Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 640, The Furious Slap King

I also looked at my tattoo proudly, laughed twice, and said, "Let's go and take a look at our territory."

After the Shark Gang was wiped out, their place naturally belonged to the Black Tiger Gang. There are more than thirty billiard halls, game halls, dance halls, and computer rooms of various types, and all of them are currently under the control of the Black Tiger Gang. The profits of these venues are not high, and the money paid is not too much. They can only feed 1-200 people, but they cannot afford more, which limits the development of the Black Tiger Gang. Moreover, the more monks there are, the less money they get. Many people leave one after another, which is why the Black Tiger Gang gradually declines.

School and society are different. In school, the boss does not have to bear the living expenses of his subordinates, because the students still rely on their families for food; but this is not the case in society. Since these juniors follow you, you have to be responsible for their eating, drinking, and defecation, otherwise others will rely on What are you doing for you? So to mix in society, you not only have to be ruthless, but you also have to be able to make money. In school, as long as you are good, students will make money around you; but in society, the more money you have, the more disciples you will have, which is the eternal truth.

I called Ajiu, Xiaosanzi, and Quanhu, and they walked from place to place with me. The boss of each place respectfully called me Brother Hao. I came here to take a look around, which is a bit of a declaration of sovereignty, so that these bosses can recognize them clearly in the future and know which one they should pay filial piety to. Of course, I know how harmony brings wealth, and I shook hands with each of them cordially.

“Call if you need anything.” I said with a smile, “We can get here faster than the police station, and we are better at solving problems than them.”

They also smiled and said: "Definitely, definitely."

After visiting these places, I fell into deep thought. We are like blood-sucking insects, nailing these businesses and charging them 10% or 20% of their profits. The specific amount of money they can earn depends on how much they can earn. This passive way of making money is a bit too negative. Moreover, there are only so many venues, and big venues cannot be won. The development of the Black Tiger Gang seems to be shackled.

How to make the Black Tiger Gang develop better and live up to Wang Jinbao's expectations of me is the first question I should think about now. But before that, I still went to Tongzilou, where Yuan Xiaoyi had been living for several days. For Yuan Xiaoyi's safety, I have to find a place for Yuan Xiaoyi to live. I took the time to go back to Dongguan Town, drove my car over, and then went straight to Tongzilou.

Yuan Xiaoyi has already stayed at the beautiful sister's place. They happened to be there when they went there, and they seemed to have become good friends who talked about everything. I knew that such a beautiful sister could become good friends with anyone. Although Yuan Xiaoyi still didn't know what happened to the iron block, she found herself in Tongzilou when she woke up, and heard some words from Uncle Qi. She also knew that something terrible had happened, so she wouldn't go back for the time being. Wait quietly for me to come. As soon as I told what happened in the past few days, Yuan Xiaoyi burst into tears: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault. I'll go tell Ye Yuchen and tell him not to fight anymore."

I had no choice but to persuade her and comfort her, saying it would be useless if you go. Two mafia families are at war. Will they stop fighting just because of your words? You'd better stay here well. As long as you don't cause trouble, you will be the greatest help to Ye Yuchen. After saying this, Yuan Xiaoyi gave up the idea of ​​going to Xinxiang City. I told my beautiful sister again that I hope I can take Yuan Xiaoyi in for today. The beautiful sister took Yuan Xiaoyi's hand and said, "Hey, you can't pull her away even if you want to." What a lovely girl.

After explaining this, I stayed for another meal. The beautiful sister and Yuan Xiaoyi cook together. The two eldest sisters are both very good at cooking. The sight of them wearing aprons and working in the kitchen is really pleasing to the eye. It reminds me of the time I lived with Taozi and Xia Xue. What a wonderful memory. After dinner, I found Zhao Gensheng again and told him about the Black Tiger Gang these days. Finally, I exposed the tattoo on my arm and solemnly said: "Uncle Zhao, I will let the Black Tiger Gang rebuild its glory." ." Zhao Gensheng's eyes were shining, but he said lightly: "It doesn't matter, it's none of my business."

I went to Chen Yuze again and expressed my apology to him because I killed the Shark Gang. Chen Yuze waved his hands nonchalantly and said, "It doesn't matter, it's none of my business. The Shark Gang will be finished sooner or later in Luo Weihao's hands!" But his eyes clearly dimmed. No matter what you say, you can't let it go in your heart.

After leaving Chen Yuze's house, I went to see Uncle Qi and played a few games of chess. Because I had nothing on my mind this time, I played to my normal level and had a win-or-lose match with Uncle Qi. Even though Uncle Qi looks like a worldly expert, he will jump anxiously when he loses a game, dragging me to yell for another game. By the time we got to the seventh set, it was completely dark. I said, "Uncle Qi, I have to go." He also knew it was getting late, so he had no choice but to let me go. When I was leaving, I thought of something and said casually: "By the way, the teacher Yuan Xiaoyi opposite may have to stay for a while. Could you please Uncle Qi to take care of her?"

