Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 179: sorrow

Tan Ya didn't think it mattered. Everything on this "Emperor", except for one person, she needed to fight for the accident, these dead objects, and those rights that made Tan Ya not interested, Tan Ya was not interested.

Here, they only need a free space to move around.

Since Tan Ya had no objection, Jevric was also happy.

Yevrich said: "Let’s go! Don’t disturb the commander’s rest! When the polluting beasts outside leave, I will send someone to inform you that we will gather on the tail deck platform, and then we will ask for what we deserve. !"

Yevrich left, and Tan Ya also left.

Unlike Sakuya, Tanya is a soldier, a real soldier, and the place she should stay is the same as the soldiers, in the accommodation room on the third floor.

Although Sakiya can be called a "soldier", the superpower unit itself is not subject to military regulations. Although it is ordered to act, it is more of an obligation.

Can't really be called a "soldier".

Moreover, compared with Tanya, Sakuya's definition of coming to Li Meng is different.

Not fighting as a soldier, but taking care of Li Meng's fragile body from the rear.

Therefore, Sakuya will be kept by Li Meng.

"His Royal Highness! In fact, you don't need to worry too much, we know what to do and what not to do!"

In the pavilion, Sakuya whispered in Li Meng's ear.

Why doesn't Li Meng understand this?

They are all wise people, and Li Meng also believes that they also understand that there is a limit to some things.

But for Li Meng, as their commander, what should be said is about Li Meng's attitude.

Closing his eyes slightly, Li Meng said lazily, "Sakuya! You are different from them. Your position can always be by my side, and they are not the same. They are officers and commanders of the army. , As the team gets bigger, they will leave my side to do things outside one day. They have freedom and great rights. At the same time, they also have their own goals. I know this, and you should understand those in your heart! I'm just reminding them, reminding them of my bottom line!"

Sakuya blushed slightly, and His Highness's words really made people think.

Looking at His Royal Highness quietly, Sakiya asked softly: "If it is..., um! If they do something to make your Royal Highness angry in the future, how will your Highness punish them!"

Yes, how can they be punished!

Li Meng really didn't think about this.

"State-owned and national laws, the family has family rules, it seems I should also set a set of "family rules"!"

House rules?

Sakuya's eyes were faint, expressing her agreement. She said, "Hmm! There is a reference that can restrain them well!"

In Sakuya, Li Meng was chatting with you and me.

Outside, in the waters of the east bank, surrounded by the "Emperor", a huge group of Hydralisks still refused to give up, and they continued to shuttle under the water near the "Emperor".

It even hit the bottom of the "Emperor".

Of course, they are useless. Their small bodies can't shake the "Emperor" at all. When they hit the bottom of the ship, they will only make a dull sound, and they can't leave a trace on the bottom of the ship.

After the Hydralisk group left and entered the waters of the east bank, the four cities that had been under the attack of the Hydralisk group could finally take a breath.

But no one relaxed their vigilance. When the Hydralisk group left, they thought that the Hydralisk group that was ravaging the ruins had been evacuated. They finally survived the war, but the sound of gunfire in the east coast waters was sent to investigate the news. The people of sent back news, and they knew that the Hydralisk group had not left.

They are still in the ruins, but they have turned their target to another place, and the Hydralisk group may still come back.

Now is not the time to relax.

In this war against the Hydralisks, the civilians in each city survived, but the soldiers in the four cities suffered heavy casualties.

Compared with Qicheng, the other three cities in the south, north, and west have a much better situation, but the consumption of troops is also very huge. Almost one third of the soldiers fell and lay on the cold wall.

Qicheng was even more tragic. Not to mention the fall of the outer city wall, when the inner city wall was finally broken, the resistance on the wall was almost exhausted.

Before the war, the total strength of the Resistance Army reached 5,000, but now, excluding the wounded, only more than 1,000 soldiers can stand.

When the Hydralisk left, Qicheng organized civilians to clean the walls.

The figure on the city wall shook, countless civilians were running along the city wall, and a mutilated body was lifted down the city wall and placed in an open area under the city.

Below the city, on the ground not far in front of the city gate, countless corpses lined up neatly, and occasionally one or even several civilians were crying beside a corpse.

Soldiers are humans and have families.

For the civilians, the mutilated corpse lying on the ground is their family.

The combination of walking and crying makes this scene a bit sad.

Several figures came from the direction of the city.

This scene under the city made them pause.

The **** scene was so hideous, dazzling, and sad!

"Instructor Li! I think I should avoid it!"

Quicken the pace and walk shoulder-to-shoulder with Li Lanxin ahead, Shu Dongdong whispered.

Li Lanxin shook her head, looked at the densely arranged corpses on the ground, and said gravely: "I'm not so squeamish! They died for Qicheng, died for their relatives, no matter what they had done before, now they are noble, if There are heaven and **** in the world, their sins have been eliminated, they should go to heaven!"

Most of the soldiers who defended the city were those who surrendered from the original slave city. Although their steps toward the justice camp were short, they had proven themselves after this battle.

They can also die for their loved ones and for justice.

Their death is heavier than Mount Tai.

There were bursts of crying in the ear, causing Li Lanxin to sigh deeply.

"Be kind to their family!"

Behind him, Ma Donglin answered deeply, "I will! Instructor Li!"

"These corpses..., get rid of them as soon as possible!"

Although somewhat unkind, Li Lanxin knew that these corpses could not be kept in front of him.

This is for the sake of everyone in the city.

There are too many corpses, and the corpses will begin to decay over time. Once the corpses decay, a kind of plague may occur.

The plague is spread by the air, which is more terrifying than the discolored radiation spots that people talk about. Once the plague spreads, let alone Qicheng, the entire ruins may be wiped out and become a dead place.

In order to avoid that kind of consequence, some seemingly ruthless things must be done.

When everyone came to the wall, the endless corpses outside silenced everyone.

Hydralisk corpses are more troublesome than human corpses.

In addition, the number is very large, and it is not a small project to deal with the corpses outside the city.

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