Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 860: Looking for newspapers from that year

"Is the exam coming soon?" Yu Chengfei said on the phone, "How about celebrating in advance?"

"Hey, forget it. It's not too late to celebrate after the exam. Brother Yu, what's the matter?"

"Beiyuan is completely stable. When you finish the exam, we will go for revenge and be mentally prepared in advance."

"okay, I get it."

After saying this, Brick and I officially started the college entrance examination. Like two ordinary students, we rushed to the gate of Chenggao early in the morning and got on the college entrance examination bus arranged by the school for students. Before departure, the school also put up a wall of red hangings. After the crackling sound, several buses moved slowly over the cannon shells on the ground. There were police cars at the front to clear the way to ensure a smooth journey. When we arrived at the school in the north of the city, Brick and I got out of the car with our stationery. I asked Brick: "Are you nervous?" Brick said confused: "Why are you nervous?" I shut up and stopped talking, feeling that we had no common language with him.

I was really nervous. I was so afraid that I would not do well in the exam. My palms and soles were sweaty. I was more nervous than stabbing someone. After getting off the bus, the candidates entered the examination room one after another. There were many parents at the door, all cheering their children on. My parents also said they would come, but despite my strong objections, they finally respected my opinion. As for my parents, I asked Xiao Zhishan to take good care of them, and Yu Chengfei also arranged for someone to be nearby. After many things happened, we became more cautious.

Brick and I were chatting and walking inside, when suddenly a figure stood in front of us. When I looked up, I was shocked. It turned out to be Xia Xue's father. Brick also called out: "Godfather, why are you here?" Xia Xue's father smiled and raised his hands to put on our shoulders. Top: "You are about to take an exam, why don't I come over and take a look?"

Brick and I both laughed. I said thank you, uncle, and Brick said thank you, godfather. Xia Xue's father said: "I don't worry about Brick. Wang Hao, are you sure?" I realized that Xia Xue's father came here mainly to cheer me up. I was immediately moved and said quickly: "It's okay, I will work hard." Xia Xue's father said: "Well, come on. If you pass the exam, Xia Xue's mother will be very happy." I nodded: "I know. Uncle." After talking for a while, Xia Xue's father let us in, and said he would be waiting outside and take us out to eat after the exam. In the eyes of Xia Xue's father, Brick and I are still children.

After entering the school gate, Brick and I walked to our respective examination rooms. After finishing the exam in the morning, I feel pretty good. I can do most of the questions. If it stays like this for three days (the college entrance examination was still three days at that time), then there will be no problem in getting into Xinxiang University. After I came out, I waited for Brick below the teaching building. After Brick came out, he said to me: "This year's questions are really simple. I finished them in half an hour. I didn't know what to do the rest of the time." After hearing this, I wanted to strangle him to death. .

After leaving school, Xia Xue's father was still there and asked us how we did in the exam. I said it was okay, but Brick said it was too simple. Xia Xue’s father was very happy and took us to a roadside restaurant for dinner. After ordering a few dishes, Xia Xue’s father told us to eat well and then take the exam in the afternoon. He also told us not to be nervous. Brick didn't know what nervousness was, and I wasn't nervous anymore after a whole morning. After dinner, Xia Xue’s father took us to a nearby hotel to rest. He opened a double room and let us share a bed. Then he sat on a chair and watched TV with the volume turned very low.

In this way, Xia Xue's father stayed with us throughout the three days of exams. On the last day of the exam, Brick and I both felt that we had done well in the exam. Xia Xue’s father took us to another big meal. That night, many people called me and asked me how I did in the exam, including the Four Heavenly Kings who were already in college. I didn’t dare to brag too much, I just said it was okay and I didn’t know if I could pass the exam. Xinxiang University is a very difficult exam. In our elite review class, it would be good if ten of them could reach this level. And I have never taken a test, so I don’t know what my level is.

That night, Yu Chengfei wanted to organize someone to celebrate for me, but I said we should wait until the scores came down. What's more, he still has to eat with Xia Xue's father. It was still the three of us, me, Brick, and Xia Xue’s father. This time we went to a relatively high-end restaurant. Xia Xue's father was very happy and beaming, and said: "Wang Hao, as long as you pass the exam, I can convince Xia Xue's mother to let you and Xia Xue continue to be good. But you can't hang around anymore. After all, there's nothing wrong with being a gangster. future."

In the eyes of most people, gangsters have no future. And this is also a fact. Ninety-nine percent of the little bastards will eventually become cannon fodder for the entire industry, and only a very small number can gain both fame and fortune. However, if this line of work is cruel, wouldn’t other lines of work be cruel? No matter which industry you work in, most people are cannon fodder, and only a few make money.

