Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 707: Preach freedom

"The terrain in the forest is complicated. Isn't it another natural line of defense? If our army has losses, the enemy has no losses? Even if we pay attention to the defense of the front, we can reduce our army's casualties? Not necessarily! In terms of strength, I The army has an advantage. In terms of the consumption of troops, we are more able to withstand it. Even if we lose one thousand ourselves and one hundred enemies, we still make money. Everyone, this is a national war. There are no undead in the war. Please don't think about preserving your strength!"

Some people agree and some disagree. Those who agree are justified, and those who disagree are justified.

On the city wall, the six ten thousand chiefs argued over whether or not they faced the first legion.

The debate is fierce, everyone has their own opinions, and everyone maintains their own opinions.

a long time!

"Okay! There is no way to continue the argument. We are all under the jurisdiction of different army commanders. We are equal. No one can call the shots without authorization. Then vote to decide and support the left hand of the first army facing the enemy in the forest. Against raising the right hand, the minority obeys the majority. The mobile units in the forest all have our men. Even the loss is everyone's responsibility. I think this method is fair enough!"


good idea!

As soon as this remark came out, the five people unanimously agreed.

As said, the mobile unit in the forest is shared equally by the six, and the losses are shared by the six. Only by voting can it appear fair.

"Then start raising your hands!"

As soon as the words fell, the six raised their hands.

Some people raised their left hand, while others raised their right hand.

There are more people raising their right hands in the left and right hands, four of them.

Only two people raised their left hands.


The result is obvious.

"You have also seen that there are slightly more people supporting the defense of the position. Just like what I just said, focus on the defense of the position and avoid fighting head-on with the First Corps. Masters, please immediately withdraw the troops in the forest. , Place each front line and increase the defense on the front line!"

Everyone nodded. Now that the result of the vote has come down, only the minority should obey the majority.

After the voting of the six ten thousand chiefs, the mobile units in the forest of Amway withdrew to their positions in order to increase the defense force of the front.

The start of the battle outside the city, for Amway City, and for the civilians in Amway City, they have become worried since the gunshots sounded. Many people subconsciously looked in the direction of the gunfire. Only high walls can be seen from the direction.

The city of Bali has fallen. Not long ago, this news has spread to cities in Bentley.

After the loss of Turner Island off the coast, within a few days, Bentley again ushered in failure.

The civilians of Bentley are very vague about the situation of the war. They don't know who will be the victor of this war in the end.

If the First Army wins, where should they go?

With the help of the civilians in Bentley’s disappointment with the military government, at this moment, a hidden force is active in various cities of Bentley. They proclaim their beliefs and make heart-warming things to the citizens of Bentley. committed to.

Bentley, Marani City, on a commercial plaza.

The square is located between high-rise buildings and has a lot of people.

A temporary podium was built on the roof of a large passenger car. One person was talking angrily on the podium. His expression was aroused and his tone was agitated. It made people listen to it, and was involuntarily moved.

In the square around the bus, because of his words, countless people stopped. There were no fewer than a few thousand people.

"This is the military government. The military government that has ruthlessly ruled us for hundreds of years. The three-point military system? What is the difference between this and warlords? At the upper level, the government officials are rich in clothing and food, and we civilians are worthy of food and clothing. The world is big, but we are trapped in this cage!"

The words were paused, and in full view, he continued: "The city of Bali has fallen, and the military government has ushered in another defeat, but do you know that the military government deceived you and deceived all the people of Bentley? Two days ago, the city of Pali had fallen. In just one night, the First Army captured the city of Pali. This is the army of the military government. People of Bentley, you say, so vulnerable. Can the army of China really guarantee our safety? Perhaps the purpose of those armed soldiers is to suppress us unarmed civilians? But foreign enemies are vulnerable to a blow?"

At this point, the crowd boiled, and their faces showed unbelievable looks and anger.

In the angry eyes of everyone, he continued on the podium and said with excitement: "We need to change, Bentley needs to change, we need to resist, resist the tyranny of the military government, take back our rights and dignity from the military government. , Get back freedom! My brothers and sisters, our resistance army needs your help and your support. Our resistance army is willing to petition for the people and get back what belongs to us. When will the Bentley country be changed, Our rebel army is willing to return power to the people and let everyone build a new Bentley nation together!"

"Down with the military government and regain freedom!"

Someone in the crowd yelled out such a slogan.

This slogan immediately aroused the anger of the crowd.

"Down with the military government! Regain freedom!"

One person yelled, and the two yelled. Not long after, everyone in the square raised their right hands, looking angry and roaring loudly.

Neat slogans echoed over the city of Marani, it was just one place.

At this time, the same situation happened in densely populated places in Marani City.

The peaceful city of Marani was no longer calm, and became chaotic under the intention of some people.

The chaotic situation has become more intense.

"The army is coming!"

With a loud roar, the square suddenly became chaotic.

The passenger car that serves as the podium on the square is also quickly preparing to evacuate.

How could the military government not know the voice of opposition on the square, when it learned that someone was deliberately preaching the voice of rebellion, the army of Marani City immediately took action.

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