Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 91: How big is the difference between keyboard and keyboard?

   "Why have you never said that this keyboard is so expensive?"

   When Tang Su spoke, his lips trembled a little. In his mind, he subconsciously regarded the keyboard as a pile of banknotes.

   Is this special made of gold?

   Tang Su couldn't understand it. This thing is not a high-tech with huge research and development costs. How can it be sold at such a terrifying price?

   "Because there is no need to say it, it's not good for me."

Zhang Yuning spread his hands: "The keyboard, no matter how much money, no matter how top-level workmanship, is for my hands, it is not something to show off, so I don’t have to show off, it will only show my emotional intelligence. Very low, IQ is also very low."

   What you said is so special, it makes sense, but I still can’t forget the price of this keyboard~

   "Forget it, the world of your rich people is too far away from me, I still don't worry about it."

   Tang Su waved his hand and stopped looking at Zhang Yuning’s ‘ultra-luxury’ equipment. As soon as the soleplate of his feet was hardened, the rollers of the computer chair returned to his office.

   Zhang Yuning hasn't finished yet.

Seeing him suddenly hit, Zhang Yuning leaned forward and said, “In fact, there are many cheap customization solutions. Would you like to think about it? Not all studios play this top-level customization. There are also a lot of custom-made products that focus on civilians, which are only a few thousand dollars smaller, and the feel and appearance are also very good."

   "No, I'm not interested for the time being."

   Tang Su shook his head, after thinking about it, he couldn't help but ask: "How much money can you make in a year, like'Mitang Studio', which features top-level customization?"

   When he wanted to come--

A small keyboard can be sold for thousands, even tens of thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands... and the situation of the post bar seems to have to be snapped up and queued to get the futures. It looks like a very good seller. , Surely you have to make a lot of money, right?


   "Make money?"

   Zhang Yuning looked at him as if he was looking at a fool: "Have you ever thought about a question, if it is so profitable...Why would the'Mi Dog' be the only one?"

   His title of ‘Mitang Studio Owner’ is the same as ‘Mitang High Set’, it is also a ‘Rice Dog’, and he seems to have bought very hard...futures.


   Tang Su was taken aback: "Don't tell me that selling keyboards for such an expensive and popular studio not only makes no money, but also loses money?"

"you are right."

Zhang Yuning nodded: "According to some reliable professionals,'Mitang' has been in existence for two years and has been losing money in units of '10,000' almost every day. The money they lose every year is almost the same as when we founded'Simi'. The total profits so far... and according to professional analysis, if'Mitang' continues to operate like this, I am afraid that it will lose at least millions of dollars every year, and it will never be profitable."


   Tang Su felt unbelievable, and subconsciously said, "What is this picture? No matter how rich it is, it can't stand the tossing, right?"

   "Happy picture, I am happy to buy a daughter."

Zhang Yuning shrugged and said casually: "This is the advantage of a good background. You can do whatever you want. You don't need to care about costs, profit or loss. For the children of the rich, even if they lose a few. What is a company? A loss of eighteen million a year is not as much as Lao Tzu’s money to buy treasury bonds. Of course, wealthy people who are good at calculating will definitely not buy things with low returns like treasury bonds. I am Give me an example."

   While speaking, Zhang Yuning's tone was full of emotion and envy.

   "I heard that your family is also quite rich, why didn't you want to live like this?"

   Tang Su is curious.

   "You have money, but you have no money."

Zhang Yuning shook his head: "As far as my family is concerned, the current Shangjing City can’t buy a few houses. It’s a fart and rich. For me, the current life is already at the limit of what I can enjoy. Go...that's a prodigal son."

   Tang Su glanced at the keyboard on his desk, and then thinking about the sports car he was driving, he understood it roughly.

  After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't help but ask: "Then, what kind of family background do you think can make the boss of'Mitang' splurge like this?"

   Tang Su is not a person who likes gossip, but he always wants to understand the ‘rice soup’ and the ‘rice soup boss’.

   "It doesn't need to be too much, a tens of billions is enough."

   Zhang Yuning said casually: "The net assets can have a net worth of 8 billion, and it is not a big deal to give out tens of millions to "start a business" for their children."


   Tang Su didn't ask about this again, he felt that it was enough to know this.

   Regarding the understanding of ‘rice soup’, let’s stop here for now, there is no need to go deeper.

   He wants to understand the cause of the ‘rice soup’, and he only suspects that the ‘rice soup’ has something to do with Su Tang. Although this suspicion is a bit outrageous, after all, the ‘personal settings’ of these two really don’t match...

   So, it’s enough to know something about ‘Mice Soup High Setting’ in general. As for whether to continue to understand it, it depends on whether it has anything to do with Su Tang.

If it’s okay, then Tang Su doesn’t bother to learn about a niche circle that he is extremely unfamiliar with. After all, he can’t afford it either. Although the mass-produced mechanical keyboard is a bit too large, he thinks of a way to buy some light pressure springs to replace it. Apply some more lubricant, it is not impossible to use...

   But if there is a relationship between the two parties... then Tang Su may need to re-examine his'relationship' with Su Tang.

   A female guest who'suspected' has tens of billions or more of assets in her family, and a female guest who spends a few million yuan every year because of her interests... This somewhat subverts Tang Su's cognition of Su Tang.

It’s not that there is any dissatisfaction with this information. After all, it’s people’s own business. Spend the pocket money given by the family to do things that are meaningful and interesting to you. It doesn’t hurt anyone or hurt anyone. It did not have any negative impact on the society... there is really no need to go online.

   It would be a bit disgusting to talk about ‘why don’t such a lot of money be donated to the mountains’, etc., except for the Internet saints, who have a normal mind, and it is estimated that they would not play such a low-level moral kidnapping.

   Moral kidnapping this thing, how to put it, whether the kidnapped person has morality, this is not clear, but if you use morality to kidnap others, there must be no morality.

   Tang Su thought:

If Su Tang really has such a powerful family background and has such an experience of'entrepreneurship', it means that his current knowledge of her may be based entirely on judgments derived from misinformation... which means, He doesn’t have a really clear understanding of Su He doesn’t know her personality, her experience, her personality, her mind, and her values. It's terrible.

   For a boy like Tang Su who is a ‘stable stream’, when such ‘uncertain factors’ appear in front of him, he often chooses to be vigilant, cautious, or even flee.

   "I knew it was not that simple."

   Tang Su sighed for a long time, always feeling that his relationship with Su Tang was going smoothly, and it was going too smoothly, just like applying a lubricant.

   It's all right now, and the sudden appearance of such a surprise made him a little unprepared.

"I hope my guess is false. She is such a wasteful person. She can't tell the east, the west, and the north. She doesn't even know how to cook. She blushes when the atmosphere is a little bit ambiguous, just like a blank sheet of paper... How could there be such a background and entrepreneurial experience, and still do it so successfully..."

   is indeed very successful. Although it has made huge losses every year, it is also a very powerful thing to be able to be the ‘top’ in an industry.


Suddenly someone patted him on the shoulder. Tang Su was startled. He turned to look and saw that Zhang Yuning did not know when he would come back again. He still had his sky-high keyboard in his hand, and asked: "I think you seem to be quite good to the keyboard. Dissatisfied, do you want to try this?"

   He doesn't care at all. He doesn't think this keyboard is expensive, and he doesn't treat this thing as a treasure. In his eyes, this seems to be just a productivity tool with a better feel.


   Tang Su originally wanted to refuse, but he didn't know what to think, so suddenly he wanted to try.

   Try this keyboard worth more than 100,000 yuan. Compared with a few hundred yuan or more than one thousand, how much difference can it make?

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