However, no matter what Xia Xue's father said, I kept nodding. Xia Xue's father was even happier. In his eyes, I was a good boy who had found his way back. Because the exam was over, we even drank some wine. In the end, Brick and I were fine, but Xia Xue's father was drunk. It could be seen that he was really happy.

It took three days to fill in the application form, but it took more than half a month to get the scores. I have always thought this is very unreasonable. Why can't we wait until the scores are released before filling in the application form, so that everyone can choose universities and majors based on their scores? But this is how the country arranged it, and no one can do anything about it. Almost every year, you can see students who overestimated or underestimated their scores and missed out on their favorite university. Since I didn’t fill in my application form until three days later, I decided to do something with this time.

The first choice is naturally to avenge his father with Yu Chengfei.

Yu Chengfei and I discussed it together. Judging from the daily words and deeds of adults on both sides, Yu's father advocated revenge, but my father always disagreed. If this was made public, there might be opposition. So the two of us decided to do it secretly, and when it was over, we would tell the adults on both sides. By then, everything would be done, and there would be nothing we could do even if they were angry. Now, the fathers on both sides know what Yu Chengfei and I are doing outside. They want to stop it but they can't do anything. After all, things have come to this point.

Yu Chengfei didn't know much about what happened back then, but he knew that my dad had a newspaper, "It records what happened back then. We can find some clues from it, at least the place where the incident happened, and our enemies." , we all know it clearly.”

Because the adults on both sides were usually busy in the store, Yu Chengfei and I went directly back to my house to rummage through the cabinets, trying to find the newspaper from that year. We agreed that the newspaper was precious to my dad, so he must have it locked away somewhere. Yu Chengfei found a master lockpicker and opened all the drawers and cabinets in my house. I said: "You can open it, but don't touch my family's money." Yu Chengfei said: "Do you think I care about your family's little money?" I said: "I used to raise two chickens at home for a long time. Not a single egg was laid. My mother felt strange, so she stayed in the chicken coop in the middle of the night, and you ended up..."

Yu Chengfei waved his hand: "Forget about what happened back then. I was beaten so hard by your dad that time, and I stole a few eggs."

We searched while chatting, and even found my father’s personal money, but the whereabouts of the newspaper were still missing. After looking through it like a house raid, Yu Chengfei said: "Your dad must have the newspaper, take it out and double it if you have nothing to do." I said: "It happened so many years ago, didn't my dad read it long ago? ? It’s not like it’s still on your body.” Yu Chengfei said, “Is that true? Let’s just look for it. I always feel that’s the case.”

After letting the unlocker go, we restored the house to its original condition, including my father’s private money. There is a few hundred yuan, pressed under the photo frame. Yu Chengfei suggested using the money to eat hot pot. Anyway, my dad couldn’t say anything when he found out that the money was gone. Of course, this unscrupulous idea was decisively rejected by me. Yu Chengfei often led me to do bad things, and he also caught and ate my two chickens. Oh, I also tasted it at that time, and it still tasted good.

If the newspaper was on my dad's body, it would be really hard to get it. The two of us thought of a way and went to the store together. The adults in the store are busy. Business is very busy in the summer, and there is a beer stall at the door. When we came back, my family was very happy. My dad asked me how I did in the exam, and I said it was okay. Even if I couldn't get into one, I would still be fine in the second. My dad was even happier. He had given up on my studies, and he also gave me a casual education: "Go to school well, and don't fool around if you have nothing to do."

But Yu Chengfei's father was not happy. When he saw Yu Chengfei, he pointed at his nose and scolded him, calling him an unfilial son and telling him to get out of here. I was wondering what was going on, and when I asked my dad, I found out that Yu’s father disliked Yu Chengfei for not bringing back a grandson. I was so happy to hear it, I held my stomach and laughed. Father Yu was cursing, and Yu Chengfei suddenly said: "Dad, why do you smell so bad?"

Father Yu was stunned, raised his arm, smelled himself, and said confusedly: "It doesn't stink, why does it stink?"

"It just stinks." Yu Chengfei made a disgusted expression: "How long has it been since you took a shower?"

"It didn't take long. I just washed it two days ago. Maybe it smells like sweat."

This is what Yu Chengfei and I discussed. I quickly looked at my dad and said, "Dad, you smell a little bit too?"

With just a few words and a few words of singing, Yu Chengfei and I encouraged them to take a shower. After talking for a long time, the two finally went and asked us to take care of the store. After they went out, Yu Chengfei and I immediately followed them on the pretext of going to the toilet.

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