Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 783, Death of Black Yama

"Hahaha. Uncle Ma, you really know a lot."

"Nonsense." Madman Ma turned around, stared and said, "Dwarf Mule and Huang Yancheng used to be my little brothers!"

"Ah, there is such a thing from the past?!" I was surprised and happy. I didn't expect Madman Ma to be so majestic before.

"Yeah." Madman Ma continued to swat flies and said, "Ten years ago, Huang Yancheng and Dwarf Mule were both my proud disciples. Huang Yancheng in particular was a man of righteousness and good at skills. He was the number one celebrity in the north of the city. "The dwarf mule is known as the stick. The dwarf mule is sinister and vicious, and will do anything to achieve his goals. Although the dwarf mule has a bad reputation, he did do a lot for me."

"Haha." The more I listened, the more excited I became. I kept following Crazy Ma wherever he went. "Uncle Ma, can you tell me more? Huang Yancheng stabbed a short mule. This is a man." what happened?"

"Hey. This is a long story." Madman Ma stopped swatting flies for the time being and turned around and said: "Back then, I had an enemy named Wang Wudi, who was also a well-known ruthless man on the North Road of the city. We were entangled After several years, no one could beat the other. I told Huang Yancheng and Short Mule that whoever can kill Wang Wudi, I will give him the entire Jiefang Street. Jiefang Street is a big piece of meat. Huang Yancheng and Dwarf Mule used their own methods to kill Wang Wudi first. Huang Yancheng passed five levels and killed six generals. After fighting hard, his body was covered with scars, and finally cut off Wang Wudi's head. As a result, Dwarf Mule played a dirty trick. In the name of celebrating the victory, Huang Yancheng was invited to drink. Huang Yancheng was young at that time, so he was easily fooled. As a result, Dwarf Mule drugged the wine, and Huang Yancheng became drunk after drinking. The mule came to me with Wang Wudi's head to claim credit, and I was so happy that I gave Jiefang Street to him."

"Later, Huang Yancheng woke up and became so angry that he stabbed the short mule with a knife?"

"Yes." Madman Ma said: "Huang Yancheng was really anxious and rushed for the short mule's life. The short mule was so frightened that he peed on the spot. If I hadn't arrived in time, the short mule's life would have been over. Later, the truth came out, and Jiefang Street belonged to Huang Yancheng. It’s strange to say that Huang Yancheng continued to mess around and had no problem dominating the north of the city, so why did he withdraw from the world and give it to the short mule? "

"I don't know about that either." I shook my head, "When I met Huang Yancheng, he was already a teacher in Beiqi. Uncle Ma, people say that Huang Yancheng once angered Yancheng, and this is another What allusion?"

Madman Ma frowned: "A City of Furious Flames? I don't know. It should be after I quit the world."

"Oh." I didn't ask any more and said with a smile, "Uncle Ma, it's really interesting to hear your story. I'll come and chat with you another day."

"Okay, let's go. I'll continue to swat the flies." Madman Ma rushed out, twisting his waist and saying "Ouch" for a long time. His posture was very awkward, and he couldn't tell that he had once conquered the north of the city. When I left, Madman Ma said "Ouch" at the same time: "You have to deal with the short mule. When you get the chance, kill him. Don't give him any chance."

"Okay, I understand. Uncle Ma, please rest."

Coming out of Madman Ma's house, he greeted everyone and asked Gao Qi to leave Tongzilou. The dwarf mule must be dealt with—I told you this guy was going to die. But the top priority now is to clean up the mess in the south of the city. I have great confidence in all the hall leaders, so I don’t ask about their progress.

On the way back, Gao Qi proposed to continue living in my villa. I asked why, and she said that Taozi was going to college and she could take care of my daily life if she stayed. I joked: "Sister Qi, where do you do this?"

Gao Qi said: "Besides that, I still feel like home there. It feels good to have something to look forward to and wait for people to come home every day. Don't worry, I will be a pure housewife and will not Brought home by a shabby woman."

I laughed and agreed to her request. Gao Qi and I returned to the Forest Bar and saw Miao Wenqing drinking inside, so we asked him why he was still here. Miao Wenqing said: "Everyone has something wrong, but I am fine. What should I do if I don't drink?"

I chuckled and said, "Okay, come with me to do something. Sister Qi, just go back first."

After Gao Qi left, Miao Wenqing and I left the bar and first went to Komatsu's repair shop to drive my Poussin out. Now I love this car and I don’t like other cars no matter how expensive they are. After driving Poussin, he took Miao Wenqing to an abandoned factory. The factory compound is very lively, with many civilians living there, and it seems that it has been transformed into a residential area.

The sky had darkened, and Miao Wenqing said strangely: "Where is this?"

"Where Black Yama lives."

