Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 688: surrender

Seeing Doctor Mark hesitating, Kirchin said coldly: "If you want to fight, I won't stop you, but I can't fight in the city. The space outside the city is very vast. You can do whatever you want, but as a My colleague, I would like to remind you, don’t joke about your life, and don’t regard loyalty as life. People are selfish. If my loyalty object is the country, I will not spare my life, but if the object of loyalty is only certain A person, I will only fulfill my duty, and you, in this war, you can do nothing, in this war, you have done your best, when you have fulfilled your duty, you must find for yourself Otherwise, you will only sacrifice for nothing!"

"City Mayor Kirchin wanted to open it!"

When saying this, Dr. Marco's face was not sure whether it was ironic or just a sentence of emotion.

Kirchin didn't want to know what Doctor Mark would think of him, but said indifferently: "I'll just say so much, where to go, this is your own business!"

Doctor Marco smiled helplessly.

"Do I still have a choice?"

There is no more. Even if you sacrifice your life for loyalty, it will cost you thousands of lives in vain.

The ending of Bally City is set. Seeing this, Kirchin glanced around at the people sitting and said, "Today, everyone is waiting here! As for the civilians, let them go as usual, I believe the First Army will not Embarrassing unarmed civilians!"

After finishing talking, Kirchin looked at Doctor Mark again and said: "Doctor Marko! The army in the city will trouble you to move out of the city. It is best to wait for the arrival of the First Army on the only way. Misunderstanding, I am afraid it will be another bloodshed. I believe you don't want this to happen!"

Nodded, Doctor Mark said: "I know what to do!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and Dr. Mark said again: "Please tell Captain Messeg about the news of the fall of Pali City, even if it is our last obligation!

"It should be!"

Kirchin did not refuse. If Dr. Mark said this, Kirchin would do it.

The situation is compelling. If there are other options, no one will be willing to surrender to the enemy, but they have no choice.

The city of Bali is isolated and helpless. Now the city walls have fallen, and most of the army has lost. Continued resistance will only increase casualties and will not have any impact on this war. People who know the times are talented and know how to choose.

The citizens of Bali City didn't know the decision of the City Council, and even if they knew, they couldn't do much.

Just when the city hall made the decision to surrender, at the west gate, the army of the First Army regrouped and continued to march into the city.

The walls on all sides need to be garrisoned by soldiers. As soon as the forces are dispersed, the forces involved in the battle in the city are much less. Starting from the square at the west gate, the troops acting on the roads in the countryside are only more than two thousand.

There are not many people, but the long line has stretched for several miles.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engine, the dark green long dragon marched towards the city little by little.

The path is on the highway, on both sides of which are rolling grasslands. I have already left in the early morning. I don’t know when there are groups of livestock on the grassland. There are sheep and cows. Sometimes you can see a few heads in the livestock room. Shepherd wearing a hat.

When they found the army on the road, the herdsmen seemed very scared, and quickly moved away from the road, watching from a distance.

Regarding the shepherds, the First Legion ignored them, and the long line continued to advance into the city.

Over time, at the end of the meadow, the city that resembles a small town is very close, and one can clearly see the low houses and numerous figures on the highway.

As for the army on the highway, those figures seemed to be aware of it. Some people were watching, while others hurriedly left, leaving this place of right and wrong.

At this moment, a car rushed past the crowd, drove out of the town, and oncoming to the army on the highway.

Of course the army on the road was aware of the approaching car.

The turret of the hammer tank was moving slightly, and the muzzle of the black hole moved with the car.

The oncoming vehicle is not a military vehicle. It does not have any weapons installed on it. It looks a bit like an off-road vehicle. It is very large, especially the rear of the vehicle is very bloated. There is also a chimney-like thing protruding from the chimney when the car is driving. A billowing white smoke came out of it, and to the mobilizers, the vehicles in this world were quite weird.

When the army on the road was less than 100 meters away, the car stopped in the road.

Immediately a few figures left the car and stood in front of the car, waiting for the army to approach.

Seeing the enemy's war machine approaching with mighty and mighty roar, Dr. Marco, standing in front of the car, felt a kind of pressure in his heart, a great pressure.

Seeing the enemy army reflecting the metallic luster in front of him, Dr. Mark sighed in his heart. No wonder his army is so vulnerable. Facing such a powerful armored corps, how can his army be an opponent?

The First Army has such a powerful military force...

Seeing the army approaching in front of him, Dr. Marco was quite shocked.


With a harsh brake sound, the tracks of the hammer tank stopped turning.

The army on the highway stopped before the car blocking the road.

The top hatch was opened, and the upper body of the captain in a dark green combat uniform leaned out.

"Explain your intentions!"

Looking at the four people in front of the car, the captain of the hammer tank asked him.

It’s a soldier. The soldiers of Bentley are all wearing gray military coats, the style is clear at a glance, while the few in front of the car are all wearing gray military coats, but the style is more exquisite. It is not hard to think of the few people in front of you. It should be an officer of the garrison of Bali.

Thinking about the current situation, their intentions are clear.

Curious special equipment!

Seeing the soldier leaning out of the hatch, his whole body covered in dark green metal armor, Dr. Marco was very surprised.

Doesn't such a heavy armor affect the action?

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