Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 679: Second statue

In the side hall of the main hall, here is a small conference hall, which is fully equipped with long oval tables, and seats that look quite metallic.

Everything in the chamber is not as old as the appearance of the temple, but full of science fiction.

Although the space is not as wide as the main hall, as a side hall, the space in the conference hall is not small. At first glance, it gives people a "big" feeling.

The First Army has not yet entered the age of informatization, and all the equipment in the chamber is not turned on.

Since Li Meng moved into the temple, the chamber has never been used.

Even if there are important matters to be discussed, either in the hall or in the courtyard.

Since taking over the temple, the only three people left by the guards, Winnie, Pasha, and Qin Qian, have used the chamber as a place for discussion.

The black hair is split and tied, casually draped behind the shoulders, and the gothic black dress on them makes their bodies look very petite.

At the round table, they stood upright, looking at something on the round table.

Placed on the round table is a statue, a vicious statue of a devil, which looks like a human, but is distorted and deformed, covered with things like bone spurs.

For most people, it is a dead thing, because ordinary people can only see its existence from the outside, and from the outside, it is just a statue.

But for some people, it is a living thing because it can pollute the minds of all living things.

This is the second devil statue owned by the First Legion.

The first statue has been sealed by the owner and is placed in the sleeping hall.

And this second statue is still in an undefended state, which is very dangerous.

The trouble caused by the first statue is vivid. Not long ago, the three people at the round table knew its danger.

"According to the investigation, this statue should come from Sanmi Castle in ASEAN. It was brought back to Qingcheng by a murdered businessman. After that businessman was murdered, the statue was handed over to the businessman’s wife as a relic. Our First Army came forward and bought it. The security team did a good job this time. It was discovered in time, otherwise it will be another storm!"

Looking at the statue on the table, Pasha, who stood upright by the round table, said lightly, her beautiful face indescribably cold.

Looking at the statue on the table indifferently, Qin Qian standing aside coldly said: "It is very dangerous, hiding some unknown things. Although it is in silence now, once the things inside wake up, I don’t know what will happen. What's the matter, just in case, one of the three of us must carry it with us to avoid some unknown "power" from causing trouble!"

Take it with you?

After thinking for a while, Pasha, Winnie nodded.

This method is very good. The ability of the statue is to corrupt the heart and then control it, just like a puppet. The corrupted person will be destroyed and become a "puppet" of unknown "power".

But they are different. They are Shi Ji, "dead", they no longer have a real "heart", and the temptation of the statue is invalid for them.

This point has been verified. When the owner got the first statue, he was very interested in the ability of the statue. Afterwards, he carried out corresponding experiments with the corpse. The results of the experiment are not surprising, although the corpse can feel the body Surrounded by a force of power, one can also feel that a certain existence is colliding with consciousness, but they are all isolated by the power of the corpse girl.

Who will carry it with you?

Without thinking too much, Qin Qian continued: "Since I said this method, let me carry it with me."

It's the same for everyone, Pasha, Winnie has no objection.

Seeing Pasha, Winnie had no objection, Qin Qian reached out and picked up the statue from the table and put it in her waist pocket.

After putting away the statue, Qin Qian looked at Winnie and said, "Winnie! Has the identity of that woman been investigated?"

Of course Winnie knew what Qin Qian asked.

When purchasing the statue from the woman named Wang Weiwei, Winnie who went to handle the matter sensed a familiar breath from Wang Weiwei.

That is the breath of the master...

How can an ordinary woman have the breath of a master?

To understand the confusion, the three began to use their power to investigate Wang Weiwei's identity.

Shaking his head lightly, Winnie said coldly: "Her identity is just an ordinary civilian. The only thing that is unusual is her husband, that is, her brother. It is impossible for the master to interact with her!"

This is strange.

The third daughter thought to herself.

The aura in Wang Weiwei's body indeed belongs to the master. One night, the three of them once again confirmed it, which is beyond doubt.

The life conceived in the woman's belly has the breath of the owner, and the breath is very rich, almost the same as the owner.

Could it be...

The three women thought of a possibility.

Pasha shook her head and said, "This is impossible! The child in the woman's womb can't be the owner. You should know that our "dead" are not fertile, and there must be something hidden in it!"

"Pasha! You forgot a little, the previous "master" was a human being. The woman's pregnancy was very close to when our First Army occupied Qingcheng a few months ago. This is not impossible!"

Vinnie's words caused Pasha Weiwei to be taken aback, and her cold face changed.

Is it true that as Winnie said, the woman in the belly really belongs to the master?


Qin Qian did the same, and she didn't believe Winnie's guess.

Hesitated, Qin Qian said uncertainly: "This should be impossible. There are Sakiya-senpai beside the master, General Natasha, General Tanya, and us. In terms of beauty, that woman is not as good as us. How could the master look at her? Pasha is right, there should be any hidden secrets in this!"

The truth of the matter will never be true based on guesswork. Whether it is true or false, it does not matter, what matters is what they should do now.

Looking at the two women, Qin Qian said coldly: "What should I do? In any case, the child in the woman's belly must have something to do with the owner. Should we do something?"

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