Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 724: The battle against Amway City

"Coordinate input, aiming at the specified coordinate position!"

"The systems are operating normally, have been loaded, and can fire at any time!"

"Pay attention to all vehicles, listen to my orders, shoot three quick shots, and open fire!"

With an order, the huge artillery bombarded the position, and the barrels of twenty self-propelled artillery shook violently.

With a loud roar, a ball of flame burst out.

Before the flames dissipated, the vibrating barrel shook violently again, and flames spurted out again.

Like this, I shot three times in a row.

The ear-piercing shelling sound was continuous, and the air seemed to be torn apart, and the roaring shelling sound swept across the forest to the distance.

Amid the shelling, another whistling sounded in the sky, which was caused by the galloping shells tearing the air.

The strange sound of the sky approached from far away. As a soldier, the Bentley soldiers on the ground certainly knew what it was.

It was artillery, bombardment from the enemy.

"Lie down! Lie down and avoid the gunfire!"

The officers at all levels on the ground roared loudly, and took the lead to rush to the bottom of the trenches.

Amid the roar of the officers, the soldiers on the front lined up in a mess, lying down in the trenches in a panic.

The piercing whistling should be close to the extreme.

"Boom! Boom!"

A violent explosion sounded loudly, and numerous fireballs suddenly leaped on the city wall on the front line.

The earth is shaking, the earth is flying, and the flames are surging.

The shock wave generated by the powerful explosion swept everything around, raising gravel and mud, and rushing into the sky tens of meters high.

The roar of the sky was endless, and the positions and walls outside the city were immediately enveloped by enemy gunfire, bearing the baptism of gunfire.

The violent explosion was deafening. In the ruthless artillery fire, countless firepower points on the front were blown up, and occasionally a shell fell into the trenches, taking countless lives.

In the rumble of explosions, the position was also filled with screams.

In the fierce gunfire, the guards on the city wall are retreating, temporarily avoiding the edge of the enemy's gunfire.

Because the arrangement is too dense, as long as one shell hits the city wall, it will almost destroy a guard.

When the guards on the city wall retreated, only a few piles of broken copper and iron remained on the city wall, and some were still burning. Those were the guards destroyed by the shells.

The shelling lasted for half an hour before it stopped.

When the last shell exploded on the city wall, the "rumbling" explosion stopped abruptly.

Outside the city, the bombing position was in a mess. There were craters as deep as one person everywhere, countless trenches were buried in mud, and it was unknown how many lives were buried.

On the city wall, black marks were everywhere, and cracks appeared on the city wall facing the outside. Among the black marks were the cracked craters.

"Quick! Get up! Get ready to fight!"

The shelling was over, and the officers got up from the mud and yelled in the smoke-filled position.

Under the scolding of the officers, the soldiers lying in the trenches stood up blankly.

It took a long time to regain consciousness, and his blank face instantly became nervous, lying in the trenches, nervously looking at the forest not far away.

The forest is quiet, silent, and full of dead silence.

But the soldiers in the trenches knew that the army of the First Corps was in the forest, approaching the city wall.

The fact is also true. In the forest, the army of the First Legion is advancing.

In the dark shade of the trees, countless figures were shaking, and the dark green metal bodies filled the entire forest.

In the dark green figure, you can occasionally see a huge black shadow, that is the Sickle Mecha. The four-legged mechanical legs make the huge Sickle Mecha move briskly in the forest. The rugged terrain faces the Sickle Mecha. Did not cause any impact.

And on the highway in the forest, the huge hammer tank formed a long dragon, driving forward amid the strong "roar" sound.

The way out is ahead, and the enemy's tall walls are already looming.


The engine was roaring.

The darkness in the front was absent, and amid the roar of the powerful engine, the first hammer tank rushed out of the forest like a tiger out of its cage and entered the vast world outside.

The muzzle of the black hole moved slightly.


With a loud explosion, the muzzle of the black hole spit out a ball of flame.

The cannonballs whizzed out and whizzed in the sky. They reached a distance of 100 meters and plunged into a firepower point on the ground.


In the violent explosion, in the bursting flame, the sandbags accumulated at the fire point were directly blown up.

A cannon that was blown up can also be seen in the rising mud.

The sound of the cannon seemed to ignite the entire battlefield.

In the forest on both sides of the highway, on the front line stretching for several miles, countless dark green metal figures rushed out of the forest, as well as those huge war machines.

"Bang! Bang!"

"Boom, boom!"

Intensive gunfire and "rumbling" explosions immediately enveloped the West City of Amway City.

Outside the city wall, one side is gray, and the other side is dark green. The torrents of two different colors are approaching like tides.

Compared with the static gray, the dark green is more radical, trying to get closer to the gray line.

An offensive and defensive battle started again.

The long-lost gunfire reverberated over Amway City again.

"Attack! Attack!"

Seeing the enemy pouring out of the forest, the officers in the trenches quickly yelled at their subordinates beside them. Under the officers' yelling, the soldiers hurriedly faced the rain of bullets and fired their guns in a hurry.

Bullets were whizzing, artillery shells were dancing, and the rain of bullets on both sides interlaced each other, forming a fierce battlefield.

The charge was in the rain of bullets, the mobilized soldiers looked calm, relying on the uneven ground and the bushes as high as one person to resist the oncoming bullets from the enemy. The square is close.

"Boom! Boom!"

At some unknown time, the guard who left the city wall to avoid the artillery fire re-mounted the city wall and used the cannon on his body to attack the enemy below.

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