Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 560: Captain of the guard

Feeling the master's hand on her face, Wendy's eyes flickered.

Speaking slightly, Wendy whispered: "I see! Master!"

"Very good! Go!"

From Wendy's face, Li Meng withdrew his hand.

Wendy nodded, stepped back and stood on the last step.

It is the closest distance to the owner.

Looking far away, Li Meng looked at the nun under the stairs.

With an indifferent expression, Li Meng slowly said, "I said! I will give you a chance for revenge. Although you have become the "dead" and no longer have that desire for revenge, this is your obsession. , I will fulfill your wish!"

"But! The time has not come! You still have to wait!"

Slow and heavy words echoed in the hall and passed into the ears of the women in the hall.

They were still silent in the nun's clothes, standing quietly, like a black statue.

Li Meng withdrew his gaze from them, turned to Wendy, and said, "From now on, no "person" is allowed to approach the temple. You are responsible for the garrison of the temple!"

There are more and more dead creatures in the temple. With the appearance of the nuns, Li Meng can clearly feel the strong power of death in the temple. This change is one thing for the "dead" in the temple. This is a good thing, because in this environment, the "dead" will feel more comfortable.

For humans, the power of death pervading the temple is a chronic poison.

Ranging from confusion, nightmares, and from insanity, becoming crazy.

The current temple has become a forbidden territory for mankind!

"Yes Master!"

Wendy answered softly.


In Li Meng's gesture, Wendy turned and left.

When stepping down the stairs, the nuns in the hall gave way to a passage.

When Wendy walked through the passage, the nuns followed closely, and the black figure followed Wendy out of the hall.

Most of the guards on the stairs left, leaving only two.

In any case, there must be a bodyguard around the owner.

Not long after, when the last black figure left the hall, tranquility was restored in the huge hall.

Sitting lazily on the throne, Li Meng looked at Sakuya who was aside, and said, "After so many days, those businessmen should also return to their respective countries! Is there any progress in surveillance of Bentley and ASEAN?"

Looking back at His Royal Highness, Sakiya whispered: "Two destroyers have been sent to the South China Sea for cruise. We will know in advance if there is any movement in Bentley. We have not received any news about Bentley in the last two days!"

Li Meng's expression was indifferent, and he was not surprised by the news.

Trouble will definitely come, but sooner or later.

It has been a week since the trip to Yelin Island.

I am afraid that Bentley has already got the news a few days ago.

What are they waiting for?

In his mind, Li Meng had a hunch that Bentley should respond to this soon.

What should be urgent is not the First Army, but Bentley.

The longer the time, the more powerful it is for the First Army.

Leaving the throne, Li Meng stepped down the stairs and walked outside the hall.

When the owner passed by, the only two guards who remained in the hall followed closely behind.

When he stepped down the stairs, Li Meng's words sounded again and passed into Sakiya's ears.

"When you are done with your business, go to the courtyard to find me!"

Li Meng always feels that something is missing if he is used to Sakiya's company by his side.

Although in the temple, it is not as easy as on the "Emperor", but occasionally it is necessary to relax.

Although this body will not feel tired, Li Meng also needs comfort from the soul.

In your free time, why not let yourself relax!

Sometimes enjoyment is also a task.

Looking at the back of His Highness's departure, Sakiya was slightly startled, but then he returned to normal.

Putting on the hood, when His Royal Highness's figure was about to leave the hall, he got up, Sakiya left the seat, and walked outside the hall on the steps.

Her task has not been completed yet, and today, she still needs to go to the port.

In the long corridor, Sakiya walked casually.

The temples today are no better than before. In the past, most of the time in the temples was quiet.

And now, the temple has become active.

People walking in the long corridor can be seen from time to time.

They wore black blood-striped nun costumes, and they appeared in pairs every time. They didn't walk fast, but they were quiet, their footsteps were silent, and there was no sound.


When seeing the oncoming Sakuya, they always stop and bow slightly to show respect.

And Sakuya coldly walked past them, without speaking or speaking, only the footsteps of "Zheng! Zheng" echoed in the corridor.

They didn't care about Sakiya's attitude either, but when Sakiya's figure walked away, they continued to walk in the corridor.

As the "dead", they don't express emotion when dealing with the same kind, and of course they don't know much politeness.

Sakiya didn't do it deliberately, even if it was Natasha or Tanya, if there was nothing important, Sakiya would not stop for it, let alone respond.

When it came to the end of the corridor, the gate of the temple blocked Sakuya's path.

The gate of the temple will not become an obstacle to the "dead"!

When Sakuya is close enough to the gate.


In the sound of the machinery, the door of the temple opened.

Taking a step forward, Sakuya stepped out of the gate.

When leaving the gate, at this time, the guard guarding the gate was no longer a soldier, but a nun holding a huge sickle.

They hugged the huge sickle, one end of the sickle's handle was on the ground, and the other end was over their heads.

Against the backdrop of the huge sickle, their bodies appear even more petite.

They just stood silently. There were four of them standing on either side of the door, like four statues, motionless.

The black nun's clothes, the black sickle, the blood-colored lines, and the standing posture like a statue, just look at it and give people a great pressure.

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