Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 177: Attack on Hydralisk 23

The attack on the deck could not stop them, and the black figure underwater had already rushed into the shadow of the huge body of the "Emperor".

At this moment, on the water surface of the tail compartment of the "Emperor", the last rescue speedboat had just been hoisted off the water, and dense black figures flashed past the water under the sling.

The situation is thrilling. If a few seconds later, the rescue speedboat on the water will be swept up by the Hydralisk and torn to pieces.

Of course, not all the speedboats have returned to the "Emperor". Outside, in the wide east coast waters, two electric eel attack speedboats are still racing on the surface. Under the water behind the speedboats, the dense black shadows are still not there. Will give up, chase.

Although the Hydralisk is fast in the water, it still cannot catch up with the galloping electric eel and attack the speedboat.

This is for sure, the fastest speed of the electric eel attacking the speedboat exceeds 120 kilometers per hour. Once the electric eel attacks the speedboat and galloping at full speed, it can easily get rid of the Hydralisk that is sneaking and chasing underwater in a short time.

There is no doubt about this.

It is precisely because of the speed at which the electric eels attack the speedboat that Jevrich can safely hand over the harassment, lure, and chasing of the Hydralisk group that evacuated the fleet to the driving team of the electric eels attacking the speedboat.

The waters on the east coast are very wide, because underwater was once a city, and in this waters, it was enough for the electric eels to attack the speedboat's hurricane.

However, the Hydralisk has always refused to give up, and the electric eel can only throw off the Hydralisk when attacking the speedboat and leave the waters of the east coast temporarily.

The engine of the electric eel attacking the speedboat runs on electricity. When driving at full speed, it will greatly consume the power of the battery supercapacitor. Once the battery is exhausted, the electric eel attacking the speedboat is dangerous.

Although the electric eel attack boat has a spare battery, the engine needs to be turned off when the battery is replaced.

There is no need to worry too much about the situation of electric eels attacking the speedboat. In any case, they can all retreat.

"Okay! Stop the attack and don't waste ammunition!"

On the platform of the tail cabin, Jevric stood on the edge of the platform, looking at the water more than ten meters below.

He issued a ceasefire order.

The surface is calm, but the underwater is more turbulent.

At a glance, a large number of figures are swimming in the water, breathing air from time to time.

Because of their large numbers, a dark one under the water makes the scalp numb.

They have surrounded the "Emperor", but only surrounded.

The huge body of the "Emperor" is undoubtedly a mountain floating on the water. Although they have sharp claws and a big mouth with amazing bite force, they are still unable to resist the heavy armor of the "Emperor". Cause any threat.

In addition, the walls of the "Emperor" are smooth, and the sides of the ship are inclined outwards. Hydralisk that is not suitable for climbing cannot climb on the deck at all.

In addition, in the water, their stacking method has also lost its effectiveness.

Observing for a while at the edge of the platform, Jevrich got the answer.

"Stay alert and patrol everywhere, but don't let them touch them!"

Nothing is absolute. Through the communicator, Jevric gave orders to the mobilizers of the deck defense.

The mobilized soldiers who had received the order to stop the attack began to move separately on the deck in squad mode, patrolling all suspicious movements outside the ship.

The shadows in the water boiled, and from the outside, the situation was suffocating.

However, the "Emperor" has maintained its normal state, and everything is in order.

Returning to the "Emperor", Jevrich and Tan Ya, separated from each other, dressed in their usual suits, and gathered in the elevator.

They will go to the top deck and report to the commander.

This time the mission was completed perfectly. The four ruins are now safe and sound. Although the polluting beast has not left, it has set the target on the "First Legion".

But the result now...

It seems that they have nothing to do with the huge "Emperor".

This makes people feel at ease.

I don’t know how long this situation will last, but it’s hard to say.

Maybe they will leave soon, or maybe they have been reluctant to give up and stay in this waters.

Anything can happen.

On the top deck of the "Emperor", Li Meng had already noticed the abnormal movement on the river when the soldiers withdrew from outside.

When the swarm of Hydralisks crazily gushed out of the ruins and rushed into the water, Li Meng was also shocked.

After that, Li Meng saw everything that happened on the river.

The rescue speedboat withdrew safely, and the armed speedboat took the chasing Hydralisk in circles in the waters of the east coast.

The water at the bottom of the "Emperor" was filled with contaminated beasts.

Standing on the side of the ship, Li Meng watched the river.

The surface of the water is still quiet, but the underwater looks a little scary. The black figures flash past the water from time to time. When a large area of ​​water is full of their figures, the river water seems to be dyed black.

"Your Highness! What shall we do next?"

Sakuya on the side looked at the river below Li Meng's gaze, she asked.

Without answering immediately, he pondered for a while, and Li Meng said, "Let's go with the flow! They will leave, it's just a matter of sooner or later!"

Their condition, obviously, they cannot threaten the "Emperor".

If it is other types of polluting beasts, those that are good at climbing, the slow-moving "Emperor" is undoubtedly a moving iron coffin.

However, in this group of Hydralisks, their appearance is very obvious. When walking, they use their lower abdomen to twist and move forward like ordinary snakes.

Although the upper body has claws, the pointed claws are sharp, suitable for killing, and obviously not suitable for grabbing.

Their appearance is a polluting beast with no climbing ability.

They have no power at all for smooth ship walls.

Sooner or later, they leave the ruins for food, capture the prey, swallow the prey and replenish the nutrients needed in the body.

Hunting was blocked, and they found nothing in the ruins, so today they are very hungry, very hungry.

They attacked the "first legion" because the first legion made them angry. When the anger is surpassed by hunger, they will naturally leave.

Because I stay here, I can't get food.

"Ding Dong!"

With a soft noise, the elevator doors on the top deck opened.

Yevrich, Tan Ya walked out of the elevator.

Yevrich still wears the dark green military uniform, and Tan Ya also slightly changed her dress. It was no longer the exposed dress, but instead wore a dark-colored women's military uniform.

Because of his perfect body and tall, this military uniform made Tan Ya's temperament change drastically, which made people shine.

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