Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 898, The Second Battle of the New Division (Part 1)

The meal was really messy, Liufeng was crying and laughing, and couldn't stop trying to persuade him. I became a completely unnecessary character. They almost forgot about me and kept telling stories about that year. During this period, Xia Xue called me and asked me what was going on here. Bai Qing went out and hasn't come back yet. I briefly explained the matter. Xia Xue asked me to take good care of them and call her if necessary, and then hung up the phone. The meal lasted until dusk, when the girls reluctantly prepared to leave. Zhou Mo's driver had already paid for the meal and the smashed plates, so there was no need for everyone to worry. Liufeng was all drunk, and Zhou Mo insisted on staying the night with me, so he asked He Juan and the others to take a business car back to Beiyuan.

After sending He Juan and the others away, only me, Zhou Mo, and Bai Qing were left at the scene. Zhou Mo held my arm and said teasingly: "Mr. sir, let's go get a room." Bai Qing called from the side: "I'll go too. I'll go too." The two drunken beauties hugged each other, and passers-by expressed their support. They looked disdainful, thinking that I was taking advantage of them while they were drunk. In fact, I also drank a lot, but my situation was much better than the two of them. No matter how beastly I am, I can't really bring two girls to a room. After much deliberation, I decided to take them back to Grandma Xia Xue's house. I really couldn't handle them by myself. It should be more convenient with Xia Xue and Tao Zi after we go back.

I took a taxi and took Zhou Mo and Bai Qing back to grandma Xia Xue's house. The three of us were all drunk, and we knocked on the door "dong dong dong". The big iron door was knocked like thunder by the three of us. After the door opened, I found that everyone came out, including Xia Xue's mother. The wolf dog in the yard was barking, and I was laughing. Zhou Mo and Bai Qing each held one of my arms. When Xia Xue's mother saw this scene, her face suddenly turned dark. I didn't realize it because I was drunk, but Tao Zi reacted quickly and shouted: "Ah, why are you so drunk?" Then he came over to help Bai Qing away. Xia Xue saw this and helped Zhou Mo.

Zhou Mo refused, threw Xia Xue away and said, "Do whatever you want, don't steal my husband, Wang Hao is mine!"

I also drank too much and completely forgot about Xia Xue’s mother. I even said with an idiotic smile: “That’s right, you’re not allowed to separate us. We want to be like winged birds in the sky, and we want to be a twig on the ground.” Gang De After finishing the song, Xia Xue stepped on me hard and said softly: "Wang Hao, don't get crazy, my mother is over here." I was so excited that I woke up a lot from the wine, so I quickly put Zhou Mo to bed. Let go. Xia Xue hurriedly helped Zhou Mo go upstairs. Zhou Mo struggled and shouted: "What are you doing! Why do you want to separate us two, mother and father, we really love each other, just let me go down to earth again... …”

Taozi dragged Bai Qing, Xia Xue dragged Zhou Mo, and Brick came over to support me and guide me upstairs. I lowered my head, knowing that I was in big trouble. I didn't dare to look at Xia Xue's mother, so I just followed Brick up. When we returned to our room, we felt like the world was spinning. We fell down on the bed and fell asleep. During this period, we got up and vomited countless times. We just felt that day and night were reversed, and the sky was dark. I didn't know how long I slept for. When I woke up, I found Zhou Mo sitting beside the bed. Other than that, the room was empty. Zhou Mo's face looked very ugly. She said, "Are you awake?" I nodded, and Zhou Mo said again, "Do you still remember what happened yesterday?"

I thought about it for a moment and nodded to show that I remembered. I rarely get so drunk that I can't remember anything, well...except the wet dream. After remembering it, Zhou Mo said: "I've done a lot of harm to you this time. Xia Xue's mother had a hard time accepting you. If you leave a philandering impression on her, I'm afraid you will never be able to be her son-in-law in this life." .”

I also realized the seriousness of the matter, so I quickly sat up and asked, "What should I do?"

Zhou Mo thought for a while and said: "In this way, after we go out, we all pretend not to know what happened yesterday."

I immediately understood that I was just pretending to be stupid, since we were all drunk anyway. After discussing it, Zhou Mo left my room. I looked at the time, it was already eight o'clock in the morning, so I got dressed and got up, just as Brick called me to have breakfast. Brick and I went down the stairs, just as Grandpa Xia Xue was going to the study, we stopped and said hello. Grandpa Xia Xue looked at me and said carelessly: "Young man is so handsome." Then he continued to walk towards his study, making my face turn red with embarrassment. When we arrived at Xia Xue's restaurant, breakfast had been set, and the four girls were chatting and laughing there. Xia Xue's mother is not here, which makes me relieved. I sat down, picked up a fried dough stick and gnawed on it. As I gnawed, I said, "I was really drunk yesterday. Xia Xue's mother had to kill me..."

