Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 675: Hunters' Union

In the bay, on the vast sea, in addition to the round-trip broad-bottomed transport ships, in the quiet waters, there are densely packed ships moored.

Ships are not small, they are suitable for navigating in the sea.

That was the ship of the Broken Sword Pirate Group. A few days ago, under the guidance of the speedboat patrolling the open sea, the Broken Sword Pirate Group's fleet entered the bay.

The old and weak women and children on the ship have been sent to Qingcheng. Under the sign of the First Army Corps, the security team captain Sun Haiwang set aside the old and weak women and children of the Broken Sword Pirate Corps in Qingcheng.

The dozens of ships anchored on the sea are the personal belongings of the Broken Sword Pirate Group. Although the Broken Sword Pirate Group no longer exists, it has the right to deal with its own personal belongings. The First Army did not carry out put one's oar in.

Although those sea ships are only wooden ships, they still have some value.

Although it’s a bit reluctant to be a warship, it can still be used for transportation. There are many merchants in Qingcheng. Now they lack large ships that can sail on the sea. If used properly, for the Broken Sword Pirates, these dozens A ship is a big business opportunity.

With the investment of funds, Nanlin Island is a prosperous scene, with construction sites everywhere, especially Qingcheng, which changes every day during the intense construction.

In more than ten days of intense construction, the first phase of Qingcheng's infrastructure construction is almost over.

The newly-built main roads have reached the end of their progress, and soon, the newly-built main roads will be put into use, and the construction of Qingcheng will speed up.

There is no end to the construction of a city, and construction will never stop. The purpose of the First Army is simple. It is to completely get rid of the obsolescence of Qingcheng and turn it into a brand new city. In order to achieve this goal, the First Army has Increased investment in construction funds.

Perhaps today, next year, Qingcheng will be completely new.

On an old street, several figures are walking with each other.

Looking around, although the buildings on both sides of the street are slightly outdated, in the distance, a new building is under construction. At the junction of the new building and the old building, huge construction machinery is demolishing the old house. "Rumble" building collapse sounded from time to time.

Nanlin Island is in an era when the new and the old are handed over. If you are lucky enough to experience this era, it is not a kind of luck.

The leader of the small team is a woman. She is wearing tight leather armor and a long sword on her waist. She has a beautiful face and a proud figure.

She is Chen Nannan, the head of the original Broken Sword Pirate Group.

"Sister! Although it's comfortable to be idle, you can't do nothing like that! My brothers are used to being wild. It's okay for a while. It's not good to stay here for a long time. Or should we form a chamber of commerce? Wouldn't the First Legion respect merchants? We have ships and people, and we can definitely make the Chamber of Commerce bigger!"

Following the eldest sister, Chen Jing suggested to Chen Nannan, who was looking around in front of him while walking.

The huge pirate group does not mean that it can be dispersed. Although the pirate group is disbanded, the heart is still in the body of the leader Chen Nannan. Even if they are free, they are no longer pirates. The free pirates will instinctively gather in Chen Nannan's side.

This is an instinct, an instinct to be wary of unfamiliar environments. Only by staying beside someone who trusts can the restless heart relax.

Although after resettlement, the pirates with families have been with their families and have their own homes, but the Broken Sword Pirate Group has just arrived in Qingcheng, and the hearts of the people have not dispersed. Before their respective careers have developed, as long as Chen Nannan has a word , The original subordinates will gather here, there is no doubt.

"How can entrepreneurship be so simple? It doesn't matter if you have a boat and someone. It also requires luck and knowledge. For us, the life of a businessman is still too easy!"

As he walked, Chen Nannan said, still looking at everything he could see in front of him.


Chen Hui, who was beside Chen Nannan, also agreed with her elder sister.

After a little pause, Chen Hui continued: "Not everyone can become a businessman, nor can anyone make money in business. This requires enough luck, a good vision, and a delicate heart. This If the conditions are not met, even if we establish a chamber of commerce, I am afraid that we will be doing business at a loss. And the eldest sister is right. We are gun holders. We are used to putting life and death away. Although business is dangerous, it is dangerous It's too easy to say!"

Spreading his hands, Chen Jing said rather boringly: "Then what do you guys say? You won't stay in Qingcheng forever? Although the laws here are relatively free, I don't want to stay here for the rest of my life. Boring!"

Shaking his head, Chen Nannan said as he walked: "Don't worry! After a few days of understanding, we have some basic knowledge about the First Army and Nanlin Island. It is clear that the First Army wants To develop this island, otherwise, it would not be so laborious to carry out large-scale construction. From the perspective of commerce and open conditions, the First Army will definitely make arrangements for some restless people in Qingcheng, after all, not all Everyone thinks about a peaceful life. This adventurous spirit exists no matter what era it is, and it is also an indispensable spirit!"

Chen Hui nodded to the eldest sister's words, agreeing: "What the eldest sister said is correct. Yesterday, I heard people say that the First Army seems to be setting up a hunter's union recently to promote people with combat experience to become hunters , Hunting polluted beasts in the forest to obtain rough stones is said to be open, single-player, team, group, three-scale classification, and the union itself exists to serve the hunters. The specific matters are still unknown, but it is said The security team is preparing for this, and I don’t know whether it is true or not. If it is true, becoming a hunter is a good way out for us!"


Chen Nannan's face was thoughtful, thinking about the possibility that the second brother said.

As the second brother said, if the First Army really established a hunter’s union and became a hunter, it would be a good way out for the brothers of the Broken Sword Pirates. To where it should be used.

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