Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 647: Found

After walking down the road to the south for less than two kilometers, Wendy found the enemy's frontline checkpoint on the road.

There were about fifty soldiers garrisoned at checkpoints. They were all wearing gray military coats. There was a bunker made of simple wood on the road. The bunker blocked the road horizontally and cut off the road.

In the forest on both sides of the checkpoint, Wendy also felt a lot of human "breath", which should be a line of defense.

Without stopping, Wendy stepped over the top of the line of defense and continued to advance in silence.

When the distance was close enough, Wendy sensed the presence of Lili.

Going along, Wendy found Lili on a branch of a tree.

As soon as the figure flashed, Wendy appeared beside Lili.

Lily had already sensed Wendy's approach, and didn't feel too surprised by Wendy's appearance.

Just said to him: "The enemy's shelling position is outside!"

Needless to say Lily, Wendy saw it too.

On the road outside the forest, huge armored vehicles are arranged at intervals. Behind the armored vehicles are cannons with strong barrels erected. The long barrels look very powerful.

"There are a lot of humans in this forest, and there should be no fewer than 10,000."

Beside Wendy, Lili said softly.

Wendy also noticed this, and she encountered humans all the way.

Those humans should be soldiers of the Bentley nation, and the purpose of course is to guard the artillery position on the road.


An abrupt collision of branches and leaves sounded.

Seeing a flash of black shadow, Renee appeared on the big tree where they were.

At this moment, everyone is almost there.

"Calculate the coordinates separately, and then correspond!"

Looking at the shelling positions outside, Wendy said softly.

With the calculation ability of three people, it is impossible to calculate the coordinates wrongly, but this is just in case, one person is wrong, and it is impossible for all three to be wrong.

After a long time, the three people got the answer.

The coordinates are the same.

The coordinates of the enemy's artillery position have been obtained, and the task of the three is considered complete.

"Rennie! You return to the fleet to report to General Natasha the coordinates of the enemy's shelling position, Lili! You stay and do the aftermath with me!"

No matter how dense the artillery fire is, there will always be fish that slip through the net. The enemy's artillery position is erected on the road, which is one kilometer long, and it is difficult to cause a destructive blow to it.

And their aftermath is very necessary, at least it can make the artillery here, every one can not escape the end of destruction.

Nodding lightly, Renee jumped and disappeared into the forest.

"Let's go! This place will be shelled soon, we must stay away from here!"

After talking to Lili, Wendy jumped out and followed the road to the south.

Lili followed closely, and two figures dangling across the dense branches one after another.

The junction of the sea, the beach and the forest.

I saw the disturbance of branches and leaves, and a black shadow sprang out from the forest at an extremely fast speed. When the foot stepped on the beach, it rose into the air again, turning into a black shadow spanning a distance of tens of meters, and plunged into the sea.


In the splashing water, the figure has disappeared without a trace.

Renee who left did not expect that her every move would be noticed by a pair of eyes.

It was not that she was not fast enough, but that when she rushed out of the forest, those eyes were just looking at her only way through the binoculars, and she was completely exposed when she passed by the beach.

"you sure?"

In a forest, in the shadow of a dark tree, a small group of soldiers from Bentley were whispering.

"That's right! I saw it. It was a woman in a black dress. She was very fast and had amazing jumping ability. She sprang out of the woods and landed a foot on the beach. At a distance of fifty meters, it plunged into the sea."

"Isn't it a martial artist? Only those guys have this ability."

"Where is this place? How can the martial artist appear here? Even if it is, I am afraid it belongs to the First Corps. Maybe the artillery position on the road to Liancheng has been discovered."

"Then what are you waiting for? Tell Master Wan Fu quickly!"

"But! What if we think too much about it?"

Everyone had different opinions, and there was a lot of discussion under the gloomy shade, and no one could pay attention.

At this time, another voice rang.

"Whether we think about it or not, we only need to tell Master Wanhu about the news and let Master Wanhu make the decision."

"That's right, please tell Captain Ten thousand as soon as possible, in case it is as we thought, there won't be much time for the bombardment position to move."

"Go, let's go back!"

In the shaking of the figure, the figures under the shade of the trees hurriedly left.

Only left countless footprints in the soft sand.


On the Liancheng Road, in a command vehicle modified from a military transport vehicle.

When receiving the report from the subordinate, Jigor let out a sound of surprise.


is it possible?

There are layers of defense around the shelling position. How did she cross the defense line to find the shelling position?

This is not an easy task, even for martial artists.

After all, there are more than 10,000 people densely arranged within a radius of one kilometer. It can be said that if you want to get close to the shelling position, you must avoid the constant patrol of thousands of pairs of eyes.

"According to the report of the soldiers on the beach front, they did see a woman leaving the forest and disappearing into the sea. They wondered if this was an investigator sent by the First Army? After all, the first investigation team was We have repelled, and we should be more cautious the second time. It is not impossible to send investigators with powerful individual strength!"

Regarding the words of the officer beside him, Tigor nodded.

Yes, this is not impossible.

However, once the artillery position is transferred, it may take a lot of time to re-erect. The enemy fleet can take advantage of this time to launch a landing operation on Turner Island. Once the landing is successful, their support operations this time can be considered as it's over.

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