Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 712: pet?

Pelos on the side also reported good news to Locks. He smiled and said: "Recently, I caught up with the director of the arsenal in Marani, and that person said that if we can guarantee that he gets enough He is willing to sell the weapons and ammunition in the inventory of the arsenal to us!"

At this point, everyone was shocked, even Lockes behind the desk looked at Pelos with an unexpected look.

Frowning slightly, Lockes said vigilantly: "You must be careful about this to prevent being trapped. If it is true, then it would be great. With the arsenal to provide weapons and ammunition, even if something goes wrong, we will resist. The army also has confidence, but if it is fake, it might be a bureau set up by the military government and we have to guard it!"

Pelos nodded and said solemnly: "I have checked the matter repeatedly and monitored the factory for a long period of time. There should be no problem with cooperation. That guy is always old and his daily life is always extravagant. The long remuneration is not enough for him. His hands and feet have been dirty for many years. Many vagrant businessmen who are doing business abroad have bought weapons from him. In the past few years, a lot of shipments have been made!"

With Pelos’s assurance, Locks was relieved and said: "Well! Then talk to him. If it is determined that there is nothing wrong, the intention of cooperation is determined as soon as possible. Next, our rebels must speed up the process of the incident. In order to deal with today’s complex situation, don’t forget that in Bentley, there is still the cancer of the First Legion. Foreign enemies are in front of you. Our enemy not only has the military government, but also the First Legion. If things succeed, this First Army is the first threat we will face!"

The words paused, Lockes looked at Olino, and said: "Those free-thinking captains, those who can be drawn into the rebel camp will try their best to bring them in. We all agree to ask for money and power. With the addition of soldiers, in the transformation of Bentley, our resistance will be much easier!"

Orino nodded and replied: "Understood! I will seize the time to discuss with those who are accessible!"

At this point, the meeting can be said to be over.

Finally, looking around everyone, Lockes said: "The First Army invasion, this is the first time that Bentley has entered a war since the founding of the country in 100 years. This is an opportunity to change the Bentley country, and it is also the time for the rise of the resistance. Our approach may be a bit of a disaster. But for the future of Bentley, you and I must bear this price. This is not only for the rebels, but also for the future of Bentley!"

After looking straight, Lockes continued: "For the future of Bentley, please do your part and expedite the preparations beforehand!"

The plan for the uprising has already been established, and now the only thing that the rebels need to wait for is adequate and foolproof preparation, and there is still time.

With both, the Resistance can win this revolution.


The three of them were solemn and replied in unison.

The era of the Resistance has finally arrived, and they will not allow anyone to disrupt this change.

They look forward to it and are confident.

A private meeting may be very inconspicuous, but in this private meeting, it changed the direction of Bentley.

In that huge military commander’s mansion, someone is still dreaming, thinking that neither the First Army nor the Resistance Army can affect the foundation of the military government. But he doesn’t know that the times have changed. During the rule, the citizens of the Bentley country had already lost hope for the military government. The people are the foundation of a country. If the people lose their hearts, they will also lose their foundation. The military government’s collapse is inevitable, and sooner or later.


That night!

In the boundless sea, darkness covers everything. Tonight, the sky is filled with a thick layer of clouds, which plunges the moonless sea into darkness.

In the boundless sea, only the sea is rippling, and the sound of the water is "crushing".

At this moment, in the darkness, a ray of light appeared. Not long after, a huge ship passed by with the roar of "rumbling", and the sea was surging. Under the shining of the lights on the ship, you could only see that in the darkness. Huge hull.

On the side of the huge ship, there is another ship. Although the hull is smaller, the accompanying ship looks more mighty.

In the darkness, the road ahead is unknown, but this cannot stop the advance of the "Emperor".

Although the night has been coming for a long time, Li Meng on the top deck of the "Emperor" was teasing the mermaid at this time.

At the edge of the swimming pool, Li Meng sat on the floor, staring calmly at the mermaid shrouded in the corner of the swimming pool.

Since Li Meng caught her back, she has been silently shrinking in the corner without speaking or speaking.

She did not move the food on the edge of the swimming pool, and this situation has been going on for two days.

"Is this a hunger strike?"

Seeing that silent and blank face, Li Meng secretly said in his heart.

Reaching out his hand slightly, Li Meng picked up a few blue hairs on her head and played with it.

With her expression of no resistance, Li Meng said calmly: "If you continue like this, I will have to put you in that glass pot. Even if you die, it doesn’t matter. I will make your corpse. Specimen, watched by all the world, alive...isn’t it?"

Although the tone was weak, the words were full of evil, which made people tremble. This was a threat and a threat, and Li Meng could do it.

The hair in his hand was very wet and supple, Li Meng whispered, and continued: "Ten years, only ten years. The mermaid in the Republic of Sharjah has been alive for hundreds of years. It’s only for you mermaid, ten years. It’s just a snap of your finger, and you’ve got your life back with ten years of freedom. How do you think this deal is a loss for me, or is it that although your mermaid tribe has wisdom, you are a beast by nature, and you don’t know how to repay you?"


In silence, she raised her crystal clear face, and looked at Li Meng's eyes full of hatred.

She spoke indifferently, and said indifferently: "I have nothing to talk about with you humans. I have fallen into the hands of you humans. I never thought about living and be your pet for ten years? Don't say ten years, one year. I look sick!"

Li Meng chose to ignore her cynicism.

Just glanced at her whole body with interest, nodded and praised: "Listening to you, you are quite suitable for pets."

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