Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 628: The scene of Black Yama

A policeman next to me immediately knocked me down, and with the help of another policeman, he cuffed me again.

"Come on, come on, you all get out of the way." Liu Qingfei pushed them away and said to me: "What's the use of being anxious with me? Didn't you see that I also want to handle this case? But now Sister Qi is blocking the way, I There’s nothing we can do.”

I lay on the ground, panting, and asked, "What should I do now?"

Liu Qingfei thought for a while and said: "There are only two ways now. The first is that the city bureau sends people to investigate this case, and the background cannot be trivial, otherwise we will still not be able to offend Sister Qi, a great god; the second is that Well, naturally I am begging Sister Qi to be kind and ask her to hand over the little girl, because she is the most critical witness."

I frowned and asked: "The background in the first method is not small, at least what kind of background does it have to be?" I thought of Li Kai, and I didn't know if he, as the deputy squadron leader, counted as a background. bigger?

Liu Qingfei said: "To deal with someone like Sister Qi, you must at least be at the level of director. Ordinary people really can't touch her."

I sighed, knowing there was no hope. Even Nannan couldn't hire someone of that level. I said: "Forget it, I'd better think of the second way." Liu Qingfei nodded: "Let's find a way separately and keep in touch at any time."

After leaving the bathing center, I separated from Liu Qingfei and the others. I first took a taxi back to the billiards hall and briefly talked to Ah Jiu about the current situation of the Black Tiger Gang, asking him to stabilize the military morale of the brothers and not to get into trouble. Then I drove to DT Bar. If I encounter such a thing, I have to discuss it with Yu Chengfei. In short, Luo Weihao must be brought down this time, otherwise Wang Jinbao will surrender in vain.

When we arrived at DT Bar, it was a busy time. I rushed directly to the office on the second floor and told Yu Chengfei about the matter. "Do you have any connections to contact Sister Qi?" I looked at Yu Chengfei anxiously. Yu Chengfei shook his head: "I'm not at that level yet, but Bai Yanluo can." I took a breath and said, "Then let's go find Bai Yanluo now."

No matter what the cost, I must bring down Luo Weihao. Yu Chengfei said: "Bai Yanluo is drinking downstairs. I just came up to pay tribute." There was nothing to say, so the two of us immediately went downstairs. Under the leadership of Yu Chengfei, we went to a booth in a corner. A circle of people were sitting there, and Bai Yanluo was indeed sitting at the very back. The lights were bright and dim, making the eyes hurt, but one could still clearly see a woman sitting on Bai Yanluo's lap, kissing Bai Yanluo from ear to ear. Bai Yanluo touched the woman's waist with his hand and seemed to be enjoying it. We were a little embarrassed watching from the side.

Yu Chengfei knew that my matter was urgent, so he didn't care so much anymore, and shouted: "Brother, brother!" Bai Yanluo seemed to have drunk too much, and said "Ah" in a daze, then raised his head and looked at me and Yu Chengfei. The woman on her lap also turned her head. As soon as I saw this woman, I was completely shocked. Yu Chengfei had already asked, "Brother, do you know Sister Qi?" Bai Yanluo smiled and said, "Yes, aren't you just sitting on my lap?"

That's right, the person sitting on Bai Yanluo's lap and kissing Bai Yanluo was none other than Sister Qi, whom she had just met before. Because the light was dim, she changed her clothes again, but she didn't recognize him for a moment. Yu Chengfei was also shocked and looked at Sister Qi blankly. Sister Qi is in her thirties, sitting on the lap of Bai Yanluo, who is in his twenties, but she doesn't look out of place at all. Instead, she feels that they are a perfect match. Yu Chengfei calmed down and said respectfully: "Hello, Sister Qi." Sister Qi said with a smile: "Are you the fierce guy Xiaobai recruited? I heard that you killed Scar Zhang? Hello, hello." Still standing. He stood up and stretched out his slender hand towards Yu Chengfei.

Yu Chengfei also shook hands with her politely. Sister Qi laughed again: "Little handsome boy, why are you looking for your sister so late at night? I am your eldest brother's woman, so you must not have any evil intentions." Bai Yanluo also said with a smile: "If you really are me It would be nice to be my own woman. It's a pity that you are too carefree and unwilling to be by my side honestly." Sister Qi turned her head and threw a look at him and said, "You still say that you are not the same carefree as I am? , when have you ever had something like this around you when you were sleeping at night?"

Bai Yanluo chuckled and was noncommittal. I was really shocked by this scene. Sister Qi was still in Jinlang Island just now, and now she ran to DT Bar and acted coquettishly on Bai Yanluo's lap. It seems that what the policeman said is right. Sister Qi really has great hands and eyes, and she has affairs with so many big brothers, even Bai Yanluo is not immune. Sister Qi turned around again and said to Yu Chengfei: "Little handsome boy, what do you want from me?" I was right next to Yu Chengfei, but she didn't seem to see me. Yu Chengfei pointed at me and said, "Sister Qi, do you still recognize him?" Then Sister Qi turned her eyes to me and looked surprised: "It's you!"

