Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 591: Night

From the angle where Li Meng is, her white body can be seen!

Both the soft parts and her perfect body curve were clearly exposed to Li Meng's eyes.

Seeing the spring light in front of him, Li Meng was taken aback for a moment, and then returned to normal, watching the stunner in front of him without shame.

She is indeed beautiful. Not only is she beautiful, but her body is also full of feminine beauty. Not only does she have the feminine beauty, but the tight lines also give people a strong feeling.

In terms of figure, she does not lose Tan Ya at all, and the beauty of Oriental women adds to her temptation.

She gently padd her feet and entered the steaming bathtub.


The warm hot water stroked her skin, making her ruddy face snorted, which was extremely refreshing.

Sitting gently in the bathtub, her face flushed with enjoyment.

who is she?

In the void, Li Meng's eyes were a bit fiery looking at the beautiful and seductive body in the bath tray below.

The purpose of coming here has long been forgotten by Li Meng.

This woman...

Seeing her enjoying herself in the bathtub, Li Meng smiled helplessly.

It was really powerful, and it caused a fever in his heart.

Taking a deep look, she was still unconscious in the bathtub, Li Meng left, leaving the steaming bathroom.

When Li Meng's figure reappeared in the pavilion of the "Emperor", Wendy's eyes were a little surprised.

In Wendy's eyes, the time for the owner to leave is not long, and at most it will not exceed half an hour.

Master, what's wrong?

Wendy could feel that there was something wrong with the host's expression.

Sitting on the reclining chair, Li Meng couldn't calm down at all, and all that appeared in his mind was that white plump and attractive body.

a long time! Li Meng, who couldn't calm down, smiled helplessly.

Obviously as a "god", but still haunted by lust, is this **** a bit untrue?


Li Meng frowned slightly, when did he instinctively think he was a "god"?

When did it happen?

Seeing the impulse generated by the temptation below, Li Meng smiled freely.

There is nothing bad, this feeling of being flooded with desire makes Li Meng more able to feel his own existence.

Rather than the insensitive "god".

Looking around, there are many figures in the pavilion, besides Wendy, there are also several other members of the guards.

Finally, Li Meng noticed Wendy's body.

She is right beside her.

"Wendy! Come here!"

Suppressing his voice, Li Meng called to Wendy.

At the words of the master, Wendy took a few steps forward and came to the master's side.

Looking at Wendy beside him, Li Meng stretched out his hand and grabbed the little white hand. With a slight force, Wendy's small body fell into Li Meng's arms.

Holding the waist of the person in his arms tightly, Li Meng's eyes were full of fiery eyes.

Looking up at the owner, Wendy in Li Meng's arms was a little puzzled.

The ruddy lips opened slightly, before he could say anything, Li Meng savagely and domineeringly kissed Wendy's lips, blocking what Wendy was about to say.


Wendy was surprised by the master's sudden attack and did not know how to react.

But the collapse of the front line in her mouth made her face ruddy, her little hand gently pressed against the master's chest, silently bearing the master's roughness.

In the dark, there was nothing to see, the only creaking sound, and the slightly shaking figure.

it is more than words!

I don't know how long the creaking sound in the dark suddenly became intense.

It lasted a little, and in an instant, the creaking sound disappeared, and the gazebo returned to calm.

In the large seat, the two embraced quietly.

Seeing the lazy person in his arms, Li Meng chuckled lightly, and moved his hand up from his waist, putting on a dress for the person in his arms.

"the host!"

In the darkness, Wendy's voice rang softly.

She was crying dullly in her master's arms.


In the darkness, while stroking the waist-length hair, Li Meng responded softly.

"If General Sakiya knew it! She would be angry!"

Quietly lying in the owner's arms, Wendy was very concerned about this.

Can you care?

Wendy knew that although Sakiya-senpai stayed beside her master, the master never really touched her.

However, today, she is the first step in the fusion of soul and body with her master.

The heat in the body is so clear, while quietly feeling the blending touch, Wendy also had to pay attention to the existence of Sakiya-senpai.

"Yeah! She does get angry, but! Wendy, this is not the time to say she is human!"

In Wendy's blurred eyes, Li Meng lowered his head and kissed gently on the white forehead.

The dark power of death emerged in the darkness, silently.

On Wendy's forehead, a flaming red color appeared, gradually drawing a sickle pattern.

When the pattern was formed and flickered, the fiery red light fell silent.

A black sickle pattern appeared on Wendy's forehead.

This is the mark of death, but also a proof, a proof of identity.

Wendy's expression was stunned by gently touching the incomparably clear existence on his forehead.

Of course Wendy knew what it was.

The Mark of Reaper, the Mark of Reaper that only generals have.

The mark of death is an identity and a representative of "power". It not only represents a noble identity, it is itself a "power" bestowed by the master.

Looking at the master in front of him admiringly, he said softly, "Master! Thank you for your blessing!"

Li Meng nodded lightly, and said: "Go! To feel that power, you need enough time to adapt to "it"!"


With a soft voice, Wendy supported the guards on both sides and planned to leave the owner's embrace.

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