Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 652: positional warfare

On the high ground, there are three bloated armored units, two-legged metal legs are particularly eye-catching, the barrels on the oval body, and the black holes pointed directly at them.


With a jet of flame, the enemy armored unit opened fire.

The distance between the two sides was less than a hundred meters. Before the fiery streamer hit, I saw the moving sickle mecha violently, the mechanical legs bend greatly, and they jumped to one side.

The cannonball blasted out of the surging flames, grazed from the side of the sickle mecha, and hit a big tree behind, exploding.

Before he had time to be happy, as soon as the leaping sickle mech fell to the ground, the shelling sounded again.

This time it fired an enemy armored unit.


This time the Sickle Mecha did not escape, and an explosion occurred on the round armor.

In the surging flames, under the powerful explosive power, the weak armor of the Sickle Mecha was directly torn apart.

Two wheeled heavy machine guns were also blown into parts.

When the flames dissipated, the front armor of the Sickle was torn open with a huge opening, exposing a circuit board bursting out of sparks.

At this time, the enemy's third armored unit had already aimed at the sparking sickle mecha, intending to make the final blow.

At this extremely critical moment, the sound of mechanical rotation suddenly sounded, and I saw the last surviving wheeled heavy machine gun on the sickle mech, turning its muzzle in the burst of sparks, and aimed at the enemy armored unit.


In the unique sound of gunfire, countless lasing bullets formed a flaming dragon and attacked the last armored unit that had not fired.

"Chih! Chih!"

The shooting angle was low, and the howling bullets hit the feet of enemy armored units one after another.

The bullet pierced the mechanical foot of the enemy armored unit. In the burst of sparks, the enemy armored unit was paralyzed after only a few breaths, the metal legs bent, and the bloated body plunged toward the ground.

"Abandon the machine! Let's go!"

The power system has failed. Before the enemy armored units can refill the shells, they must leave, or they will only be buried in front of the enemy's front along with the Sickle Mecha.

Amidst the sound of air pressure, the emergency escape hatch was opened. In the rain of bullets, the driving team evacuated to the rear under the cover of comrades in the rear.

When the pilot team evacuated from the cockpit, the sickle mecha that was still standing also collapsed, like an oval ball, falling in front of the goal line.

The charge sickle mecha was destroyed, and the mobilizers behind him stopped the charge and took cover in place.

The firepower on the enemy's front is good, with a large number of artillery and armored units standing upright, so reckless charge is not enough.

Although the powered combat uniforms on the mobilizers can effectively resist the bullets fired by the opponent's guns, they cannot stand tall in the rain of bullets. They are hit by multiple bullets and the powered combat uniforms may also be penetrated.

The first charge of the right-wing troops was intercepted by the enemy, and they were firing at the enemy on the front.

The result of the left-wing force's charge was the same, seeing that it was about to rush into the position, but was knocked down by the armored unit in the enemy's position.

However, the situation on the left wing was better than that on the right wing. The assaulting sickle mecha was evacuated in time without being destroyed under the muzzle of the enemy armored unit.

On the stone path in the middle, the hammer tank, which was advancing straight, also encountered trouble.

The closer to the enemy’s position, the denser the artillery fire from the forest. Under the intensive artillery fire, the heavy armor of the hammer tank successfully resisted the enemy’s artillery fire.

But the gun barrel was destroyed. Under the continuous fire from the enemy, the gun barrel cracked during the explosion and it was unable to fire back.

What is embarrassing is that the stone path at the foot is very narrow, only less than six meters wide, and the hammer tank behind it cannot bypass the damaged hammer tank and replace the damaged tank.

You can only dislocation in the rear, find the shooting angle, and shoot at the enemy's position in front.

When the war did not go well, the battle in the forest was deadlocked.

In the gloomy forest, the two sides rely on their respective bunkers for shooting.

Intensive gunfire, "rumbling" explosions, echoed in the forest, and echoed over Turner Island.

"Chih! Chih!"

In the staggered flying bullet marks, soldiers on the ground were hit by large-caliber bullets from time to time.

Once hit, you will definitely die.

Even if it hits non-lethal parts, a 9.2mm caliber bullet can cause devastating trauma.

Once suffered a destructive trauma, if hemostatic treatment is not timely, he will soon die from excessive blood loss.

In the chaotic war, how easy is it to get timely treatment?

Often hit, it means death.

In the confrontation, the situation of mobilizing soldiers is undoubtedly much better. Even if they are hit, they can be returned in time. A single bullet cannot penetrate the armor of the powered combat uniform.

However, in a war, no matter how good the protection capabilities are, there is no possibility of zero casualties.

Although the rifles in the hands of enemy soldiers cannot pose a deadly threat to the mobilized soldiers, those artillery pieces are not included.

There are a lot of artillery on the enemy's position, and they continue to bombard the forest. Sometimes the prediction is wrong, and the mobilization of soldiers will also pay the price of life.

Two hours have passed since the battle took place. During the two-hour confrontation, the enemy suffered a lot and the mobilization of troops was not much better.

Dozens of mobilized soldiers have died.

The war is cruel, for both sides.

"Sergeant "Lof"! It's about an hour before it gets dark. Do you ask for naval guns to bomb the enemy's position? In this way, we can seize this position before it gets dark!"

In the rear, beside a hammer tank on the stone road, an officer who had retreated from the front asked Love.

Looking to the rear, there are many hammer tanks, one next to one another, quite mighty.

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