Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 690: Angry Masseg

When Love left, Natasha looked at the people in the meeting room again, saying: "Bali City is business as usual. I need the stability of Barrie City. This is inseparable from your help. Position, as usual, our First Army does not have much patience. One day with my First Army, there can be no chaos in the city of Bali, and no rebels. Whoever dares to make trouble must be prepared to sacrifice his life! "

Yes, this is a threat, not only to the officials in the conference room, but also to the civilians in the city.

The officials present heard Natasha's words into their ears, and would naturally pass them on to the civilians in Barrie.

To Natasha's tough, unceremonious words, the officials in the conference room looked at each other and nodded silently.

With such a tough posture, can they still say no?

They are not stupid, of course they can't. The only thing they can do today is obedience, even if this obedience is temporary.

This is good for themselves and the civilians in Bally City.

Natasha waved to everyone in the meeting room, and said, "Go! This place has been taken over by the First Army. From now on, the First Army will be your highest superior!"

In the silence, everyone had to leave silently.

This woman is so powerful that she has no right to speak to them at all, the only thing they can do is to obey.

Not long after the officials left, Love returned.

"How? How about the reserves of Jingku?"

Natasha asked Love.

Love nodded lightly, and said: "There are about a few hundred catties, all of which are high-quality yellow raw crystals!"

A few hundred catties?

Natasha was a little disappointed. She didn't expect such a large mining city to have only a few hundred kilograms of raw crystal reserves, which was far from what she had expected.

"According to the mayor of Pali City, Kirchin, the output of the Yuanjing Mine is about 300 kilograms in a quarter. This time we arrived in time. The output of this quarter has not been shipped to Marani City. , Otherwise, the reserves in the crystal library will probably be even less!"

It is not easy to mine the original crystal mines, because most of the original crystals are scattered on the ground, like a big wave washing the sand. It is necessary to extract the particle-sized original crystals from the gravel, often hundreds of tons of broken stones. Only a few original crystals can be extracted from the stone, and mining the original crystals is not easy.

Although she was disappointed with the storage capacity of the crystal library, she was disappointed. Natasha knew what the most important thing was now.

Since the original crystal was obtained, of course it was sent to the "Emperor" as soon as possible.

Looking at Love, Natasha ordered: "Immediately arrange for personnel to send the original crystal to the Emperor, remember! There can be no mistakes!"


Nodding in response, Love left.

The transportation of the "Original Crystal" is very important, and he must perform it himself.

The occupation of the city of Bali went smoothly. From early in the morning to noon, the First Army took over not only the city hall in the city, but also important places in the city. At the same time, the civilians of the city also Know their current situation.

Although the people were panicked, the relative calm of Bali City was also a comfort to the civilians. At least, the First Army did not do anything extraordinary to them.

The First Army also made arrangements for the surrendered army.

Before the end of the war, they could only become captives of the First Legion and would be subject to personal restrictions.

For better management, the First Corps arranged the captives who had surrendered to the barracks of Simon.

There are two entrances and exits in the city of Bali, one is the west gate and the other is the east gate. In order to better garrison the city wall, there is a barracks at the east gate and the west gate, which is a resting place for the defenders on the city wall.

It is undoubtedly a good use to hold prisoners.

After occupying the city of Bali, everything was in order for the subsequent arrangements.

When taking over the city hall, the First Army also controlled a node of the Bentley State License System. Through this node, if the First Army wants to contact any city in Bentley State, it can also send to the whole territory of Bentley State. An announcement statement.

This is unnecessary. This war has been open since the battle on Turner Island started.

As the offending party, the First Army only needs to speak with "strength" and use war to achieve its goals.

War is savage, and there are too many reasons for nothing.


When the officials of Pali City were about to surrender, a message was sent from Pali City directly to the military commander's mansion of Marani City.

The content of this message is very simple, only a few words.

"Bali City is lost!"

Although it was only a few words, it caused an uproar.

When he got the news, Captain Messegh blocked the news for the first time.

Too fast, the time of the fall of Bali City is too fast.

The First Army only launched an attack on the city of Pali last night. Today, the city of Pali has fallen?

This is something that is unacceptable to the civilians of Bentley, and it is also a thing that affects the prestige of the military government of Bentley.

For Messag, the city of Bally can fall, but not so fast. Once the people of Bentley know that the military government’s army is vulnerable to a blow in the battle of Bentley. If it disperses, it will cause a series of events. In this foreign war, the military government will also struggle.

Not long after the news of the fall of Bali City was received, a meeting began again in the Commander’s Mansion.

'waste! A bunch of trash, Doctor Marco won my trust in vain. More than 10,000 people, with cannons, guards, and strong walls. Lost in just one night? What is the use of the people of my Bentley nation to support you soldiers? ’

In the huge conference room, only Messeger's roaring and angry voice echoed.

Under Messeg's angry expression, everyone sitting there remained silent and did not dare to say anything.

They were also very surprised by the news that the city of Bali had fallen. It was too fast, and it was unexpected.

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