Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 197: The temptation of power

Who doesn't want to have rights? Having rights is like owning everything, and it is an irresistible temptation for anyone.

Yevrich spoke again, and he said: "No help! We won't do anything to you. Our "First Army" is not a murderer. Without your help, we can still capture Qingcheng, but It takes a little more time, and you, having lost an opportunity to gain rights, will only live as a civilian forever!"

Desire is endless, and so is the human heart. It is difficult to be satisfied. For anyone, right is an irresistible temptation.

Especially for Chen Ping, who is a civilian.

He could not resist an opportunity to gain rights.

Chen Ping no longer hesitated, he said: "I will help! I will help you win Qingcheng!"

After speaking, Chen Ping squatted on the beach, evenly leveled the yellow sand in front of him, and then drew an oval circle on the yellow sand with his fingers.

He pointed to the end of the circle and said: "This is where we are now!"

After speaking, Chen Ping raised his hand and placed his fingers in the middle of the oval pattern, and said: "This is Qingcheng, 60 kilometers from the sea!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Ping drew a horizontal line in the middle of the oval pattern and said: "This is a river, a river that crosses Nanlin Island. It passes through Qingcheng, and there is an exit to the sea in the east and west. Our place, more than 50 kilometers to the south, is the east estuary of Nanlin Island!"

"The east estuary, facing Bentley, is also the only place to go to Bentley. This waterway is very busy. There is a water village in the river about 20 kilometers away from the sea mouth and about 40 kilometers away from Qingcheng. The water village is very strong, and it is also the first gate in Qingcheng. Anyone who enters or exits must hand in a certain amount of valuables!"

After speaking, Chen Ping raised his hand, moved his fingers, and clicked a few places on the oval pattern.

He said: "Here, here, and here, these three places, one is the only iron ore on the island, the other is the logging yard next to the river, the shipyard in Qingcheng, and the main timber comes from this logging yard. The logging farm is very important to Qingcheng. The last one is the farm, which is one of the main sources of food for more than 100,000 people in Qingcheng!"

"There is no large-scale polluting beast population living in Nanlin Island, but there are also powerful individual polluting beasts. The polluting beasts on the island still threaten the safety of Qingcheng! The iron ore manager, logging plant, and farm are the most important in Qingcheng. The important existence, whether it is an iron ore field, a logging yard, or a farm, is guarded by a tall fence. Usually these three places are guarded by soldiers. The iron ore field and logging yard are usually guarded by three hundred people. Around people, the farmland has the largest area, with five hundred guards!"

Chen Ping continued: "If you want to capture Qingcheng, it is best to solve the guards in these three places first, otherwise once the battle in Qingcheng starts, these three places are not far away, and the guards in the three places are likely to gather. Together to support Qingcheng, by then, you will be in a situation where you will be attacked by the enemy!"

Chen Ping's explanation was very detailed, and the details were explained. Once he finished speaking, the general situation of Nanlin Island would appear in people's minds.

Through Chen Ping, Yevrich and Tan Ya have a full understanding of Nanlin Island.

Looking at the messy patterns drawn by Chen Ping on the yellow sand, Tan Ya thought slightly, and said, "I have not many soldiers under my command. I will leave the water village to me. I will be able to do so before you attack Qingcheng. Establish artillery positions where artillery fire covers Qingcheng to provide fire support for your attack!"

The Pingdingzhe self-propelled artillery wants to participate in this battle, the only route is to approach Qingcheng through the waterway.

Shuttle through the forest is not possible. The terrain in the forest is rugged. Although the suspension engine of the Pingdinger self-propelled artillery is very powerful in terms of off-road capability, the space in the forest is too small to accommodate such a huge mechanical free movement like the Pingdinger self-propelled artillery. of.

After all, in terms of size, the Calder self-propelled artillery is quite bloated.

Not to mention the volume of the bombardment mode, the models in the usual course are more than nine meters in length, 5.5 meters in width, and 3.5 meters in height. Standing next to it is just a small thing.

With such a volume, how wide should the space in the forest be to allow it to enter and exit freely?

Looking at the reduced version of the map on the sand, Yevrich did not object to Tan Ya's opinion, but said: "Okay! The water village will be handed over to you! The other three places and Qingcheng will be handed over to us!"

"The fighting in these three places does not require your intervention, there is no remote communication, and communication is inconvenient. You only need to watch Qingcheng closely. When fighting Qingcheng, the red flare shall prevail. When the red flare is lifted into the air, we also need artillery fire. When supporting!"

Tan Ya nodded and responded: "Understood!"

Yvrich also said: "Roromanfu, Manfyero, Jacob, you three will lead your own camp to take these three places, Roromanfu! Your task is to take down the farm. Manfiyah! Your task is to take down the iron quarry, Jacob! Your task is to take down the lumber yard!"

"Everyone! Do you understand the task? Do you need to explain it again?"

The three people beside Jevrich responded one by one: "Understood!"

Yevrich nodded: "Very good!"

After speaking, Javrich pointed to the map on the sand and said: "You will be divided into three roads, crossing the forest to reach your respective destinations. If you encounter ferocious polluting beasts on the way, you can avoid it, and if you can't avoid it, kill! "

"Remember! For offensives everywhere, don’t shoot if you can. Try to reduce the killing in this battle. From now on, here will be the territory of our First Army. Don’t let the civilians living here be caused by this battle. The killing hated the commander, hatred the "first legion"!"

"You can grasp the level of it yourself!"

"Once the war in the three places is over, set up a line of defense on the spot to defend against the enemies that may be supported by Qingcheng! Remember, after you have captured the three places, don't move on and stay where you are! This time, the reason why you were asked to bring military tents, Food and water are to deal with the next protracted battle!"

"The stay time is uncertain, I will send someone to contact you for the next step!"

This battle cannot be resolved quickly, and Jevric knows this.

Because of the swift battle, the "First Army" will attack with maximum firepower. By then, let alone the soldiers in Qingcheng, even the civilians will probably be implicated, causing a lot of casualties.

The commander did not want to cause too many killings due to this battle, but could only conduct a protracted battle.

First attack three important strategic points in one effort, give Qingcheng a certain buffer time, let them know that the "First Army" is coming, and let them clearly realize that they have no resistance in front of the "First Army". ability.

There is only one main reason for this, and that is to put a certain amount of pressure on the "Qingcheng" so that they can clearly realize that there is no hope for resistance.

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