One-minute Regression Rock 45

Kang Yoon-soo walked ahead.

He jumped lightly over the rough stones or entangled tree roots.

But my mind was thinking about something other than walking.

‘Your life is the last one thousand. There is no further regression. “

Is that true?

I did not even have to have a question.

Doppelgangers, who were not originally in the mountains, suddenly appeared, and even the fact that the Doppelganger was returning.

Was this the ‘extraordinary’ that the whisper referred to?

It was clear that a new change had taken place in the life that had been repeated anyway.

A whirlwind storm struck my head.

I have done my best for anything during the hundreds of revolutions.

He fought enough to forget the pain of gripping the sword, endured the pain of making himself a doll, and memorized the strange language.

For over twenty thousand years he became a transcendent.

All fields have reached a peak.

To finish the repetition again, I tried to kill mahwang.

To save everything that was precious and to keep the world.

On the other hand, I could not deny that I had an unexpected thought.

Even if we fail this time, there is next life.

‘Mahwah was getting weaker every time I went back. So I was more relaxed. ‘

But if there is no regression anymore.

The escape to escape is gone.

‘If this is really your last life … … . ‘

“Hey, Kang Yoon-soo?”

Shannette asked in a tired voice.

Kang Yoon-soo finally realized that he had walked farther than he had intended.

There was a purplish iris in the selected soil.

He said.

“Let’s take a break.”

“I will say so soon.”

Henrik fell asleep on the dirt floor.

Since last night I have come down the mountain road for a while.

Shannette sat on the floor with her sore legs clenched.

Kang Yoon-soo approached Doppelganger.

“Tell you.”

The woman nodded openly.

Shannet looked at the two with suspicious eyes, but did not say anything.

When it was not reachable to two people, Kang Yoon-soo pulled out a horse.

“Being in you. Did you say it was a white shadow? Since when did it have been in you? “

“The white shadow came into my body after I was born.”

“Do you know what it is?”

“I do not know. Its existence is silent. “

Kang Yoon-su then asked.

“When is the white shadow in you whispering what and how?”

“I usually do not have words. The existence is alone in my corner like a loner. I did not answer when I talked. “

“Why do you call it a white shadow?”

“Because it feels like it should not exist in this world.”

Kang Yoon-soo could not understand her words.

Doppelganger looked at Kang Yoon-soo with a meaningful eye.

“But when I saw you, it was different. Even though I did not speak out first, I spoke first. White shadows seemed to be of interest to you. “

“How about now?”

“It’s quiet.”

“How do you believe I can not regress anymore?”

“The white shadow knows you well. I know that you have been living a life that slaughtered thousands, a life of alchemists, a monarch’s monarch, and many other lives. “

A person who has not experienced it during the repeated regression knows herself.

The fact that it can no longer regress has created credibility.

I did not want to be with her in this life.

But it was the white shadow in the doppelganger that caused a new change in the repeated life.

That alone is why you must be together.

Kang Yoon – soo was determined.

“From now on, you go with me. Instead, be sure to tell me what it is. “

“Why should I do that?”


“Why should I go with you?”

I remember the same question one day. I answered myself at that time.

“If you go with me, I will give you a name.”

She made a strange look.

“my name? I am a doppelganger. There is no such thing. “

“I will let you find yourself, not a woman.”

She looked at Kang Yoon – soo with her beautiful eyes.

“I am a nameless monster. Would you give me a name like that? “


Kang Yoon-soo nodded.

“If you give me a name, what?”

He looked around and pointed to the purple irises on the other side.


It was the Western name of the iris.

The flower words in the purple flowers came to mind.

‘good news.’

… … Is it really?

* * *

“It is good. Would you like to build a name for Doppelganger and go with him? Do the knights die? “

Henrik was silly with the expression that he had no trouble.

However, Kang Yoon – soo shook his head.

“I need the help of Iris to carry out the legend commission to the end.”

Actually, even if there is no iris, the legend can proceed anyway.

It was a request that I had done so far.

But I needed an excuse to work with Iris.

Shannette asked with a keen eye.

