Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 710: reconcile

At this time, she smiled. She narrowed her eyes slightly and said softly: "As for who will go, it's easy. Choose both ends. Either go to the lowest ranked or the highest ranked!"

"Yo! Sister Yalan, your sister can't agree with this method. Everyone here is a person with status. Whoever goes there must make a fair decision. If you can't rank in the middle, it doesn't matter. , Don’t say I agree, can the others agree?"

She was dressed in a blue long dress and a lazy and charming figure. She was smiling and looking at the person next to her.

"Crayville is right, this matter cannot be so hasty, a convincing decision must be made!"

A sitting young man nodded and said.

Yalan smiled boringly, and said indifferently: "In this case, you guys should come up with a good decision!"

Yalan looked at the two opposite people side by side, and said: "Jerry, Ivey, as men, should you take the initiative to take this responsibility?"

"This one……"

Opposite Arran, Jerry and Ivey looked at each other.

Jerry said with a slight embarrassment: "This matter is the same for everyone. We are just going to reconcile it. However, according to the information received by the Association, the leader of the First Army is a young man, young man, impulsive, two It is so beautiful and moving, I believe I can accomplish this mission better!"

Claver frowned, looked at Jerry with a rather unkind look, and said coldly: "What do you mean by this? Do you think we women are just communication tools?"

Looking at the rather annoyed Corleville, Jerry chuckled and quickly said: "You misunderstood, I mean, if you go, the atmosphere of the discussion will be better, it's like us big bosses, It’s not like that kind of ink. It’s easy to offend people with such carefree words. The First Legion is not simple. According to the association’s meaning, it should deal with this matter as low-key as possible."

With Jerry's explanation like this, Claver's expression finally improved slightly.

Ignoring Jerry’s smirk, Claver turned her head and looked at the man sitting in the first place holding a red wine glass, and said: "Geir, you are ranked ninth, the highest hero here, this time calm down. You are the leader in the task of fighting in the South China Sea. What should we do? You have to come up with a plan. If necessary, I will not refuse this trip to Nanlin Island!"

Facing Claver’s aggressive gaze, Geyle smiled helplessly, had to put down the cup in his hand, and said slowly: “It’s a matter! It’s not difficult to say, and it’s not easy to say it. Our task is to reconcile, yes. The intermediary to stop this war, our duty is to be a messenger to express the wishes of the Heroes Association to the First Army. As for whether the First Army agrees to reconcile or refuse, this is the future. Who will go? It's all the same, but Jerry is right, you go, it can indeed increase the chance of success a little bit!"

Clive was silent, and then said calmly: "Who do you want me to go with Arran?"

"Let's go together! It can be regarded as a caregiver!"

Looking at the two women with a smile, Geyle said without thinking.

It seems that I have this plan in my mind.

Stretching for a while, Yalan hit a Hatcher, and said lazily: "Go and go! It just so happens that I also want to go to Nanlin Island to see and see, I heard that since the arrival of the First Army, this Nanlin Island has It’s different in the past, so I’m going to see how it is different!"

Arran's words undoubtedly gave Geyle a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't refuse.

Otherwise it will be another trouble.

Looking at the two women, Geyle said: "Then you start preparing! Now, the First Army is attacking Amway City. Bentley has invested so much force in Amway City. If it fails, this will undoubtedly reduce the possibility of reconciliation. Sex!"

Looking back at Claver, Yalan smiled lazily and said, "It seems that my sister is going to visit my sister this time!"

Facing Yalan's evil gaze, Claver nodded silently.

In that case, there is only one trip.


Bentley Country, Amway City.

In the forest sea outside the west gate, a battle started again.

Gunshots broke out, gunfire rumbling, and smoke from the forest, leaving obvious marks in the sky.

"Attack! Fight!"

Amid the roar of the officers, on the first line of defense in the forest, the defenders of Amway City were under the attack of the First Army.

In the gloomy shade of the trees, there are densely red bullet marks, and the harsh whistling sound is endless. Between the two sides of the bullet rain, life is dying.

The first line of defense of the defenders of Amway City is located on a high ground, which allows the defenders on the position to face the attacks of the First Army from a high position.

But the worries of the terrain cannot give them a significant effect.

In the high underground forest, enemy troops are constantly pouring out, and shaking figures can be seen everywhere.

Occasionally, a huge black shadow appears, often accompanied by a fire dragon that roars like death.

"Attack! Stop them!"

"Bang, bang!"

Flame jets and bullet marks danced wildly. Amid the roar of the officers, the soldiers in the trenches shot frantically into the depths of the forest.

"Chih! Chih!"

With a little bit of blood splattered, the first few soldiers who had just revealed their heads were instantly headshot, half of their heads were shattered, and they fell slowly to the ground in the plasma.

"call out!"

There was a weird whistling sound.

A fiery red streamer in the forest cut through the dark space under the forest and plunged into the battlefield.


A violent explosion occurred on the outside of the trench, and a burst of fireball mixed with mud swept everything around.

The few hapless men in the trenches were not in a hurry to evade, and were suddenly overturned by the bursting shock wave, and were buried in mud.

In the forest opposite the position, the mobilized soldiers were charging towards the enemy's position under the cover of the sickle mecha, and the soldiers were unstoppable.

Above the head, a rain of bullets rushed down intensively, and from time to time, there would be a huge streamer. Often the red streamer flashed by, and a violent explosion would appear in the forest.

It was an armored unit on the enemy's position, which was bombarding the mobilization of the charge.

The battle has been going on for a long time, and the army of the First Legion has launched multiple assaults on the enemy's front.

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