Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 660: Who sent you?

Gong Ning and the others had long been dissatisfied with Zhao Hongjun, and now they beat and kicked him mercilessly. Zhao Hongjun couldn't bear it even with his iron body. After Gong Ning and the others finished fighting, Zhao Hongjun lay on the ground panting. Zou Yang and others also ran over, stood in front of me, nodded and bowed, and said, "Brother Hao, thank you." I looked at Zou Yang very annoyed, or maybe I didn't have a good impression of him. I raised my hand and slapped him across the face, cursing: "Did I let you come? Who do you think you are?"

Zou Yang's face turned red and he didn't say a word. There was silence in the classroom. Everyone except Gong Ning and the others looked at me in surprise. This is a classroom for the first year of high school, freshmen in the first year of high school. They don’t know about the grudge between me and Zou Yang. And in this situation, it was impossible for me to say anything to Zhao Hongjun. I would beat him even if he was beaten, and nothing he said would be hypocritical, so I had no choice but to leave the classroom with him.

After leaving the classroom, I thought about how hard Zhao Hongjun was beaten this time. I guess he was going to tell Zhao Tiequan, so I asked Gong Ning and the others to be careful these days. But after a few days, there was no movement from Zhao Hongjun's side, and I gradually relaxed. It seemed that Zhao Hongjun also wanted to save face, so I didn't tell him everything. Regarding Lu Rong, I asked someone to investigate her details. This girl does not have a special background. Her parents are both in business. Her family has a little money, but it is not a wealthy family.

After what happened a few days ago, I became wary of Lu Rong. I felt that she was "using me to get rid of Zhao Hongjun", but I did not rule out another more dangerous speculation. I don't want it to be the other way, otherwise this matter will be in big trouble. I asked a freshman in high school to convey my intention to Zhao Hongjun, saying that I did not want to be his enemy, nor did I have any interest in Lu Rong. The idiots who came to see him that day were not my people. Zhao Hongjun also sent back a message, saying that he would wait and see by reading the songbook. I think this person is like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard.

Although I tried my best to avoid Lu Rong and Zhao Hongjun and took a detour when I saw them from a distance, one time when I was going upstairs, I happened to meet them when I turned a corner. Lu Rong was still walking in front, with Zhao Hongjun following behind. Lu Rong's expression was as cold as a peacock; Zhao Hongjun followed suit, cautiously following behind. The corridor is so narrow that I can't even hide. I pressed against the wall and let them pass first. A group of my brothers have been implicated in running rampant in the city, and now they have to stick to the wall to make way for others.

Lu Rong passed by me, but stopped and looked at me. Lu Rong is very tall. I was 1.75 meters tall at the time, and she was only a little shorter than me. She is tall and looks good in any clothes. She has exquisite facial features and her eyes are like clear springs in the mountains. She stared at me unblinkingly, making me frown. Zhao Hongjun stood nearby and said, "Lu Rong, let's go." His tone was a little nervous. As a result, Lu Rong didn't move, and Zhao Hongjun could only worry beside him.

"I like you, can you be my boyfriend?" Lu Rong looked at me seriously.

Zhao Hongjun's eyes widened and his breath became thicker. I felt that his heart was going to be broken. I looked at Lu Rong and said seriously: "I have a girlfriend." On the one hand, I expressed my position, and on the other hand, I troubled Lu Rong to find someone else to kill him.

"I heard that you have a lot of girlfriends, so what does it matter if you have one more?"

"Who said that? I only have one girlfriend." I glanced at Zhao Hongjun from the corner of my eye.

"Oh? One from Xinxiang, one from Chenggao, and two from Beiqi. Which one is your real girlfriend?"

My heart skipped a beat, I didn't expect that she knew so much about me. I frowned and said, "No matter who it is, it's not you anyway." After saying that, I walked upwards, Gong Ning and the others followed me. Lu Rong stood still, while Zhao Hongjun stood next to her and said, "Do you like gangster leaders? As long as I want, I can become the biggest gangster leader in the city at any time!"

My heart thumped again, and I realized that the situation was developing in a bad direction. After the first class, I called Ye Zhan out to discuss the matter. Ye Zhan said: "The problem lies with Lu Rong. We must figure out what her purpose is."

At night, Ye Zhan and I were already lurking in Lu Rong's community. This community is considered mid-range, with a lot of green belts inside. We found a lawn in front of her house to sit down, smoking and chatting. After a while, Lu Rong was seen coming, followed by Zhao Hongjun. It's just that Zhao Hongjun is a bit far away, about five or six meters away. When they arrived at Lu Rong's building, Zhao Hongjun turned around and left. Lu Rong opened the security door of the unit, walked in and prepared to close the door, but the door was held by Ye Zhan. Lu Rong said "Huh?", I pushed her, walked into the unit door, and dragged Lu Rong down to the basement.

