Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 620: Warm

The cell itself has the ability to correct itself. With the help of external forces, the mutated cell will slowly correct until it returns to its original form. Although it is troublesome, it is the only one that can treat "virus" infections. Method! "

Looking at the room on the other side of the glass wall, the medical staff was introducing Li Meng.

Hearing what the medical staff beside him said, Li Meng remembered something.

"What about the soldiers who were infected by the virus?"

It has been a long time since Li Meng left Dirty Valley for a while, and it has been almost half a year since now.

Although it took a long time, Li Meng did not forget the soldiers who were infected by the virus.

The medical staff shook their heads, and said with regret: "Because the time given to us was too short, they couldn't support it before we found a cure!"


Li Meng was a little hesitated. For the first batch of soldiers, Li Meng still had some feelings.

"No! The virus did not kill them, but only caused them to mutate. Because of the long time, the virus has spread throughout the body, and the cells have been completely alienated. There is no possibility of recovery. After the mutation, they have lost their rationality and their bodies are completely dependent on it. Instinctive action, very sensitive to flesh and blood, and very dangerous. Now they have been controlled and used as experimental subjects to study "viruses"!"

Li Meng was silent, for them, this end should be the best result.

At least they are still alive...

Don't think about the annoying things. They are soldiers. Coming into this world is like going to the battlefield. They must be prepared to sacrifice.

"How long does it take to completely get rid of the virus from her?"

Li Meng asked the medical staff beside him.

"It is still not known, because the speed of cell correction is different for each person, fast and slow!"

In this case, the time needed to remove the virus may not be short.

That being the case, there is not much need to stay here.

"Remember to report the progress of treatment to me at any time!"

Li Meng told the medical staff beside him.


Taking a deep look at her in the glass jar again, Li Meng turned and left.

When returning to the top deck, Li Meng did not take the normal path, but went straight into the void, traversing the barriers and returned to the pavilion.

Disturbed by the dark power of death, Li Meng's figure appeared on the seat in the pavilion.

The master is back?

The familiar figure on the seat suddenly appeared, attracting the attention of many eyes in the pavilion.

Especially Wendy took a step forward and leaned over to her master's ear and whispered: "It's been a long time since the master left. Listening to the report from the people below, the master brought back something?"

Looking sideways at Wendy beside him, Li Meng smiled lightly.

"You know the news!"

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Li Meng grabbed Wendy's little hand, and lightly brought it into his arms.

The black dress, slender hair, and black stockings under the skirt make Wendy very attractive.

Sitting in her master's arms, Wendy obediently, letting her master hold her, letting that hand slip under the skirt.

Walking gently on the soft skin, quietly feeling the softness and silkiness in his hands, feeling the comfortable touch, Li Meng had no self-knowledge of his own frivolity Wendy's behavior.

Getting used to bullying, everything becomes natural.

While enjoying Wendy's softness, Li Meng didn't idle, and said softly: "It's indeed a long time. As for the things I brought back, you should know it!"

Wendy in Li Meng's arms nodded and said softly: "According to the people below, the master brought back a mermaid, master! Is this true?"

"Yes! This is true. She is now in the medical area for treatment. If you have time, go and see for yourself!"

It seems that even Wendy is skeptical of the existence of the mermaid.

This is not surprising, after all, mermaids are too rare, almost a legend.

Suddenly appear in front of you and see with your own eyes, everyone will be surprised and can't believe it.


Wendy nodded slightly.

Seeing Wendy's pleasant appearance in her arms, the impulses in her heart surged out uncontrollably.

Li Meng smiled helplessly, feeling the longing that came from the soul wearing.

Since the soul mingling with Wendy, desire seems to have expanded a lot.

Turning his head to look at a few people in the court, Li Meng said, "Go down!"

A few slender figures in the pavilion nodded silently, and walked away.

When the guards left, only two people in the seats were left in the huge pavilion.

As if knowing what the owner would do next, Wendy moved slightly, and Wendy took the initiative to straddle Li Meng's body.

On Li Meng, Wendy looked at her master condescendingly, her rosy lips slightly opened, and she stretched out her right hand to comb the black hair in front of her forehead, and then bent her head towards her master's lips.

When the rosy lips hit, Li Meng did not refuse to come and greeted him.

They spoke, and their lips pressed together.

This feeling is very good, which allows Li Meng to feel Wendy's existence more clearly, and wants to integrate that soft body into his body.

Facing the increasingly rough and harder movements of Her Highness, Wendy could only obey. She was unable to resist, and did not want to resist.

The hand slid gently on Wendy's back, as if comforting Wendy.

After a satisfying request, Li Meng let go of Wendy's lips.

Lips separated, looking softly at His Royal Highness under her, Wendy reached out and wiped the moisture from the corners of her mouth.

His Highness was not satisfied, Wendy could feel it clearly.

Wendy didn't know what kind of feeling it was, but she didn't hate it, because it was what His Highness longed for.

And what she can do as a family member is to satisfy the wishes and thoughts of His Highness.

Without saying much, Wendy just smiled slightly and moved slightly...

It's just a matter of course, everything is clear.

There is no wind blowing, and the garden is quiet, only the slightest movement in the pavilion.

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