I got out of the car and took Miao Wenqing into the office building. I've lived here before, so I'm familiar with it. Arriving on the second floor, we met Black Yama. Black Yama feels much older. He is no longer like the fat black man who walked with wind and looked down upon the world.

"Sit down." Black Yama said, getting up and going to pour us water.

Miao Wenqing and I sat down. Black Yama brought two paper cups, which contained very ordinary big leaf tea.

"I want to dominate the south of the city." I got straight to the point: "What do you think?"

"no comment."

"You don't want to make a comeback?" I asked, "Are you willing to live such a dull life now?"

"I said I'm not suitable for mixing, do you believe it or not?"

I frowned slightly. Black Yama, who once frightened countless people, who was once closest to the overlord in the south of the city, would actually say that he was "not suitable for mixing"?

"My original intention was to let them live a life without worries about food and clothing. I always thought that as long as I stopped, they would have nowhere to go, no way to go, no food to eat, and starve to death on the streets. But in my case During the time they disappeared, they were able to support themselves and live a good life. This path was wrong from the beginning, so I want to turn back now."

"Of course, this is not the main reason why I want to look back. You come with me." Bai Yanluo stood up and walked towards the door.

Miao Wenqing and I also stood up and followed us towards the door.

He went downstairs, came to the courtyard, and headed towards a row of private houses. I randomly entered a room. It was very simple and there was a gray-haired old man sitting on the bedside. When the old man saw Black Yama, he immediately got out of bed and cried with joy: "Xiao Wei, you are here!"

Black Yama held her hand and nodded heavily. The old man patted him on the shoulder and said happily: "It's good to come back. Don't mess around anymore. As long as you are alive, you are better than anything else. Don't worry, everyone will not die of hunger."

Black Yama sat down and talked to the old man for a while, then withdrew and took us to the next room. The owner of the house was a middle-aged man. He held Hei Yanluo's hand affectionately and said the same thing: "Brother, stop messing around. We can all live well by ourselves."

When Black Yama withdrew again, he said: "Everyone has been persuading me since I came back. The deaths of the Eight Great Vajras and me have caused great psychological trauma to them. Now, no one is willing to follow me. I'll mess around."

"So, can you believe me now?" Black Yama said this while standing in front of a row of low bungalows.

I was about to say the word "can" when suddenly an angry shout came from above: "Black Yama, your death has come!"

A black shadow jumped from the roof and fell directly on Black Yama. Black Yama was caught off guard and was thrown to the ground by the black shadow. A cold light flashed, and then Black Yama's screams were heard. The black shadow held a sharp blade and stabbed Black Yama's body crazily. I was startled and kicked the black shadow away. The black shadow fell to the ground, then raised his head and looked at me fiercely.

"Zhao Hongjun?!" I shouted in shock. The black shadow is none other than Zhao Hongjun, who has been missing for a long time. He did not expect to appear here.

People poured out of the bungalows and crowded around in shock. Zhao Hongjun waved his knife and shouted: "Black Yama killed my father, and I want to avenge him! I will kill anyone who stops me!" He rushed towards Black Yama again. Black Yama was stabbed so hard that his whole body was bleeding and he couldn't move at all. Zhao Hongjun rushed over, crazy killing intent emerged from him, and once again sent the sharp blade into Black Yama's body.

The crowd had already surrounded him. Some of them kicked and kicked Zhao Hongjun, and some of them quickly lifted Hei Yanluo and took him to the clinic in the compound. I shouted anxiously outside the crowd: "Enough, enough!" But no one listened to me. People used Zhao Hongjun as a tool to discourage him. Zhao Hongjun was completely silent and was still kicking and kicking. I finally pushed aside the crowd and rushed to the innermost area. Seeing that Zhao Hongjun was still breathing, I quickly picked him up and ran towards the factory gate, hoping to take him to the hospital.

No one stopped me, everyone just watched. At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Xiao Wei is dead! Stop him and don't let him run away!"

Hundreds of people once again surrounded me and took Zhao Hongjun's body from my arms. No matter how much I yelled, no one listened to me. Zhao Hongjun's body was kicked and rolled around on the ground. At some point, the 110 police car arrived, as did the 120 ambulance. The police separated the angry crowd, but it was too late, Zhao Hongjun had no breath.

I don’t know how long Zhao Hongjun had been lying in wait on the roof, but he must have been waiting for that moment of opportunity for a long time. Black Yama died, and the revenge for killing his father was avenged, but Zhao Hongjun also paid with his life. Come to think of it, he must have been prepared for this, and had no plans to escape from the factory compound alive. Being able to kill Black Yama has become his only long-cherished wish.

When we left the factory compound, it was raining slightly. I pulled Miao Wenqing around and around on the street. The tragic death of Hei Yanluo and Zhao Hongjun kept flashing in our minds. After a long time, Miao Wenqing sighed: "Since you have chosen this path, you must always be prepared to die a bad death."

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