Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 589: If you don’t like it, it’s fake

In fact, he is just bluffing and will not take any serious action. But Li Shanman obviously took it seriously, and she was so frightened that she cried.

I didn't say anything or move, I just watched him cry quietly. The gangsters in Dongguan Town beat them so hard that Li Jinbao and his two friends started shouting. Li Shanman cried and said: "Wang Hao, I was wrong. I apologize to you, please don't touch my brother, okay?"

I didn't say anything, and still looked at her quietly. This girl's pride and self-esteem in front of me gradually disappeared amidst her brother's wails. Xiao Zhishan, who was next to him, leaned over and said with a smile: "How about just apologizing?" There was a bit of lewdness in his tone, hinting at Li Shanman doing something. He thought that I made such a big show just because I wanted to get this girl. Not only does he think so, everyone probably thinks so too. Li Shanman heard what Xiao Zhishan meant and cried: "As long as you let my brother go, I can do anything you want, and I can be your partner. Do you like it?"

After hearing this, I smiled bitterly. Li Shanman still thinks that "being my partner" is a humiliating thing, and she does not hesitate to exchange this condition for her brother. She is more like the virgin who stands up for herself on TV and does not hesitate to marry the king of the mountain for the sake of the life of her family. The Mountain King is generally obscene, lewd, disgusting, and obscene, making the audience hate him and gnash their teeth.

Now I am playing the role of the mountain king. Although I didn't say a word, Xiao Zhishan and Li Shanman's questions and answers had already put me in this position. I felt a little helpless, so I didn't say anything, and my heart was full of wry smiles and sarcasm. Li Shanman cried again and said: "Wang Hao, what else do you want? Isn't it enough now? What else do you want after I become your partner?"

I smiled, stretched out my hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said: "Forget it, I don't like you. My wife is much prettier than you." After saying this, I said to the person next to me. Xiao Zhishan said: "Let's go." Leaving Li Shanman who was still in a daze, I walked through the heavy flow of people and left here. Xiao Zhishan quickly shouted: "Stop fighting, let's go!" The crowd gathered again and left with me. Xiao Zhishan asked me: "Are you going to let Li Jinbao go just like that?" In his impression, I was not so merciful.

"Yes." I responded softly and said, "It's getting late, let the brothers go back."

Xiao Zhishan wanted to send me off, but I refused. When everyone dispersed, I said some polite words and then went home alone. Because of this, it's almost early in the morning, and I have to put away the dirty clothes and change into a clean set before going to bed. Early the next morning, everyone got up. No one knew what happened last night, and I didn't plan to tell them. Overall, I felt quite embarrassed that I had been tricked by Li Shanman. Zhou Mo drove and took Yu Chengfei and Nan Nan away. I stood on the roadside to see them off.

After they left, I was not idle, because starting from the third grade of junior high school, I had to visit relatives everywhere. My parents took me, one relative a day, until the eighth day of the lunar month. On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, we went to Beiyuan City to formally meet Bai Qing’s family. The two mothers hit it off immediately, holding hands and chatting affectionately. The topic of conversation naturally focused on me. My dad went in and out, repairing everything that was broken in Bai Qing's house, even if it wasn't broken, he would fix it. There is no man in their family, so these things have always been delayed. After dinner, Bai Qing mysteriously called me into her bedroom. As soon as I saw that there was something going on and that I might be able to touch and kiss him, I happily walked in. Bai Qing closed the bedroom door, and I said shyly, "How embarrassing are you? You are my sister!"

Bai Qing said: "Just because I am your sister, I won't be embarrassed. Come on, help me with my winter vacation homework."

"Ah?!" I watched helplessly as Bai Qing took out a brand new winter vacation homework, but this girl hasn't touched a word until now!

"Keep your voice down!" Bai Qing said, "Don't let my mother hear it. She thinks I've finished it. Just hurry up and do it. I can't even solve a single question. This semester's questions are too difficult." I smiled bitterly. He said, "What's difficult is that you didn't listen carefully." Bai Qing said, "I listened carefully, but I just couldn't do it." I said, "Don't be deceptive. You are very smart. As long as you are serious, there will be no problem." Bai Qing pouted and said, "No, I just can't. Why are you so verbose? Why don't you tutor me?"

I sat down, asked her to sit over, and started talking about the first question, and before I knew it, the afternoon passed. During this period, Bai's mother came in to deliver fruits and saw us studying. She was so happy that she said to my mother, "Look at how well these two children get along. Sometimes I want to marry Bai Qing to Wang Hao." My mother said "Huh?" and looked at Bai Qing and me in shock.

I think my mom is going to have a breakdown, really. My dad was cheerful: "I think it will work, I think it will work." I guess he doesn't mind having too many daughters-in-law, the more the better, and he can accept as many as he wants. He probably hopes that I can realize his dream when he was young.

