Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 673, Escape from Beiyuan City

Zhang Shundong was really not in a hurry, because there were four or five people on his side, and Mr. Yuan came over with a beer bottle.

beer bottle? ! Ah ha ha ha ha... Zhang Shundong just wanted to laugh. But in the end, he died under this beer bottle.

At the same time, the four or five subordinates also began to look for people, that is, to collect materials nearby, carrying stools and other things. Those who work outside cannot carry a machete with them every day, so getting materials nearby is also a skill. Because the fighting took place right in front of the hotel, the guests in the hotel could not get out and could only hide in the corner in panic. When the proprietress saw this scene, she expected that Mr. Yuan would not be able to defeat so many people, so she immediately arranged for her waiters to call the police. But as soon as the police heard that it was a fight, they deliberately slowed down and prepared to wait until the fight was over before coming back again - this is also a common tactic used by the police.

Let’s talk about fighting again. While Zhang Shundong and the others were fishing for chairs, Yuan Shao had already smashed a bottle on Zhang Shundong's head, causing glass shards to fly everywhere and beer to pour everywhere. Zhang Shundong didn't care at all. Being hit in the head with a beer bottle was nothing at all. Until now, he had taken it lightly. He picked up the stool and threw it at Yuan Shao, but he had no defense at all. Because in his eyes, Yuan Shao was already a useless person with nothing to do.

But Yuan Shao was not bare-handed. He also had a broken bottle mouth in his hand, and the other end of the bottle mouth was a jagged bottle body. As soon as Yuan Shao took action, the grudges he had held for many days broke out. He used this half of the bottle to stab Zhang Shundong's neck hard, and his shot was very precise, heading towards the main artery. In just a moment, blood spurted out. Zhang Shundong's eyes widened and he wanted to cover his neck with his hands, but Yuan Shao didn't give him this chance, and he also turned the bottle in his hand.

The aorta in his neck was torn even more, and Young Master Yuan's eyes were as red as fire, piercing and turning fiercely. Zhang Shundong's younger brother picked up a stool and threw it at Yuan Shao's body, but Yuan Shao remained motionless and focused on Zhang Shundong's neck. Zhang Shundong suddenly knelt down on his knees, not knowing whether he was begging for mercy or because he had lost his strength. After this action, his body collapsed completely.

Yuan Shao exhaled and dropped the half bottle on the ground. The four or five younger brothers were all stunned. When they found out that the boss was dead, they immediately threw away the stools in their hands and ran out shouting wildly. The guests in the hotel were also shocked. The proprietress stood at the counter and looked on stupidly, her eyes full of fear and terror.

Young Master Yuan felt distressed, turned to her and asked, "Are you afraid of me?"

The landlady was stunned for a moment, but quickly shook her head and said, "You hurry up, the police will be here soon!"

After hearing these words, Mr. Yuan actually laughed like a child, and then nodded heavily. He turned around and strode towards the door. The sun shines in and hits the boy's face. When he walked to the door, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the proprietress at the counter.

"When I come back, I will marry you."

After saying this, Mr. Yuan rushed out, his face burning like a piece of coal. He returned to the DT bar and had a brief chat with everyone. Meng Liang got him some money and asked him to leave Beiyuan quickly.

"Call me again in three months and I'll tell you what's going on here."

"Don't worry, it's not the first time I've run away."

Young Master Yuan hurriedly changed out of his blood-stained clothes and went to the bathroom to wash his face. When I looked up, I saw my afro and realized that it was very distinctive. This time he killed someone, and it was Zhang Shundong. Neither the gangster nor the white gang would let him go. As soon as Yuan Shao came out, he went straight to a barber shop and asked the boss to shave his head, because shaving his head was the fastest and he knew he didn't have much time. After that, he bought a wig and put it on his head. He took a taxi when he went out and went straight to the train station. This was not his first time running away. He knew that the train station had the most crowded traffic and the most lax management.

When he arrived at the train station, he found that there were a lot of gangsters inside, and they were all looking around, obviously looking for someone. At this time, Meng Liang also called and told him that Bai Yanluo had deployed manpower to guard various traffic stops. Although Mr. Yuan had shaved his head, he knew that he was full of gangsterism and would arouse suspicion once he appeared in the hall. He took an opportunity and hid in the toilet. After waiting in the toilet for a while, a civil servant in a suit and tie came in. While he was peeing, Yuan Shao knocked him unconscious and dragged him into the cubicle. He took off his suit and put it on, took off his leather shoes and put them on, and also took away his briefcase. After taking two steps, he thought something was wrong again, so he came back and took off his gold-rimmed glasses.

Yuan Shao put on his glasses and felt dizzy, so he broke the lenses, leaving only the frame on the bridge of his nose. He came out of the bathroom and stood on the edge of the bathroom counter. He looked carefully in the mirror and tried to control his arrogance. He imagined that he was a clerk in a public institution and spoke in polite words.

