Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 659: black Knight

But it's useless. The round body of the war machine seems to be particularly strong. Neither the bullets fired by the Sickle Mech nor the rockets can cause effective damage.

Only a few war machines caused misfires due to the explosion of rockets, but more war machines were still on fire.

With the addition of enemy war machines, the battle situation has become more intense.

Around the city wall, the bullet rain on both sides interlaced each other, and dense gunfire and "rumbling" explosions filled the sky over Turner Island.

The city wall is an obstacle. Before the city gate is destroyed, the troops that emerge from the forest can only fight against the defenders on the city wall in the empty blank area.

Without cover, although the troops of the First Corps can suppress the defenders on the wall with firepower advantage, this cannot be maintained for a long time. Once the battle is deadlocked, the gap in the city gate cannot be opened for a long time, and the terrain is superior. Down, the defenders on the wall will have the upper hand.

After all, the ammunition carried cannot sustain a war of attrition for a long time, whether it is a sickle or mobilization.

Especially the sickle mecha. Although the firepower of the sickle mecha is fierce, the ammunition consumed by the three rotary heavy machine guns is extremely terrifying. If you shoot continuously, within one minute, the three heavy machine guns can shoot tens of thousands of bullets. .

The Sickle Mech's ammunition capacity is only 50,000 rounds, and most of it has been consumed in the previous battle.

"The enemy city gate is quite strong, and I am afraid that it will not be able to break it for a while. The addition of enemy war machinery has put a lot of pressure on our siege troops. Sergeant "Lof"! Is it necessary to remove the troops for repairs? Ready for the next attack?"

On the periphery of the battle line, Love has been watching the situation of the siege.

The straight stone path has a good perspective. Although the angle is slightly smaller, you can only see the city wall within a few degrees outside the stone path, but the situation on this section of the city wall can already allow Love to observe the direction of the battle.


Love rejected the proposal of the officer next to him, and explained: "Once the evacuation and the fire suppression is lost, the enemy will use the worries of the terrain to attack the evacuated troops. Before withdrawing into the forest, the loss of the troops will definitely be Very big, in order to avoid this kind of consequence, the fortress must be broken in one go!"

What should I do?

Everyone fell into a short silence.

In the current situation, the city gate will not be able to break through for a while, and if the stalemate continues, the siege troops will also suffer great losses.

In the shade of the trees, several high-ranking sergeants stood upright, discussing war.

In the First Corps, the first, second, and third-level sergeants are front-line combat officers and lead the troops to charge, while officers above the fourth-level do not need to be on the front line. Their position is to give orders from the rear to command the frontline combat soldiers to fight.

"Let the engineers blast! The explosives the engineers carry should be able to blow up the gates of the enemy fortress!"

A sergeant suggested.

"I'm afraid it will not be easy. The enemy already knows that we are going to destroy the city gate. I am afraid that we will do anything to keep the city gate. Now the enemy's firepower has been concentrated at the city gate. It is difficult to get close!"

"Yes! Under the enemy's wild bombardment, the two hammer tanks close to the city gate have been scrapped. If you want to get the engineers closer to the city gate, even if you succeed, you don’t know how many engineers will be lost. The engineers are a technical unit. It would be a pity for conventional combat units to be sacrificed on this small island!"

"Then what to do? Now our siege troops are entangled with the enemy, and they cannot call for artillery support!"

Under the shade of the trees, in the gloomy stone road, the sergeants at all levels were caught up in the discussion.

There is no good way, even if there is, it is impossible to think of in a short time.

Time is pressing, and now is not the time to discuss, there must be a conclusion.

Either continue to attack, devote all of your strength, and break through the enemy's wall regardless of sacrifice, or withdraw for repairs, and then make a second attack.

Regardless of the decision, the First Army will suffer a lot of casualties.

At this moment, just when the sergeants were in a dilemma, a black figure appeared from the shade of the tree and approached a few people.

It's a nun, the nun that goes with it.

The sergeants also noticed the nun's approach.

When the sergeants looked at the approaching black figure, the nun also stopped.

The cold voice sounded, echoing in the dark shade of the trees.

""They" have power that you can't imagine. When you encounter a problem that you can't solve, hand it over to them!"

As soon as the words fell, without waiting for any reaction from the sergeant chiefs, whether or not she understood her words, the nun turned and left, and the black figure disappeared deep in the forest.

Looking at the place where the nun disappeared, the sergeant stared at each other.

Since landing on the island, these nuns have rarely seen them. They only appear when a soldier died. Although they are accompanying, they are usually not seen in the team, and they do not know where they are. God is mysterious.


Does it mean the "Black Knight"?

The sergeants could not confirm, but the nuns said they were probably only black knights.

Looking at Love, a sergeant said: "Sergeant Love! This world possesses strange and inhuman abilities. Both you and I understand that although the Black Knight is still our comrade-in-arms, I am afraid it is no longer a "human." Now, from the black knight, you should also feel this."

The words were paused, and the sergeant who was speaking went on to say: "The "power" of the black knight comes from the nun, and the "power" of the nun comes from the commander. I'm afraid you and I don't know what a commander is, but I look at the past , The "power" displayed by the commander is far beyond our imagination. Maybe the black knight inherited the power of the "commander" and possesses extraordinary strength!

This is not impossible, the words of the chief sergeant made the eyes of the sergeants shine.

Once you understand something, you can think of many things.

Without further ado, Love is no longer hesitating.

In the helmet, Love looked solemn and said solemnly: "The battle continues! The order goes on and the black knight is dispatched. The hammer tank leaves the stone path and drives into the buffer zone outside the forest to cover the attack of the siege troops!"



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