Bai Yanluo also poked his head over: "Do you recognize him?" Sister Qi smiled softly, very charmingly, and said: "Yes, I know him, isn't he the deputy leader of the Black Tiger Gang!" There was a little sarcasm in his tone, which made me Very annoyed again. But Bai Yanluo couldn't hear the sarcasm and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's right, he is the deputy leader of the Black Tiger Gang. He is sitting in this position at such a young age, so he is much better than me!" Sister Qi glanced at me. , snorted: "Really..." Still very disdainful.

"Tell me first, what's going on?" Bai Yanluo crossed his arms and looked at Yu Chengfei: "What are you doing with Sister Qi?"

"It's about the mice..."

Before Yu Chengfei finished speaking, Sister Qi put her arms around Bai Yanluo's neck and said in a coquettish tone: "That's what happened..." She said the matter again at a very fast speed, and then said: "You said What's going on? I just said in the afternoon that I wouldn't call the police, and I called Deputy Liu here this afternoon. Is there still business going on here? Does my little sister still want to see people? "

Bai Yanluo nodded while listening, and finally said: "That's right. Wang Hao, your Black Tiger Gang is doing something, you can just solve this kind of thing yourself, why do you need to call the police? This makes Jinlangyu very difficult to do - —Do you know whose place Jinlangyu belongs to?"

I really don't know that. Such a large bathing center must have the backing of the underworld. Bai Yama said: "That's Black Yama's place!" The music in the bar was still loud, but I stood there blankly. I suddenly felt that I had fallen into a maelstrom that would never be recovered. The strength of my opponent even made me feel like my breathing was stagnant.

Bai Yama continued to shake his head: "Looking for trouble in Black Yama's place is not asking for trouble..."

Sister Qi smiled softly and said to me: "Little brother, you are still the deputy gang leader of the Black Tiger Gang, why don't you know anything about the underworld in the south of the city? Now you know that I am doing it for you, right? If you and When Liu Qingfei makes a fuss at Jinlang Island, I'm afraid he won't be able to find where his arm went when he came out!" Now I finally understand why Qiu Feng and Nie Yuanlong used to go to Jinlang Island to take baths. That was their eldest brother's place. I'm so stupid that I only thought of this now.

I took a breath and said, "Sister Qi, I won't go to Jinlang Island to make trouble. As long as you let that young lady come out as a witness and let Deputy Liu arrest Luo Weihao, I will let him handle the whole process in a low-key manner. It will not affect the reputation of Jinlangyu Island.”

Sister Qi looked at me, but still shook her head slowly: "No."

I was anxious: "Why?"

"Why?" Bai Yamaluo asked from the side and said with a smile, "She is afraid of offending Black Yama."

Sister Qi sat down on Bai Yanluo's lap again, and gently pinched Bai Yanluo's nose with her hands: "You are the only smart one, hum!"

I looked at Yu Chengfei confused, not knowing what was going on. Yu Chengfei frowned lightly and said, "Mouse, you are so anxious that you are dizzy. Think about this carefully. Jinlang Island is the place where Black Yama belongs!"

I lowered my head and pondered this sentence carefully. Jinlangyu is the place for Black Yama...

What happened to this sentence?

Yu Chengfei whispered from the side again: "You and Liu Qingfei went to Jinlang Island to make trouble, and Black Yama is still not happy..."

I opened my mouth wide and stared blankly at Sister Qi and Bai Yanluo. Sister Qi and Bai Yanluo were still teasing each other. He kissed her cheek and she kissed his mouth, just like a young couple. Bai Yanluo also said in a jealous tone: "Little goblin, you really can't offend anyone..." Sister Qi giggled: "When you come out to beg for food, you rely on big brothers like you to show off."

I lowered my head and let out a long, long sigh.

Jinlangyu is the place of Black Yama. Liu Qingfei and I went to make a fuss, and we might even have our arms chopped off. Then Luo Weihao killed someone there, why was he unharmed? There is only one answer, this matter was instigated by Black Yama.

Everyone thinks that Luo Weihao annexed the Black Tiger Gang to strengthen the Shark Gang so that he could compete with the top forces in the underworld in the south of the city. But from such a small thing, it can be seen that Luo Weihao has long been a member of Black Yama. No wonder Luo Weihao dared not to take Chen Yuze seriously because he was with a more powerful boss.

Trouble, big trouble now.

Sister Qi knew by looking at my expression that I understood. She stood up from Bai Yanluo's lap, squeezed out from the innermost seat, walked up to me, pinched my face and said, "So, little brother, I can't hand over that little girl. I offended Hei "Yam Luo, I won't be able to eat enough and I'll have to walk around!" After saying that, he smiled softly, turned his face sideways, kissed me gently on the cheek, and said in a particularly charming voice mixed with a hint of grievance - —

"So, can you forgive me?"

I suddenly understood why she could have her way between so many big brothers. A woman - especially a beautiful woman, if she could reach her level, would really be invincible in the world.

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