Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1850: Strong physique

Looking at the huge spaceship emitting blue beams of light in the picture on the silver screen, Ivan Bella was desperate.

She knew that the aliens were venting their anger, and the price was all the lives on the blue star, even the blue star himself.

The ability to make the bottom of the sea vibrate like this means that the huge beam of light is penetrating the ground, and perhaps the entire planet will be wiped out soon.

"Your Majesty, you must save us, save your country, now, we can only rely on you..."

Ivan Bella sighed as he looked at the crabs and shrimps who were kneeling on the ground.

What can she do?

She couldn't do anything, she could only watch what was about to happen.

No... it shouldn't end like this, it won't end like this.

As if thinking of something, Ivan Bella's face became firm, and she turned and left the hall.

At this time, in the water fifty nautical miles northwest of the blue beam of light, the fleet of the water kingdom escaped from the turbulent sea in an embarrassing manner. Looking around, there were only more than a thousand combat vehicles in the water.

In the previous escape, nearly half of the combat vehicles remained in that sea area.

"what did I do?"

Looking at the beam of light in the silver screen that penetrated the sea, Timothy muttered to himself.

There was regret and madness in his eyes, and his crazy laughter sounded from the bridge.


He laughed wildly and hideously, which made the surrounding Atlantis look at each other.

"Yes, this is weakness, the price of weakness, this is weakness...haha."

Looking at the picture on the silver screen with ugly face, Timothy laughed wildly.

Tanya, on the bridge...

"Energy is stable input, power is 40%, and it will penetrate the earth's core in 19 minutes and 19 seconds."

19 points...

Looking at the sea outside, the sea penetrated by plasma energy, Li Meng was speechless.

This is a planet after all. In the more than two hundred years of the founding of the empire, it has never been destroyed.

But today, here, the Black Flag Empire will destroy a planet for the first time.

This is not an honor, but it is necessary. After 19 minutes, Li Meng will see a beautiful planet destroyed before his own eyes.

There is only waiting, no one can stop this moment, no one...

"Warning, an unknown aircraft is detected approaching, bearing: northwest, 51 nautical miles away."

Unknown aircraft?

With a movement of his mind, his mental power swept out, instantly reaching the blue star.


With a look of surprise on his face, Li Meng let out a surprise.

At this time, in front of Li Meng's control, a holographic image appeared.

In the sky, a dragonfly-like aircraft is flying. It is powered by a propeller. The speed is very slow and the length is about five meters. There is only a cockpit. A woman can be seen in the transparent cockpit.


When the mental power swept across her body, Li Meng was taken aback.

What an amazing physique...

She is indeed a human being. Genetically speaking, she is of the same origin as humans on earth, but her abilities are different from ordinary people.

Her physical fitness is very strong, and her physical strength is far greater than that of human beings on earth. It is not double, twice, but twenty times. In the eyes of humans, she is a superman.

Li Meng could not imagine, under what circumstances could he have such a strong body.

"Is this... the power of chaos?"

With the analysis of her body, Li Meng understood.

Her body was strengthened due to the erosion of the power of Chaos. This power of Chaos was pure and was the source of the subspace, not the four evil gods.

"What does she want to do?"

The distance of fifty nautical miles was not far, and soon she approached the Tanya.

She hovered around the huge hull of the "Tan Ya", with one hand out of the cockpit, waving.

Although she didn't understand, Li Meng knew what she was shouting, and she wanted to communicate.

"Master, please indicate, whether to shoot down?"

Looking at the hovering aircraft in the picture and the constantly waving hand, Li Meng said calmly, "Don't bother."

Time passed little by little, and it was less than nine minutes before the final destruction. Once it was less than four minutes, everything was a foregone conclusion and could not be changed.

"Don't want to communicate?"

The voice was already hoarse, and Ivan Bella did not get a response.

Didn't attack her, and ignored her. Is the verdict already issued?

Looking at the huge spaceship in front of him, Ivan Bella looked bitter.

There is no hope, no more...

In this case……

Withdrawing her hand, Ivan Bella's expression became firm. She held the joystick down a pile, and the aircraft hovering in the sky suddenly fell vertically and flew towards the sea.

Below, at the bow of the Tanya, the vertically downward aircraft suddenly returned to a horizontal attitude.

In the "buzzing" roar, the small aircraft flew to the muzzle staggeringly, full of determination.

Definitely not only the aircraft, but also the people in the cockpit.

There was no shouting, no sadness or despair, Ivan Bella let go of the lever, and looked at all this calmly, at the beam of light that was getting closer and closer, and the muzzle of the muzzle getting closer.

"Mother, no..."

In the deep sea, a tragic compassion sounded from a certain combat vehicle.

Nothing changed, the aircraft was annihilated in the blue beam of light and turned to ashes.

Tanya, on the bridge...

A white beam of light suddenly emerged and plunged into the ground.

When the beam of light disappeared, a figure in a white robe appeared on the ground. She sat slumped on the ground with a dazed expression.

where is this?

A black metal hall, who is he? And who is she?

He was wearing a black long dress, sitting on a large seat, looking at him, only curious in his eyes.

She was wearing a black dress, very beautiful, looking at her faintly, sitting on a huge seat.


Except for her hair, Ivan Bella suddenly discovered that these aliens were so similar to her.

Seeing Ivan Bella's gaze turned to him again, Li Meng pointed to the time on the screen and said, "You have three minutes left. In three minutes, this planet will be destroyed."

Although the words did not make sense, after a telepathic translation, Ivan Bella understood Li Meng's meaning.

Her face changed and she quickly said: "You can't do this. There are thousands of creatures living on this planet. You can't destroy everything for revenge. You have such advanced technology. You should protect the weak, not destroy the weak, you We should guide us, not destroy us. This time we were wrong. I didn’t take care of my child. I apologize to you, please..."

With a begging expression on his face, Ivan Bella looked at Li Meng eagerly.

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