One afternoon passed, and we only passed a dozen pages and eliminated one-third of the winter vacation homework. Because it's almost night, we have to go home. Bai Qing confessed to her mother that she hadn't touched a word of her winter vacation homework: "Mom, I have to ask Wang Hao to stay, otherwise I will be scolded by the teacher when school starts." When Bai's mother told her mother, my mother didn't react at all. My dad waved his hand: "If the boy doesn't get admitted, let him stay here." He really didn't mind watching the excitement, and even took my mother away and left me at Bai Qing's house.

In this way, I stayed at Bai Qing's house for a few more days. In the morning, I helped Bai Mu sell vegetables in the vegetable shop. In the afternoon, I stayed at home with Bai Qing to do homework. At night, I slept on the sofa in the living room. I did find another Some feelings from the past, the days of playing around with Bai Qing every day were quite happy. After a few days passed, the winter vacation homework was coming to an end.

Bai Qing said: "Wang Hao, you are so amazing. You have gone to a vocational college to study, and you are so familiar with high school courses."

I said proudly: "Of course, before Xia Xue transferred to another school, she left me a review notebook, which is full of the essence of key courses. Reading it once is more useful than reading the book ten times. Do you want to read it? , I can give it to you later."

Unexpectedly, Bai Qing said simply: "No!" There was a bit of disgust in his tone. I knew immediately that I had made a mistake, but I didn’t know what to say, so I was so embarrassed. For a while, both of us were silent. After a while, Bai Qing said softly: "Wang Hao."

"Huh?" I looked at her.

"Let me ask you, do you like me?"

My mind buzzed, and I felt like this problem was really killing me. I was silent for a moment, then said bravely: "To be honest, it's a lie if I don't like it." I actually felt much better after saying it.

"Then let me ask you again, do you like Fifth Sister?" Bai Qing stared into my eyes.

My breath hitched. He only hesitated for half a second. Anyway, he was not afraid even if the sky fell today. He said bravely: "To be honest, if you don't like it, it's a lie."

"What about Xia Xue?"

"Of course I do, she is my girlfriend."

"What about Peach?"

"I... also like it." After I finished speaking, my face turned red. I felt that I was too carefree, and Bai Qing must have been angry.

"As expected." Bai Qing sighed faintly: "Fifth sister is right, you like a lot of people."

"I..." My face became even hotter: "I'm sorry, I can't control myself, because you are all so nice, I..."

"Forget it." Bai Qing sat on the bed, hugging his knees with his arms, and said resentfully: "Don't make excuses for your loveliness."

I was even more ashamed, lowered my head and said nothing. In fact, this matter has always bothered me. I can only be good to Xia Xue, and I can keep a distance from other girls, but I can't deceive my heart. I don’t know why, but I feel like I just like the four of them, making me reluctant to leave anyone behind. This kind of ambivalence makes me very sad. I even hope that it will continue like this forever and that everyone will stop growing up. This will save me from having to marry someone else in the future. I will be very sad to death.

When I was feeling ashamed, Bai Qing suddenly asked: "Do you want all four?"

"Ah?" I was startled and thought to myself, what the hell, how could Bai Qing know what I was thinking.

"What do you want me to ask you?" Bai Qing frowned.

Anyway, it was already like this. I no longer cared, let alone being shameless, and said bravely: "Yes!" My face even burned.

"Go ahead and dream!" Bai Qing said angrily: "You are so beautiful, do you think this is ancient times?"

I thought to myself, you are asking me this question, how do you want me to answer it? Go out and ask any man who doesn't want more wives. But I didn't dare to say this directly, so I had to lower my head and pretend to be reviewing.

The atmosphere was frozen again, no one of us spoke, the bedroom was quiet, and it felt really awkward. You know, I shouldn't have been so honest in the first place, and actually admitted that I like four girls. Everyone would think of me as a nymphomaniac.

"That, Fifth Sister's father. You know, right?" Bai Qing said suddenly.

"Zhou Mo's father? What's wrong? I don't know very well. I just know that he is a businessman and he is quite wealthy."

"Zhou Mo's father is the boss of Lianfa Company." Bai Qing continued.

"Oh." I said, "Then what?" I didn't know much about what companies or groups there were in Beiyuan City.

"Zhou Mo said that she has several mothers, because her father can give them a rich and generous life, so they can live in harmony without quarreling. Not only are they good sisters, but they also often get together to play mahjong."

"Huh?!" I was so shocked that my jaw almost dropped. I never expected that Zhou Mo's family would be like this. After all, the world of rich people is really not what ordinary people like us can imagine.

But...why is Bai Qing telling me this now?

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