Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 716: fishing

Compared with the worries of "human" powers, Li Meng has no worries in this regard.

Life, since you have the conditions, of course you have to be bald and enjoy the fun of the world.

Striding into the pavilion, not surprisingly, Li Meng saw Wendy.

This little Nizi sneaked away in the morning, making Li Meng want to bully her even if he couldn't bully her. There was a fire in her heart.

Sitting on the recliner, Li Meng grabbed Wendy's little hand, and with a slight pressure, Wendy's petite body sat in Li Meng's arms.

Holding Wendy's waist, nose leaning into her hair, smelling the fragrance of her body, Li Meng said fiercely: "Little Nizi! You ran away early in the morning, so I can find it for a while! "

The whispers in the master's ear made Wendy's white face slightly rosy, and why did she not know what the master said?

It is precisely because of knowing that she left early, otherwise, they might not be able to leave the bedroom on this day.

Speaking slightly, she whispered: "How easy is it for the master to find me? The master just doesn't want to!"

For Wendy's words, Li Meng just smiled, and said no more.

Today can't be a ridiculous whole day, there are still some things waiting for Li Meng to do.

Gently patted the round buttocks, Li Meng whispered, "Go! Let the soldiers on the boat find a way to catch some fish in the sea as Cleilia's food!"

"Klelia? Master, is that the mermaid?"

Wendy was a little puzzled, and after leaving the owner's arms, she stood on the side of the seat and asked.

Li Meng nodded lightly, and said in Wendy's gaze: "Yes! That's the mermaid!"

"I see! I'm going to order!"

With a soft response, Wendy turned and left.


In the cockpit of the "Emperor", looking at the Chief Guard Wendy who had just walked in, Viev's expression was shocked in the helmet.

"Captain Wendy! We are soldiers, here we go fishing..."

Wendy would not consider Viev's embarrassment, and said in a cool tone: "I just tell the master, you don't need to do it, but I will tell the master truthfully!"

Viev was shocked, smirked, and hurriedly said: "Don't! Commander Wendy, I'm just talking about it. You know, our soldiers don't have fishing skills. We want to fish from the sea. This is really not the case. A simple thing!"

Although this "fishing" is not something that soldiers should do, since it is the commander's order, there is no alternative. For Viev, that can only be done with the stubborn head.

Of course Wendy knew this, and said understandingly: "I want to make a list of what I want, and the equipment will be sent from the "Al" side!"

After listening to Wendy's words, in the helmet, Viev was relieved. With the assurance of Wendy's head guard and the equipment, fishing would be easy.

Raising a military salute to Wendy, Viev said: "Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Seeing Wendy's back, in the helmet, Viev's expression became a bit distressed.

What tools do you need for this fishing?

Fishing net?

Or what other fishing tools?

Without this knowledge, Viev doesn't even know what kind of fishing gear he uses, so how can he talk about fishing?


With a flash of inspiration in his mind, Viev thought of a way.

Since there is no knowledge of fishing, we can only use the most direct and oldest method to fish.

That is "fishing".

There is no difficulty in fishing, as long as there is a fishing rod, a fishing line, and a bait.

Viev, who thought this way, immediately settled his attention. He already knew what to do.

Under Li Meng's "ridiculous" order to mobilize soldiers on board, a very ridiculous scene appeared on the Emperor in a short time.

I saw on the deck of the "Emperor", a mobilizer holding a fishing rod, the long fishing line was thrown into the sea, in a "fishing" posture.

This is indeed the case. The mobilizers are indeed fishing, fishing under the command of the commander.

In order to complete the task as soon as possible, Viev personally went into battle, although he himself knew nothing about "fishing".

In the Suville Empire, there was snow and ice all year round. Even if it was fishing, the ice layer on the river was dug to catch fish. This "fishing" was not very popular in the Suville Empire.

On the side of the ship, the rows of fishing rods are not spectacular.

a long time!

"Sergeant Chief! It's been so long and so many comrades haven't even caught a single fish. Isn't our fishing posture wrong?"

Beside Viev, seeing no movement in the water for so long, a mobilizer asked suspiciously.

"Nonsense! What kind of posture can this fishing take?"

On the mobilization of soldiers, Viev immediately vetoed it.

How could fishing need any posture, nonsense.

"Is it because the "Emperor" is too fast and the current in the sea is too fast for the fish to bite?"

The mobilizers said this possibility again.

"Yes! The possibility of what you said is very high!"

As soon as the words of mobilizing soldiers came out, the expression in Viev's helmet brightened.

He immediately contacted the cockpit and said, "Turn off the engine and stop moving forward. By the way, don't forget to notify the escorting cruiser!"


In the communicator, Viev got a response.

With an order, the engine of the "Emperor" on the voyage suddenly slowed down and its speed slowly dropped.

The cruiser escorting by his side also reduced its speed, and the roar of the engine also fell silent.

After a short while, the two ships in the fast voyage became the state of sliding, and soon the two ships stopped completely and anchored on the sea.

Suspended fishing seems to have really worked.

"Fish, fish!"

Not long after, with an exclamation on the deck, a mobilizer holding a fishing rod retracted the fishing line from the sea. At one end of the fishing line, a half-arm-sized fish was being pulled up from the sea by the mobilizer.

The cyan fish was struggling, but it was useless. The fishing line was tough enough, the rod was strong enough, and its body was not big enough, it couldn't get rid of it anyway.

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