very worried, and then slowly looked at the three of us. Both Wang Lei and Zhao Peng were scratching their heads, fearing that Nie Yuanlong would identify them as traitors. The real traitor - I, although my face was expressionless, cold sweat was pouring from my back. "After you go back," Nie Yuanlong said, "you must check your own people carefully."

"?!" The three of us were surprised.

Nie Yuanlong continued: "We have quickly organized so many people before, and it is inevitable that there will be people arranged by Qiu Feng. If anyone sends him a text message, our plan will be exposed." He sighed: "It's me I was negligent. If we want to carry out a sneak attack, it is unrealistic to bring so many people. If we narrow the scope to twenty people and all of them are our own absolute confidants, there should be no such problem." He added He blew out a puff of smoke, as if reviewing his mistakes.

I see! The traitor Nie Yuanlong mentioned refers to the nearly two hundred people who participated in the war before, not the three of us. The three of us breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Wang Lei rushed to say: "Brother Long is right, the traitor must be among the two hundred people!" Pushing the suspect away was exactly what the three of us wanted, so I and I Zhao Peng also said: "Not bad, not bad."

Nie Yuanlong stood up and said: "That's it. When you go back, you all check your own people to see who is suspected, and clean out the bad apples as soon as possible. You would rather kill a hundred by mistake than let one go. Do you understand?"

The three of us naturally nodded violently, and we will discuss the matter of finding out the traitor afterwards. Nie Yuanlong patted the dust on his butt and sighed: "After this incident, I'm afraid Qiu Feng..." He didn't finish his sentence, but we all understood what he meant.

Qiu Feng will intensify his efforts to deal with us, and will use endless methods.

"Be careful." Nie Yuanlong smoked a cigarette and took the lead towards the teaching building, leaving only the three of us standing there looking at each other.

"Brother Hao, what do you think?" Wang Lei looked at me, and Zhao Peng also looked at me.

"Brother Long is right." I said pretending to be profound: "Be careful, Qiu Feng will definitely not give up."

After saying that, I walked towards the teaching building very proudly, leaving the two of them on the ground and looking at each other.

"Brother Hao, thank you." Qiu Feng said on the phone: "If it weren't for you, I would really be in trouble this time!"

"You're welcome, we are brothers to begin with."

"Damn it." Qiu Feng cursed: "I didn't expect Nie Yuanlong to dare to sneak attack me. I always thought he didn't have the courage!"

"After all, he is as famous as you and Yu Chengfei. How come you don't have the courage?" I said with a smile: "Brother Feng, don't underestimate the enemy. And let me tell you, Nie Yuanlong will never give up, so you still Be careful every step of the way.”

"Definitely, definitely." Qiu Feng said, "If something like this happens again, please ask Brother Hao to report it in time so that I can quickly come up with a countermeasure!" It was obvious that he completely trusted me. I suddenly felt that although I reported the message to him before for the safety of Mustache, it seemed to be very beneficial now.

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