No matter how stupid I am, I can still see that Uncle Qi has a high prestige in this building. Uncle Qi's expression changed and he asked: "How long will you stay there for approximately?" I thought for a while and said, "I don't know. The Qi family in Xinxiang City looks very difficult, and they may send killers to trouble Teacher Yuan." , I hope the Ye family can deal with them soon."

Uncle Qi didn't say anything, so he probably acquiesced, and I left Tongzilou. I didn’t go back to school for a long time, so I drove back to Chenggao and rushed in before the dormitory closed. When we returned to the dormitory, Gong Ning and the others kept asking me why a police car came into the school two days ago to look for me. It is difficult for social affairs to spread into schools, especially schools like Chenggao, so they don't know what happened yet. I didn't want to say more, so I just made up a random reason, saying that a friend had committed a crime.

I was very excited about class the next day. Since I haven't been back to school for more than ten days, I dove into books to study. The study atmosphere at Chenggao is very good, and I read the books very seriously. It was already early summer, and many people had begun to wear half-sleeves, and I was no exception. The half sleeves can just cover the tiger head on my arm. I don't want to expose this kind of thing in front of my classmates.

The summer vacation is just over a month away, and I will definitely have to take the final exam before the summer vacation. I felt very guilty. In Chenggao, where there are so many experts, with just a little bit of ink in my stomach, and three days of fishing and two days of studying, I would definitely be ranked last in the exam. So I decided to study hard for a few days, at least not within ten. After the summer vacation, I will be in my third year of high school, and in another year, I will take the college entrance examination. I am still thinking about going to Xinxiang University with Xia Xue. When I think of this, I feel cold sweat running down my back.

My heart is too wild, it’s time to rein it in. I like life on the road, but it is still necessary to study hard.

For two consecutive classes, I put in 120,000 efforts and found that I was like a god. The effect was very good and I could answer all the exercises at the back of the book. My progress was different from that of the teacher, so I basically relied on self-study at that time, holding the black leather notebook left by Xia Xue and reading it eagerly. If this was a game, Xia Xue's black notebook would be equivalent to a plug-in.

I was absorbed in studying when suddenly someone knocked on the door of our class. A student wearing a red armband stood at the door and said timidly: "Is Wang Hao here? Teacher Gao wants you to go to the Academic Affairs Office." All the students in the class looked at me, and I stood up.

The slap king is looking for me? I walked out of the classroom, and the student wearing the red armband immediately said: "Brother Hao, I just called you by your name in front of your teacher." I waved my hand to express that I didn't mind, and asked him again: "The slap king wants me to do it." Well?" Hong Armband said: "I don't know, it seems because you are always absent from class, and there was also the incident where the police came to see you two days ago."

I nodded, having an idea in my mind, and went to find the Slap King. When I arrived at the Academic Affairs Office, I knocked on the door as usual and shouted a report. The Slap King said come in, so I opened the door and went in. As soon as I entered, Slap King grabbed the thick dictionary on the desk and threw it at my head!

Damn it, what's going on with your mother? Why is the Slap King so grand?

I tilted my head and the dictionary flew over and hit the door behind me with a bang. The dictionary fell to the floor and fell into a ball. The Slap King had already stood up, standing behind the large desk, panting as if practicing toad kung fu, and his whole body was shaking with anger. He pointed at me and cursed: "Wang Hao, do you think you are so awesome?!"

I said with grievance: "No..."

"You still said no?!" The Slap King grabbed the water glass again and threw it towards me. But this time he didn't aim at the head, but at my legs. I dodged again and the water glass fell to the ground. "You haven't come to class for more than ten fucking days. Are you treating Chenggao as a resort?! Have I ever told you that I won't let you go if you make a mistake?!"

I can see that the Slap King is really angry.

In a school like Chenggao, anyone who misses one day of class will be punished, let alone one who misses more than ten days.

I usually skip school, and the slap king is enough to turn a blind eye. This time, after being idle for more than ten days in a row, Slap King has gone berserk.

"You are also related to the murder case, and the police cars personally drove into the school to look for you!" Slap King shouted hysterically: "Do you know how much you have embarrassed Chenggao?! Chenggao has been establishing the school for decades, and you have never been there. This kind of student!"

I cherished my opportunity to study in Chenggao, so no matter what the slap king said, I nodded seriously and sincerely and said: "Teacher Gao, I know I was wrong, and I won't do it again."

But the slap king obviously still wasn’t relieved. He yelled at me: “Do you think you are awesome at being a gangster? Let me tell you, I was a gangster before. Do you know where I am from?! I’ll scare you to death if I tell you!” As he spoke, he pushed up his sleeves.

Wow, what a handsome tiger head.

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