Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 732: Evacuate


Brevo was silent. What's the difference between this and treason?

Seeing Brevo’s look, Nori smiled slightly, patted Brevo’s shoulder, and said, “Don’t think too much. In this era, the meaning of the country is too vague. If you can’t gather the heart of a nation, Bentley China, what is the need for a military government? For a long time, under the rule of the military government, how many people will die for the country? I can’t say no, but there are very few.”

"That's right! Don't forget to cancel the mission to those martial artists, otherwise, it will cause another storm."

Speaking of this, Nori sighed deeply and said: "The facts are really impermanent. Yesterday, we were still thinking about how to make trouble for the First Legion, but today... We are real colleagues. Support each other. It is better to have one more friend than one more enemy."

Nori left, entered the vehicle in Brevo's sight, and disappeared at the end of the street amid the roar of the "rumbling" engine.

"Master Brevo! It's late at night, let's go back quickly."

The officer in the car as the guard and driver yelled at Brevo, who was standing on the street.

Brevo heard the words and got into the car in silence.

On the dim street, the roar of the engine sounded again, and as the vehicle moved, it gradually disappeared into the darkness.

The next day.

In a hotel in Amway City.

Looking at the figure who was leaving, and then at the pile of liquidated damages on the table, Yuli's expression was quite speechless.

Such cheapness is really rare.

The task that was only accepted yesterday was suddenly cancelled when they were preparing to set off.

Not only did they get a free deposit, they also received a penalty equal to the deposit.

In other words, the three of them got nothing wrong with 200,000 crystal coins.

They have never encountered such an advantage.

"Sister Yuli, I remember. The guy who posted the mission to us yesterday should be a soldier. He has his information in the guild. A few years ago, he commissioned a mission to our guild."

Ai Li, who was beside Yuli, said suddenly, the memory that suddenly appeared in her mind let Ai know Brevo's identity.

soldier? Qi Wei on one side thoughtfully.

He said: "If it is a soldier, this mission might be unusual. Maybe it will go against the rules of our martial artist and join this war."

Yuli nodded, Qi Wei was thinking of what she was thinking.

At this juncture, a soldier came to find them to release the mission, which was obviously related to the war.

"Sister Yuli!"

Allie on the side shouted suddenly.

"what's happenin?"

Yuli looked at Ai Li for a sound.

Ai Li looked out the window and said, "Look outside!"


Yuli was puzzled, followed Ai's gaze and looked out the window.

At this look, Yuli was stunned, her expression slightly surprised.

Army, Julie saw an army.

An army is marching on the street outside the window.

Gray overcoat military uniforms, bloated guards, densely packed figures filled the entire street, and dense footsteps "stomped". When people's footsteps mixed with the guards' steps, the earth seemed to be trembling.

It is the defender, the defender of Amway City.

What is this doing?


"Go! Let's go out and see!"

At Yuli's urging, the three left the hotel.

When they walked out of the hotel's door, a shocking scene on the street suddenly caught the eyes of the three.

The army, a huge army.

The dense gray figures stretched into the end of the line of sight.

The only thing you can see with the naked eye is the walking soldiers.

There are also guards and military trucks.

Looking at the ground from a high altitude, in the huge city of Amway, on the main road from the west gate to the east gate, the evacuated army formed a long dragon several kilometers long and headed toward the east gate mightily.

"Sister Yuli! The defenders of Amway City seem to be evacuating!"

Ellie saw it, saw a military truck driving on the street.

In the open-top truck, Ellie also saw the wounded in bandages.

There are many military trucks and many wounded.

With so many troops, there is only one possibility to see where this army comes from.

Then the garrison stationed at Simon, only the garrison at Simon can form this large-scale army.

In those faces, the solemnity of the soldiers is no longer there, only luck and confusion.

"What happened?"

Watching the army marching on the street, Yuli was puzzled.

Why did the defenders of Amway suddenly withdraw?

And so panic.

It was just bright now, it was just early morning.

"Hey! What happened, where are you going?"

The footsteps of the army's actions quickly awakened the sleeping civilians.

When the army had not left yet, many civilians left their homes and gathered on both sides of the street, looking at the leaving soldiers with puzzled eyes.

Some civilians couldn't help asking loudly to the soldiers who were leaving.

"Are you going to give up Amway City? You are gone, what about Amway City?"

There are still people who understand, and some people can see at a glance where the soldiers on the street come from.

When it was learned that the army marching on the street came from the west gate, the civilians on both sides of the street were boiling.

The civilians have already understood that Amway City has been abandoned.

Facing the loud inquiries from civilians on both sides of the street, the soldiers who passed by bowed their heads and walked silently without saying a word.

They failed, and they failed completely. When they received the order to evacuate, the soldiers on the wall were all relieved. This grateful performance was enough to prove their failure.

The army is withdrawing, the civilians can only watch, they can do nothing.

When news of the withdrawal of the Amway City defenders spread throughout the city, the people of Amway City panicked for a while.

Because the civilians all understood that the defenders had withdrawn, it was then the first legion's turn to enter the city.

Once the First Legion enters the city, no one will know what will greet them.

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