“I just want to go with him, so I’m not just the words you made?”


Shannett was surprisingly sharp.

“Why is your daughter’s doppelganger in this place?”

“My being is the assassination of a young woman.”

Iris spoke shocking words.

Henrik and Shannett faced each other with embarrassment.

Leor Khan empire.

Assassination of the empire of the ruling empire?

Iris broke the stem of a wild flower blooming on the ground.

Then I began to lick the operation of the flower with a tongue full of saliva.

Henrik asked the question about the action, even though he thought it was strange and strangely seductive.

“Is it a brutal assassination? What the hell is that? “

“There are people in the imperial family who want to assassinate the bride. They took the doppelganger and experimented. Hundreds of doppelgarians were sacrificed, and a single variant was born. That’s me. Everything is the same as a dwarf, and the body can not be changed. “

Henrik was an expression that he could not believe.

Shannette asked.

“Why did you make a doujanganggeo so far?”

“To kill and exchange the bride. No one can notice the death of the bride. “

Iris licked the operation and put the petal in his mouth and swallowed it.

Henrik looked at his face to say nothing.

Instead, Shannette asked.

“How did such a doppelganger come to here?”

“I learned a lot. The ceremony and action of the bride. A caveat to never notice. But I was frustrated. I wanted to know myself. So I escaped from the place where I condemned. Exercising my strength, which I did not even know them. “

Iris picked up another bunch of wild flowers.

This time I picked up the petal and just touched the surgery like a lollipop.

“I ran away, but they chased me. Closing the big road and using the swords. “

“A big way? Are you talking about Sinirant Trading? “

Iris nodded.

“Those who have sought me have seemed to be desperate to hide among the people.”

Shannette and Henrik looked at each other with stupid eyes.

Was it because the trade route was closed in order to catch one of these doppelganger?

Henrik scratched his nervously coarse head.

“It’s going crazy. This, we touched the secrets of the imperial family. This is really dangerous. If you take the doppelganger, run the experiment, and put the facts in secret, you’re not usually associated with high power. Who did you catch and experiment with? “

“I do not know. They always covered my eyes and experimented. “

Shannette said gloomy.

“How did it become a dangerous journey to be involved with the imperial secret?”

Henrik swallows it and swallows it.

“Damn it! Unsatisfied with the undead, it comes to the remote mountain ranges and is involved with the secrets of the imperial family. I do not think you’ll be surprised at what happens next. “

“The bear will be attacked.”

“What, huh?”

Kang yunsu pulled out a sword.

The place was different, but from previous experience it was now certain.

“The bear will be attacked.”

Henrik and Shannet followed the gaze of Kang Yoon-soo and looked to the other side.

The shadow of the beasts hung across the bush.

Black bear in the Hatar mountains.

The forehead and the thick leather which seemed to be more intense than the wild beast seemed to be afraid from the outside.

This area was the habitat of the black bear.

The black bears roared wildly looking at this side.

“Kurouuuuuuuu -!”

One of the biggest black bear has been rushing rough.

Kang yunsu ran against him and swung his sword.

While fighting, he was in a different mind in his head.

If this life is the last.

If it’s really the last time.

“Sword of the abyss.”

When you activate the skill, the blade is covered with dark blue.

Kang Yoon-soo barely inserted the blade of the blade into the black bear’s neck.

Come on!

“Kururaira billion -!”

The undead swordsmanship scares the life force of the black bear terribly.

Critical bursts and blood burst out like a fountain.

The overflowing blood seemed to swallow Kang.

‘We have to change everything. I must mobilize all my experience so far. ‘

He reconsidered as if he were indebted.

‘It throws away the mind which it did not do. Even if you hurt yourself and walk your life, you will grow even higher. “

The determination of the mind has changed. My feelings that I did not feel so far have been gradually broken.

My sword stuck in my hand.

Kang Yoon-soo pointed at a knife toward another black bear.


More intense than now.

This time to kill Ma Zhang.

Kang Yoon-soo’s insignificant eyes and faint fighting began to be young.

The schedule for the future will be different.

This is from tonight.

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