Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 171: Attack on Hydralisk 17

Because the turret of the Calderer self-propelled artillery is double-mounted, the two barrels are very close, and the salvo is carried out. The air pressure generated when the gun is ejected from the chamber will more or less affect the flight path of the projectile, so that the projectile will deviate from the target.

If it is a large area bombing, the impact of the salvo on accuracy will not be significant, but today’s battle scenes are not suitable for salvos, because the ruins of the four cities and the four battlefields in all directions are not wide enough, and the shells are slightly deviated. The target may fall into the city, or be too close to the city wall. Once an accidental injury occurs, the defender may completely collapse, and the consequences will be great.

"Bang! Bang!"

The flame jet, the cannonballs roared, and four more cannonballs flew into the sky, tearing the air and heading away.

Four Calamity self-propelled artillery, shelling the target in an intermittent rhythm.

I don’t know why, when the four Calderer self-propelled artillery fired, the shelling sound was not small. It stands to reason that some polluting beasts would be attracted.

But the reality is a different story.

The ruins in front of the front line were quiet, and the streets of polluting beasts could be seen not long ago, but now they are empty, they seem to have left.

On the ground, the line of sight is blocked, and nothing can be observed.

Only Jevrich, who was on the terrace of the tall building to the left of the shelling position, noticed something.

"See? They are approaching the battlefield!"

Looking at the ruins, Jevrich said to Tan Ya beside him.

In the ruins, the polluting beasts that were originally all over the ruins are gathering in one direction.

The central point of convergence is the four cities.

To be precise, each battlefield in the four cities.

They seem to have received some order, and they are gathering strength.

"They seem to be planning their final blog!"

Of course Tanya could see, and it could be said that she could see what Jevrich could see.

It is still a little far away from the four cities. Although the four cities can be observed, the specific battle conditions are not known.

Tanya said: "We need a place high enough and close enough to see the four cities!"

Yevrich agreed that it is high enough, but too far away to observe the four cities in detail.

"Go there!"

Jevric looked to one side.

It was a skyscraper, one of the most conspicuous tall buildings in the ruins.

However, most of the main bodies of tall buildings of this kind are made of steel. After hundreds of years, the steel may have been corroded, and the building is very fragile and may collapse at any time.

However, a big guy like this will collapse when it should collapse, and will not collapse prematurely due to a few small figures.

Unless some people are unlucky, entering a tall building is when the tall building collapses naturally.

With the decision, Tanya, Yvrich began to act.

They left the artillery line with a small group of soldiers and entered the ruins.

The goal is the most conspicuous tall building ten kilometers away.

More than a dozen figures are running at full speed, driven by auxiliary power, their speed has surpassed the limit of human beings, of course, that is only for ordinary people.

Although running at full speed consumes a lot of battery power, this is not the time to consider those.

"and many more!"

Tan Ya suddenly stopped the team.

The advancing team stopped abruptly, the roar of the auxiliary engine slowed down, and the running team went from fast to slow to stop.

"Why stop?"

Jevric didn't understand.

Tan Ya said: "One person is left behind every kilometer. If there is any accident, we can contact the shelling positions in time!"

Jevrich suddenly agreed.

"This method is very good!"

Tan Ya turned to a soldier and said, "Find a place to hide. Once you receive the news from the front, you must convey it to the artillery position as soon as possible! Understand?"


The soldier nodded.

"let's go!"

Tan Ya gave an order and the team started to set off again.

In this way, one person was left behind every kilometer, and when Jevric and Tanya came to the target tall building, only two soldiers were left beside them.

Before it was too late to express emotion to the dilapidated scenery around, Jevrich and Tanya entered the tall building.

Five minutes later, they came to the highest point of the tall building.

On the edge of the terrace, Jevric and Tanya looked at the four cities.

Looking down here, the entire ruins can be seen in full view.

The four cities not far away are clearly visible.

The buildings in the four cities are relatively low, and the tallest is not more than seven floors. This allows Yevrich and Tan Ya to clearly see the situation in each city.

Only here can we see the scale of the polluting beast.

At a glance, the surrounding areas of the four cities are all covered with their shadows, covered in black, like the tide flooding the land.

What I can see most clearly is the city of Qi, which faces the tall buildings. From here, I look towards Qi. The city outside the city has fallen. The city is full of crowded polluting beasts. There is also a city in the city with a taller wall. In the fierce battle.

The roar of cannonballs constantly roared through the air on the side of the tall building. After a while, various battlefields would flicker, and a huge fireball would rise.

After a little observation, Jevric frowned, but no one in the helmet could know the change in his expression.

Yevrich said in shock: "West, North, South, and the three cities, the polluting beasts on the periphery of the battlefield are gathering at Qicheng. What do they want to do? Concentrate on one side?"

It is impossible for them to think of any strategies based on the wisdom of the polluting beasts alone.

The biggest reason is probably that they think Qicheng is the easiest to break.

Because the outer city of Qicheng had fallen, it seemed to the Polluting Beast that Qicheng was easier to break than the other three cities that could not be shaken.

The black wave swarmed over the city wall and gathered in the outer city of Qicheng. In a short period of time, the density of polluting beasts in the outer city of Qicheng had reached the point where the scalp was numb, and the black wave almost flooded the building.

In the battle of Qicheng's inner city wall, after the bombardment joined, the offensive of the Pollution Beast was deadlocked, but now, the offensive of the Pollution Beast has suddenly become vigorous.

The bombing of artillery could not stop them from advancing.

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