As they were talking, they found that everyone was silent, and Zhou Mo even made a deathly expression. Suddenly my hair stood on end, and when I looked back, Xia Xue’s mother was standing behind me. I quickly came back and lowered my head, silently chewing on the fried dough sticks and drinking the soy milk.

"Wang Hao, come out for a moment."

The voice finally sounded, and no one in the restaurant dared to say a word. I stood up helplessly and followed Xia Xue's mother out of the house. Under the pear tree in the yard, Xia Xue's mother asked: "What happened last night?"

I couldn't pretend to be stupid anymore and said I didn't know. I said angrily, "I drank too much. We both drank too much."

"Drinking too much is not an excuse." Xia Xue's mother said: "I know that you two have a good relationship, but there should be boundaries in the relationship between men and women. It is not easy for you and Xia Xue to get to where you are today. I don't want to see the next time, Do you know?"

Xia Xue's mother's tone was very calm, but there was a threat between the lines, which made me nod involuntarily.

After I came back, I felt a little depressed. Everyone asked me what Xia Xue's mother said. I said it was nothing, just that I should drink less in the future. Everyone saw that I didn’t want to say anything, so they didn’t continue to ask. After eating, Zhou Mo asked to leave, but no one left her because it was really embarrassing. I picked her up and sent her back naturally, regardless of what Xia Xue's mother thought. After we came out, we took a taxi and went straight to the entrance of the new normal school campus, because Zhou Mo's Mitsubishi was still parked there. When we arrived, we both went crazy because Zhou Mo's car had been scratched a lot, with words like "cunt" engraved on it. We could use our toes to figure out who did it! Zhou Mo was not one to swallow his anger. He immediately called Weiman and cursed when he got through.

As I stood nearby, I heard two people cursing at each other. They used all kinds of curse words, which attracted the side glances of passers-by. After a while, Zhou Mo hung up the phone and said: "This bitch wants to ask me to fight. I made an agreement with her and waited at the door of the new teacher. She said she would call her boyfriend over, and said her boyfriend was a Rich second generation.”

I sneered: "Hey, didn't you say you were broken up in love some time ago? You found Xinkaizi so quickly. No wonder he is so arrogant! Beat! Why do you bully us because there is no one in Xinxiang?" How to deal with such ordinary students? , I don’t even need to send out the Ye family, I can just call some people myself. I called Yu Qiang, who happened to be in the dormitory, and I asked him to bring some people to the door of the new division. After all, Yu Qiang is the freshman in our department, so it’s no problem to call some people over.

I didn't call Brick. Firstly, he was far away, and secondly, there was no need for him in such a small fight. After more than ten minutes, Yu Qiang brought people over. As expected, they were all freshmen from us, plus those from our dormitory, there were twenty or thirty of them. They were all from our group who got along better and dared to interact with them. Students fighting with each other. After the people arrived, Yu Qiang asked me if it was enough. If it was not enough, he could shout more. It is different when he is the boss. No one dares to disobey an order. I just said enough, let everyone squat here and wait.

After that, I gave Yu Qiang another hundred yuan and asked him to buy four boxes of Yellow Crane Tower and share them. Even though Yu Qiang is the boss now, I still use him, and he is also very obedient. Everyone in our dormitory is used to it. The other freshman students were surprised, but they did not dare to say anything. In front of my roommate, Zhou Moke got upset, hugged my arm and said she was my girlfriend. The injuries on Zhou Mo's face have not faded, but it can still be seen that she is a beautiful woman. Everyone in our dormitory looked at me with evil eyes, because I usually told them that I was single, but they all knew what was going on and didn't talk much. They just talked to Zhou Mo politely.

Roudan also said: "Beauty, do you have any other sisters? Can you introduce one to me?"

Zhou Mo chuckled: "What's so beautiful? Now she has become ugly. She was whipped by a girl yesterday. She will be here soon. You guys have to help me take revenge." As soon as she opened her mouth, everyone said it was okay. Yu Qiang asked me what was going on again, so I simply explained the matter, and everyone scolded the man named Weiman. Yu Qiang said: "It's okay. Her boyfriend is not afraid if he comes. Let's chop him up and then ask for the cost of the damage to the car. Beauty, how much are you going to ask for?"

Zhou Mo said: "At least fifty thousand. Isn't her boyfriend a rich second generation? Let's blackmail him."

After discussing it, Zhou Mo called Weiman again and asked if she had come over. Weiman said she was waiting and would be there soon. After hanging up the phone, within ten minutes, two cars drove over, a pink Audi A8 and a black Porsche Cayenne. They parked in front of us. It seemed that the owner was indeed quite wealthy. Our people were squatting on the curb. At this time, they all stood up and looked at the two cars. It has to be said that sometimes people's psychology can be changed by external factors. The two cars stopped here, and no one had gotten out yet. I felt that some of us were starting to get scared, with timidity and fear in their eyes, as if they could run away at any time.

No wonder, who can drive these two cars without a profound background? Even though Yu Qiang and the others were outnumbered, it was natural for them to be afraid.

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