"What are you doing!" Lu Rong struggled, but I still pulled her down forcefully.

Ye Zhan deliberately said in a very lewd voice: "Mouse, do it quickly, I'll be on guard outside."

I pulled Lu Rong to the basement, forced her into a corner, pressed her left shoulder with one hand, took out a switchblade with the other hand, and pointed it at her neck. The lights in the basement were dim, and the blade was bright and cold. A trace of fear flashed in Lu Rong's eyes, his breathing became slightly heavier, and his chest kept rising and falling.

I said viciously: "Who sent you?"

Lu Rong frowned: "Who sent me here?"

"Still pretending?!" I put the knife close to her neck, and I could clearly see some goosebumps on her fair neck. It seemed that she was indeed scared, and her body's instincts would not lie: "Deliberately provoking me and Zhao Hongjun’s war, did someone teach you to do this behind your back?”

"Are you crazy?" Lu Rong gritted his teeth and said, "Are you suffering from persecution delusion?"

I raised the blade again and pointed it at her cheek: "I advise you to tell the truth, otherwise this beautiful face will be in danger."

I feel that my acting is quite similar, and I have shown the vicious side of the bad guy, which would make any girl scared at this time.

Lu Rong gasped and said, "I really like you, that's why I wrote you a love letter and I hope you can be my boyfriend."

"Oh? Really?" I put away the switchblade and said with a smile, "Is that true?"

Lu Rong bit her lip and said, "Yes."

"You don't mind that I have a girlfriend, and you don't mind that I'm a philanderer?"

"I don't mind." Lu Rong's voice was a little soft.

"Hey, I like girls like you best." I gently touched her face with my hand and carefully observed her expression. There was some disgust in her eyes, but she still pretended to be happy. I moved my face closer again and could clearly smell the body fragrance coming from her body. I took a deep breath and said, "You're still a virgin, right? How about leaving it to me?"

Lu Rong frowned and covered his chest with his arms. I put my lips to hers, pretending to kiss her lips. Lu Rong hesitated for a moment and then closed his eyes. It looked like he was ready to break the jar. I exhaled and had to take two steps back and said, "Okay, tell me quickly, what is your purpose?"

Lu Rong pretended to be confused and said, "What is the purpose?"

"I'm telling you what on earth do you want to do? It's not worth risking your virginity for this. I'm telling you, I'm a complete bad guy. I took off your clothes when I said I'd take them off."

Lu Rong lowered his head, seeming to be deep in thought for a long time before saying, "I don't like Zhao Hongjun, but he keeps pestering me. It was like this in junior high school, and I couldn't get rid of him. No one dared to mess with him. I can’t ask anyone for help. Since I came to Chenggao and heard about you, I feel that you are the only one who can control him and keep him away from me, so..."

"Don't bother me!" I said, "You think too highly of me. Don't you know who Zhao Hongjun's father is? I'm just a student, how can I be so awesome as to go against his father? I'm sorry, I'll help you with this. If not, you should find another expert."

Knowing Lu Rong's true purpose, I was relieved. As long as she didn't deliberately provoke her, I was really afraid that someone was deliberately causing trouble behind this. It's definitely not a joke that I want to fight with Zhao Hongjun. Maybe this feud will involve the underworld in the south of the city. Now I just need to make it clear to her, act with emotion and reason with her, and from now on, it will be fine.

After listening to my words, Lu Rong fell silent. I continued: "My identity is not as simple as you think. Between me and Zhao Hongjun, one incident can affect the whole body. An ordinary dispute may lead to a bloody tragedy. I hope you will not use your brains on me in the future." ,May I?"

I tried my best to restrain my words, but Lu Rong's nose still twitched and tears actually fell.

"Hey!" I said speechlessly, "Why are you crying?"

"No one can help me." Lu Rong sobbed: "My whole life will be ruined by Zhao Hongjun. As long as he is around, I have nightmares every day, wishing that he would be hit by a car and die when he went out. Why are some people so annoying?"

I said helplessly: "Do you hate him that much?"

"Yes." Lu Rong nodded: "Zhao Hongjun is ugly, short, frustrated, and he is also sentimental. I don't want to see him at all."

I sighed: "You think he is like a toad, completely unworthy of a white swan like you, right?"

Lu Rong hesitated for a moment, then nodded. At this moment, I felt a little sad. Perhaps it was due to my natural sympathy for the weak. I felt that Zhao Hongjun was really pitiful, and then I thought of myself who had a crush on Li Shanman in junior high school. Probably in Li Shanman's heart, I also hate it so much. But I couldn't help at all, and there was no need to wade into this muddy water, so I said, "Whatever you do, just don't use me as a gun anymore." After that, I turned around and left. basement.

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