After finishing everything, Yuan Shao, who had changed his clothes, walked out of the toilet and came to the ticket hall. There were many gangsters standing at the door, carefully examining the guests coming and going. Young Master Yuan didn't squint his eyes, and his expression showed an arrogant look, just like an official. The gangsters generally didn't want to mess with this kind of person, so they didn't even look at him. Mr. Yuan walked in smoothly and went to the ticket window and asked: "When does the nearest train leave?" The answer was: "It leaves in ten minutes, going to Yichang, Hubei." Mr. Yuan said: "Bring me a sleeper berth. ." It said: "There are no sleepers, only hard seats."

There was no other way, so Mr. Yuan had no choice but to grab a hard-seat seat, hold his briefcase, and walk toward the platform gracefully. There were also a lot of gangsters hanging around on the platform. Mr. Yuan didn't even look at them and got on the train calmly, without any gangsters paying attention to him.

Mr. Yuan got on the train, found his seat and sat down. Next to them was a middle-aged migrant worker couple, and across from them was a young girl and a thief. Master Yuan could tell at a glance whether he was a thief or not. The look in his eyes was different from others. As soon as the little thief got in the car, he started to observe the people around him, and soon his eyes were fixed on the bulging briefcase under Mr. Yuan's arm. If it was normal, Yuan Shao would have beaten him long ago. But these are extraordinary times, and his identity is that of a gentle clerk.

When there were still five minutes left to drive, a group of gangsters suddenly got on the bus, starting from the first row and carefully examining the passengers in each row. Yuan Shao took his time and opened his briefcase, took out a stack of documents and looked at them carefully. While reading, he sketched on them with a pen, showing the attitude of a scholar. The gangster walked over and did not stop at Mr. Yuan's place. Mr. Yuan still looked down at the documents, as if he didn't care about those gangsters at all.

When the train was about to leave, the gangster got off. With the sound of the train "clicking" as it left the platform, Mr. Yuan sent a text message to Meng Liang, saying that he got on the train and left, and the number was invalidated from then on. He turned off the phone, took out the SIM card and threw it out the window. The train gradually left the bustling Beiyuan and slowly traveled through the green mountains.

It's completely safe. Mr. Yuan put his briefcase on the table and planned to get off at a random stop, then rent a taxi to Xiamen for a tour. Mr. Yuan fell asleep on the table, and another journey of his was about to begin.

In the office on the top floor of the splendid nightclub, Bai Yanluo sat at the head of a large round table with a livid face. Almost all of his bosses were here, including Red Pig, Ma Teng, Hippo, Maohou, and one less Yu Chengfei.

The territory is getting bigger and bigger, but there are fewer and fewer people, which makes Bai Yanluo very annoyed. Bai Mao was crippled, that was because he did this deliberately to alert his boss. But Zhang Shundong died again, which was completely out of his plan.

Everyone could see that Bai Yanluo was in a bad mood, so no one dared to speak, and the office was quiet. Bai Yanluo still pretended to be calm. As the eldest brother, he must remain calm at all times. After a while, the door was pushed open, and Yu Chengfei hurriedly walked in, saying repeatedly: "Sorry, I'm late." Then he sat down in his seat.

Bai Yanluo laughed and asked, "A Fei, I heard that you are not in good health recently?"

"Well, it's just for drinking, it's nothing serious." Yu Chengfei said casually and returned a smile.

"Where is your subordinate Yuan Shao?"

"I don't know?" Yu Chengfei looked confused: "It should be in the store. Brother, why are you looking for him?"

"A Fei, you really don't know? Mr. Yuan killed Dongzi!"

"Ah!" Yu Chengfei looked shocked: "No way? I don't know. I just came from the hospital and haven't contacted my brothers."

Red Pig and the others whispered for a while. They had heard this news before, but now they were still shocked to hear it from Bai Yanluo's mouth.

"You make a phone call and ask your brothers. By the way, call Master Yuan over. The matter must be resolved."

"Yes, it's necessary." Yu Chengfei immediately started calling. He first called Yuan Shao, deliberately pressing the speaker button, but it showed that the call could not be connected at the moment; then he called Meng Liang, who quickly picked up the phone. Yu Chengfei asked: "Meng Liang, where is Master Yuan?"

Meng Liang replied: "I don't know. Young Master Yuan came back in a hurry just now, asked me for some money and then left again!"

"He killed Brother Dong, do you know?"

"I didn't know it at first, but now it's spread!"

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Yu Chengfei was a little annoyed.

"Didn't this just happen? I haven't had time to tell you yet."

"Okay, stop talking. Hurry up and find Mr. Yuan. If you find him, bring him to the Brilliant Nightclub."

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