Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 714: Heart beads


She looked calm, and said flatly: "Exhibition hall?"

Hearing her extremely plain words, Li Mengdan smiled and said: "Don't underestimate the desire of "humans". For such a beautiful creature like you, I am not willing to show you to others. Since it is my pet, Then everything about you belongs to me!"

So domineering human...

Clarelia rolled her eyes involuntarily at Li Meng's words.

Haven't been in contact with humans for many years, is the understanding of humans out of date?

Slightly looking sideways, looking at the feet in front of her, Krelia reminded: "Our mermaid is a very rare existence in the eyes of humans. If you don’t want to get into trouble, it’s best not to let anyone know of my existence. , Otherwise, you will not only get into trouble, you will also lose me!"


Li Meng was a little surprised by Kleilia's words, and said with interest: "Who do you think can **** you from me?"

There is something in the words of Klelia.

This is more than just a kind warning, Li Meng can feel this.

Raising her head and looking at the confident humans in front of her, Kleelia said without denial: "You are indeed strong, but there are countless powerful creatures in this world. Not to mention the most powerful emperor beast in the deep sea, the apostle from the sky is also a mortal. Untouchable existence, and these super-powerful creatures are also tools that humans can use at certain times. In the face of them, do you have the confidence to overcome? Don’t underestimate the temptation of female mermaid to humans. If you know my existence, you Some powerful nations in the human race will get me from you by all means!"

At Kleilia's words, Li Meng's face was thoughtful.

It took a long time to look at Clarelia, who was lying by the pool, and asked, "To be honest, besides being a temptation to lure blue scaly whales, what else does your mermaid do to make humans heart-stirring?"

"You do not know?"

Klelia looked at Li Meng in surprise, as if she was surprised that the humans in front of her didn't know the role of their mermaids.

It didn't look like a fake, Cleilia was quite speechless.

I really don't know what the human life is like before him, he doesn't even know the things that everyone knows.

In Li Meng’s probing eyes, Kleilia could only say: “The reason why we mermaids live so long is because humans have mixed the genes of many long-lived organisms when creating us, and it is precisely because of the complexity of genes that we mermaid We don’t have the ability to reproduce offspring. However, although we cannot reproduce and grow our population, we have gained a long life. Among mermaid, female mermaid will breed a "heart bead" in the body for a long time. This "heart bead" is what you humans dream of. In the eyes of you humans, the "heart bead" is a genetic medicine that can rejuvenate the dead cells of the human body. It can not only increase the life span of human beings, but also keep the appearance of youth forever !"

Increase life?

Stay young forever?

Li Meng suddenly, it is no wonder that humans have such a desire for mermaid, these two things are like the whispers of the devil to humans, and no one can resist.

"Hmph, now you know you are afraid? If you are afraid, let me go quickly. As long as I swim into the ocean, no one of you humans will want to catch me!"

Smiling and shook his head, in silence, Li Meng turned and left.

Klelia, who was crawling by the pool, looked very depressed as she watched that human being left.

It seems that this human being was not scared by her.

"It's really unwilling!"

In the whispers in her heart, the blue fishtail swung lightly, Kleilia retracted into the water, and she was swimming in the water, constantly changing directions freely and extremely fast, making her like a water wizard.

Although the swimming pool is big, it is still too small compared to the sea.

It was late at night, and when Li Meng returned to the bedroom in the suite, Wendy was already waiting.

On the large bed, Wendy lay obediently on the bed, while Li Meng in a bathrobe was lying on Wendy's body, with his hands on both sides, quietly looking at Wendy's white face.

For a long time, between the two of them looking at each other, Li Meng lay down on his side and held Wendy in his arms, making her turn her back to herself.

Holding Wendy quietly, feeling the softness in her arms, smelling the fragrance from her body, the warm atmosphere is rising in the huge bedroom.


There was no movement in the bedroom, and the auto-sensing light turned off.

Losing the light, the bedroom suddenly became dark.

The advent of darkness did not interrupt the warm atmosphere, but the warm atmosphere rose to the extreme.

Under the impulse of his heart, Li Meng did not defy the body's instinct.

There was a sound of "Suo Shuo", and under Li Meng's delicate hands, the bond between the two disappeared.


In the darkness, accompanied by a light "hum", the body and soul of the two of them were thoroughly blended together.

The figure was shaking, and the wide "bed" was "creaking".

In the unique melody, I don’t know how long it took, and with a dull hum, the bedroom shrouded in darkness fell completely into calm.

In the dark, Li Meng hugged Wendy, quietly feeling the existence of the person in his arms, recalling the passion just now.

As for Wendy, she lazily held her master's hand, letting that hand rest between her soft mountain peaks.

The master's breath was behind her, which made her feel relieved, she couldn't help but move, wanting a comfortable posture.

This movement, the touch that rushed into his heart, made Li Meng's heart hot again.

Holding Wendy's waist tightly, Li Meng in the darkness gently bullied Wendy again.

Wendy looked helpless to the little actions of the owner behind him, and could only let the owner bully.

It wasn't until late at night that Li Meng stopped his madness and let Wendy go.

In the darkness, the two pairs of eyes were opened wide, feeling each other at the same time, they were also reminiscing about the warmth of passion.

For a long time, Wendy's voice rang in the darkness.

Speaking slightly, Wendy whispered softly: "Master! If General Sakiya finds out, I am afraid that he will be emotional, and the master should make up for it. After all, General Sakiya is the most qualified woman to be a master!"

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