Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 654: Rout

On the stone road, the damaged hammer tank was pushed to the side of the road, and the tank behind it passed by the damaged hammer tank, advancing forward amidst the sound of "roaring", the black hole muzzle pointed straight ahead.

The troops in the forest on both sides of the stone road also began to advance. Under the cover of the sickle mecha, the mobilized troops began to advance.

This time, the First Army put in more troops. On the one-kilometer front, mobilized troops were everywhere in the forest.

As it advances, when it gets close to the enemy's position, in the smoke of gunpowder, the enemy's position has changed a lot, becoming empty.

A large area of ​​forest just disappeared out of thin air, revealing a scorched earth.

The higher ground seems to have been wiped out.

At the junction of the scorched earth and the forest, advancing troops rushed out of the forest, dense metal figures and huge war machines moving on the scorched earth.

When the advancing troops stepped on the scorched ground, there was no response from the positions on the high ground.

When the troops continued to advance and rushed into the enemy's position, everything in front of them was expected.

The corpses, the corpses in one place, the corpses were black in different shapes, densely packed corpses all over the position, some corpses were still burning, the fire burned out the grease crackling, the scene was unspeakable.

The bursting high temperature ignited many things, and billowing smoke rose into the air on the scorched ground.

The mighty war machinery has turned into a pile of scrap iron, like huge scorched stones nesting on the scorched ground, some of which are still burning.

Today's battle is over.

The war is cruel. As a soldier, this cruel mobilizer has already adapted to it and walks silently among the corpses. The mobilizer is cleaning the war, carefully inspecting each corpse, and searching for life.

It is not to kill them all, but as the victor, it is the duty to treat the enemy soldiers who survived on the battlefield.

This is the most basic purpose. The First Army will not go against this and will do its best to search for survivors.

"There is still a breath! Lift it down!"

A mobilizer found a lucky man in the pile.

Although his whole body was scorched and his coat was burnt, his chest was still beating, which showed that he was still alive.

With the help of the two soldiers, the lucky guy was carried away from this terrifying enemy.

He was not the only lucky person. After that, the mobilizers found a lot of lucky ones among the corpses.

There were still a lot of people. On the battlefield, mobilized soldiers from time to time carried lucky men and left the high ground.

On the shore in the rear, the First Army established a medical site.

In the site, the enemy soldiers who survived this battle will be well treated.

As the soldiers were mobilized to clean the battlefield, the sky dimmed.

The dark night did not stop the mobilizers from their movements. With the help of night vision goggles, the mobilizers continued to clean the battlefield.

After the occupation of Turner Island, Turner Island will become the forward base of the First Army. Of course, the corpses left over in the war cannot be exposed to the sky and earth, and must be effectively handled.

The most effective treatment is of course "cremation." Only flames can eliminate all traces.

Tonight, the mobilizers must collect all the corpses together, and then process them together. After the treatment is completed, the battlefield cleaning is truly over.

The defense line in the forest has fallen. Many Bentley soldiers evacuated the defense line during the bombing. The surviving soldiers did not garrison on the second reserve line, but returned directly to the fortress.

It is no longer necessary to garrison the second line of defense. All the armored units and heavy weapons are lost on the first line of defense. What do they use to block the offensive of the First Army?

And most importantly, their most senior officer, a commander of the army, has been sacrificed.

The group of dragons has no leader, and coupled with the fact that they are weak, with less than a thousand troops, there is not much to do in the forest.

The surviving soldiers had no choice but to withdraw to the fortress.

In the night, at the end of the stone road, countless gray-headed soldiers walked out of the forest, passed a metal gate, and entered the fortress one after another.

On the city wall, the garrisoned soldiers looked at the soldiers passing by with the help of the lights on the city wall, pointed and talked.

They felt the battle in the forest during the day. The intensive gunfire and "rumbling" explosion made the battle very fierce.

Especially in the last bombing, when billowing smoke rose from the forest, they had a bad feeling at that time.

After the fighting subsided, nothing was unexpected.

The troops on the forest defense line failed.

"I am afraid that fewer than a thousand people will be able to come back! This time the loss is not small!"

"Who said no! I thought that the forest defense line would last for at least a few days, but I didn't expect it to collapse during the first day of contact."

"Unexpectedly! Even we in the fortress are too heavy to lift our heads, without the strength to fight back, so what about them in the forest, the threat of the enemy fleet is too great, if there is no fortress protection, no matter how much It’s impossible to survive that kind of fire!"

The whispering muttering sound echoed deep on the city wall. Under the light, figures in twos and threes gathered together, watching the soldiers who withdrew from the forest defense line under the city, talking in a low voice.

The situation of the battle is a bit worrying. If the defense line in the forest fails, the next battle can only rely on this fortress at the foot.

In the night, the huge fortress on Turner Island looked a little hazy.

During the daytime bombing, many circuits in the fort were destroyed.

In the fortress shrouded in darkness, only a little sparse light flickered, so that the fortress would not fall into complete darkness.

Darkness is the enemy of mankind, but now, for the soldiers of the Bentley nation in the fort, they hope that night will never leave, because night is the only time they can stay away from the threat of enemy artillery, and only in the night. They can slightly relax their tight heart for the day.

In the observatory, night had just come, and Vader and Via, who had not yet left, suspended their departure due to the defeat of the forest defense line.

The situation is a bit bad...

Looking at the dark night sky outside, the brothers looked worried.

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